There is a pseudo quote which says something like “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome.”

At West Baltimore gun buyback, leaders hope to lower city firearms supply: ‘Launch a place of hope’
At West Baltimore gun buyback, leaders hope to lower city firearms supply: ‘Launch a place of hope’, Yahoo News, (last visited Aug. 7, 2023)

The spokesperson for the event claimed that they purchased 356 firearms. Only 17 were semiautomatic. The reality is much more likely that they are claiming 17 semiautomatic rifles. We are watching in real time as the left warps’ language. In 5 years we will be hearing about “sniper rifles”, which will mean any bolt action rifle. Or any rifle with an optic on it.

“One of the biggest root causes is access to guns, and so I applaud this gun buyback effort. But what can we do, elected officials?” Baltimore Sen. Jill Carter said at the event. “We can ensure that we focus on the traffickers and the sellers that are infusing our community with these guns.”

The claim is that by buying these firearms, they are removing these guns from the criminal element. Jill is talking shit, she is suggesting that it is FFLs that are the causing the problems. We know that isn’t the case.

What she really wants to say but is too much of a coward to say is “The criminal animals have taken over our city. Our cops aren’t willing to put their lives on the line to arrest them when the politicians are going to release them.”

I can remember an often quoted line from a cop show, “It isn’t worth arresting him. He’ll be out before I finish writing up the paperwork.”

These insane people keep trying to “prevent violence.” The only thing they ever seem to try is disarming people.

Meanwhile, this “buy back” was busy ripping off older people that buy into the bs.

Most of the drivers who came through to drop off weapons were middle-aged or older, said Baltimore Police Maj. Dwayne Swinton, who leads the department’s special events section.

So there you have it, instead of sending these people to an FFL where they would get reasonable dollars for the firearms. These people under paid for the firearms and then handed them to the police to be????, destroyed?

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By awa

6 thoughts on “In West Baltimore, Leaders hope…”
  1. ” In 5 years we will be hearing about “sniper rifles”, which will mean any bolt action rifle. Or any rifle with an optic on it.”
    That’s about 20 yrs+ too late. The ‘Violence Policy Center’ tried to get the phrase ‘intermediate power sniper rifle’ into the vernacular and ban any caliber 30-30 and above (Former Sen. Kennedy called for the banning of 30-30 rounds specifically as ‘armor piercing’).

  2. The antis are also getting smarter (or nastier, depending on your view) about the turn-ins.
    I won’t say the people showing up with a couple of dozen (iirc) printed pistol frames, AR lowers, or a pipe, nail and board from Home Depot were abusing the system. Rather, I’d say they were doing a great job of showing the fallacy involved, and Progressives can’t stand to be mocked.

    1. In IL, John Boch of GSL started collecting junk guns from members for turn ins. He would then use the money to send kids to training classes. They actually started putting his picture up at the events saying he wasn’t allowed.

  3. And I will shout it til yall yell at me- firearms are the ONLY tool blamed for actions of criminals…
    It was old 20 years ago…

  4. You hit the nail squarely on the head. The good cops are gone or demoralized after seeing the city head shed and prosecutors bend over backwards to free and excuse repeat career criminals and we’re left with goons who will giggle and smirk with glee about the chance to cuff grandmothers attending church or taser citizens in the fundamentals for not showing them enough respect.

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