This is a Nerf Gun:
This is a real gun:

“They did scare a number of people in the area,” said Captain Ben Bliven of the Wausau Police Dept.

Six students, all seniors, were cited for disorderly conduct.

“Our dispatch said there were three people with firearms,” said Bliven. “So we had to respond appropriately. We wanted to do everything as safe as possible for us and for the citizens in the area.”
Wausau West seniors face consequences from nerf guns.

There are several locations in the US where the US where you can find The Fountain of Stupid. This must be one of them.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Important note for the people of Wausau, WI.”
  1. “It traumatized my kid,” said Scott Hansen of Wausau. “He didn’t sleep last night, he didn’t sleep well at all.”

    You’re a idiot and your kid will be a idiot too. Jesus wept.

    What have we become? The coppers should have showed up, seen what the kids were doing and left. Citations for disorderly conduct? sometimes I’m ashamed of this country and what it is becoming.

    1. I live here and if you RTFA, Hansen Jr, was CITED for the DC. You are correct, however, the kids a pansy for getting all ginned up over a juvvy DC charge.

  2. Back in the late 80’s when I was a youngin’ we were playing one of those ‘assassin’ games with dart guns. Well, one day I walk out and 2 of the older guys who were playing were right there, so I took off running full speed down the block, with them giving chase. I hopped a fence into a friend’s yard, got myself cornered and turned to face my attackers, vowing to at least take one of them with me. But before we could do anything, 2 cop cars came roaring up and out they came with guns. Someone reported 2 older guys chasing a kid down the street with guns. The cops talked to us for about 15 minutes, ran some ID checks then let us go, although they did ask us to try and keep a lower profile. The way it should have happened here.

  3. What a crock! I think at this point, if my kid got an athletic probation from school for this, I would actually hire an attorney and have a field day with the school district. These kids can lose college scholarships over this idiocy, ridiculous!

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