“We can keep doing that,” he said, “but we have to pass stronger gun laws in this state. We’re not talking about repealing conceal/ carry, but making sure we have a tougher set of laws dealing with assault weapons and other types of guns.”
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel

via After bloody weekend, Chicago mayor pleads for help: ‘You’re not a snitch’ – U.S. News.

Dear God! No wonder people of Chicago are being subjected to so much violence. The damned mayor still does not know Illinois is the only state of the Union without a form of Concealed Carry!


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “I get now why there is so much crime in Chicago.”
  1. Nobody ever claimed politicians were smart…except some politician.

    Not knowing your own states gun laws even if your the Mayor, what a surprise.

  2. Wait, so 9.5 Rahm thinks they have conceal and carry in Illinois? That is the only way his statement makes sense. I mean, how can you repeal something you already outlaw? Of course, gun control advocates will never admit there are existing gun control laws, but this seems pretty incompetent, even for him.

  3. Hey, Rahm. Your voters created this culture. Your Media doners helped to popularize and spread it. Now you have to deal with it. Sucks, don’t it? And the worst part- there isn’t anything you can really do about it. Crack down on the gangs, speak against the media that glorifies the lifestyle? Yeah, and loose your base voters. The only thing you can really do is distract them with attacks on chicken franchises.
    I kind of get the feeling Rahm’s tenure as da Mayor ain’t going to be a long one.

  4. Mr. obama lived in Chicago prior to moving to Washington D.C. Four more years of Mr. obama and the whole Country could look like Chicago 🙁

  5. Note who he puts the blame on. Not criminals but all the firearm owners in the state.

    It’s going to take a lot of money for him to convince my dead grandma to vote for him again.

  6. Chicago “belongs” to a combination of the Chicago Political Machine, the mob, and the gangs who vet the AlderCreatures. The combined criminal enterprise is the “Chicago Combine,” and Twinkletoes Emanuel is the titular head of the Political Machine. As such, he has about as much say over what goes as Frank Baum’s Glenda the Good. The real power is the mob and the gangs, and the political machine has very little actual say.

    Especially when it comes to “made man” and Alderman Fred Roti’s gun control laws. The mob and the gangs want those laws, and want them extended to the rest of Illinois, to protect their own members from an outraged public. So ain’t nothing happening in Chi. Any relaxation of gun laws will come from Springfield, or Washington.

    Sucker State gun owners will be fortunate to get anything in Springfield. Which pretty much leaves it up to Congress to stop the killing.

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