From News4SA:

San Antonio City Council unanimously passes resolution denouncing COVID-19 hate speech

City Council unanimously passed a resolution that denounces the use of terms like ‘Chinese virus’ and ‘Kung Fu Virus’ as San Antonio continues to fight against the spread of COVID-19.

The resolution condemns any hate speech, violent action and the “spread of misinformation related to COVID-19.”

This is from the text of the resolution.

WHEREAS, COVID-19 is a public health issue, not a racial, religious or ethnic one, and the deliberate use of terms such as “Chinese virus” or “Kung Fu virus” to describe COVID-19 only encourages hate crimes and incidents against Asians and further spreads misinformation at a time
when communities should be working together to get through this crisis;

The city denounces this as hate speech but doesn’t as of yet assess penalties for saying it, not that they could.

Recently we learned that the Chinese government deliberately lied about the Coronavirus so that they could have time to buy up and horde medical supplies from around the world before the epidemic turned into a pandemic.

That is the epitome of evil in regards to a viral outbreak.

There is no excuse for attacking people of Asian descent in the United States, but this desire to curb free speech in the US and provide cover for the Chinese Government is obscene.

The Coronavirus crisis isn’t any more of a justification to violate free speech than it is any other right, but that is what happening.

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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “It’s now clearly all about control, San Antonio proves it”
  1. It also tells you (a) where the city council thinks its priorities lie, and (b) that they think they have nothing better to do.


  2. China is not a race or an ethnicity. China is a country that has over 50 different ethnic groups. Those groups include the Han, Manchu, Yao, Zhuang, and dozens of others.

    Assuming that all Chinese are of one ethnic group is incredibly wrong. This is essentially saying: “They all look the same to me.”

    1. Franks, Goths, Teutons, Anglos, Saxons, Slavs, Celts, Scots, Welsh, Muscovites, Norse, Sami, it doesn’t matter, they are all “white people” and all collectively guilty.

  3. I live in SA, where the city council — and especially the mayor — are a bunch of socialists. I’m not surprised at all. Hell, until the state overrode it the city of San Antonio banned most folding pocketknives.

  4. Bob, you should send them a reminder that perjury is a felony, as is conspiracy to infringe constitutional rights.

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