A man was mauled to death by a wounded bear this week when he foolishly tried to take a photograph alongside the apex predator — the third wild animal-related selfie fatality in this region of India in less than a year, according to reports. The victim, identified by local media as Prabhu Bhatara, was driving a group of people home from a wedding in an SUV when he stopped to relieve himself in a forest area in the eastern Indian state of Odisha on Wednesday evening, the Hindustan Times reported. Bhatara then spotted an injured bear and for some reason, decided to take a selfie with the creature, according to the report.

Man mauled to death by bear while taking selfie with it

Dumb ass thought he was getting Baloo and ended up being supper for the real thing and wounded to boot.

Live stupid, die Stupid,

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “I blame Disney”
  1. Stupid is alive and well in this country as well. I live near Yellowstone Park, and every year someone dies trying to get a close up of a bison, trying to pet Yogi or Booboo, swimming in a hot spring that a bit too hot, or other idiotic actions. Tourists, especially from Northeastern states and California, seem to think they are visiting a theme park not a slice of wilderness.

  2. As with NRR … the stupidest thing I ever saw was at Yellowstone, where I witnessed a dad trying to get a bison to stand still long enough so he could sit his daughter on it for a photo. (!)

    You really have to wonder what these people are thinki… Never mind, you don’t. A complete disconnection with the natural world leads to this; it isn’t even willful ignorance, it’s a complete blank spot.

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