HILLSBORO, Ore. (AP) — The Washington County sheriff’s office says a man who attempted to rob a Beaverton gun store with a baseball bat and a knife was thwarted when the manager drew his own gun.

via Man Attempts To Rob Gun Store With Bat « CBS Seattle.

Sorry, I can’t deal with this level of stupid this early, not even with coffee.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “I am going back to bed…”
  1. Miguel, you missed the best (or worst) part, the part that makes Babe Ruth there seem really, really stupid. He was trying to rob “Discount Gun Sales”.

    Rob a gun store with a baseball bat? Maybe it’s not the case in Seattle, but around here, every clerk in every gun store is open carrying.

  2. Few years back I was told of a incident in which a ex-husband-to-be who decided he wanted to deal with his ex-to-be showed up at her place of work(in Texas) and pulled a knife on her.

    She was the secretary/cashier at a gun shop. Where ALL the employees carried.

    I was informed that he suffered Wet Pants Syndrome, and had no problem waiting for the cops to arrive.

  3. @SiGrayBeard: It’s not Seattle, it’s Beaverton, OR. Open carry isn’t legal across-the-board in OR like it is in WA.

    That said, I believe Beaverton allows OC, which may or may not matter at all; being a freakin’ GUN STORE, it’s likely they had “a little something” under the counter – accessible to all employees – just in case of this scenario.

    Either way, teh Stoopid is strong with this one. 🙂

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