By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “It is Sunday. You need to pray for Emily”
  1. “Jesus wasn’t white, he was born in a primarily muslim country…” ahh that’s nice…..BUT for one historical truth…..Islam did not come into existence until 500-600 years later… there was no such thing as a “Muslim Country” when Jesus was born, lived, died, and rose from the dead.

    1. It’s more than that. At the time the land was primarily Jewish and under Roman occupation. This means we have Roman census records that verify this fact. We also have Jesus’ lineage, which again is all Jewish. The Arab people (who would later adopt the Muslim religion en mass) did not make significant inroads into the region until after the fall of the Roman empire.

      I hope she is getting torn apart in the replies. I would contribute, but Twitter is just too dumb a platform for me to consider joining.

  2. So, Emily, on the order of 600 years before Mohammed was born, Palestine was primarily Muslim? Does that mean that Abraham was Christian? And King David? Numbnut.

    1. King David was a biker; everyone has heard how the roar of David’s Triumph was heard throughout the land.

  3. I wish these people would just come up with a fixed fucking definition of “white.”

    Was he European? No; he did not live in or have any family history in Europe.

    Was he Caucasian? Yes; the people who live in the Levant are, predominantly, caucasoid. Especially the Hebrew people in the years 4 BCE – 30 CE (approx.) in which he would have lived.

    Was he Asian? Well, geographically, yes, as the Levant is technically in Asia. His family history can be traced back over a thousand years to when the Hebrew tribes first came to the Levant.

    Was he a Neurodivergent Afro-Arab Demisexual Pangender Indigo Child Wiccan Muslim who only ate gluten-free vegan food and always voted Labour? No. No he wasn’t.

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