Gun violence plays a predominant role in homicides among black women. When the murder weapon could be identified, 51 percent of black female victims were shot and killed with a gun. Within that group, 82 percent were shot and killed with a handgun.

via Black Women Face a Greater Risk of Domestic Violence | Josh Sugarmann.

It still amazes me that in this age of political correctness run amok, a white guy can get away pontificating the evils of Blacks having Guns.

The problem of Domestic Violence is one that has no easy solution and will never be eradicated. But what we can do is stop telling women that they are powerless and the only resources they have at their disposal is legal remedies that depend on the kindness of strangers who will not be at their side 24/7. We are asking them to choose Paper, while the abusive mates holds Scissors and other assorted means of inflicting great bodily harm. Yes, go the legal way but keep all options available.

When the Bully gets aggressive, a gun in the hand of the intended victim will trump rock, scissors, fists, kicks, bats, etc. To keep a victim of domestic violence unarmed for political expediency is morally wrong and a true indication of who is waging the war against women.

Hat tip to Days of Our Trailers.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “Josh Sugarmann & The KKK Agree: Black should not have guns.”
  1. Sugarmann has been mouthing his elitist hatred of gun owners for years, his enablers in the press and other liberal organizations look the other way when he gets just a TAD racist…

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