From the GOP grifters who were responsible for the loss of McCain and Romney and are now against Trump for the money.

The one Jewish son-in-law gets singled out for being evil.

Not that the Democrats had a single plan beyond “opposed whatever Trump is doing.”  Going so far as to denounce travel bans, encouraging people to go to street festivals in Chinatown, and attack people who didn’t want to eat out as racists.

Nope, just call the closest Jew to Trump evil and blane him for everything.

Seems pretty antisemitic to me.

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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “Is this antisemitic? I feel like this is antisemitic.”
  1. I *could* escalate to the point of anti-semitism, depending on which way they push the narrative. As it stands though, Kushner is an snake and it has nothing to do with his ethnicity or faith. He’s poison in this administration and has zero business in it.

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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