Fun fact:  According to the CIA fact book, the population of Mexico is 125 Million.

Second fun fact: there are roughly 11.7 Million Mexicans living in the United States.

That means that just shy of 10% of the Mexican population actually lives in the US.

In 2017, these immigrants sent $69 Billion dollars in remittances to Mexico.  More than half of illegal immigrants in the US live in California.

California can’t stop raising taxes on its residents.  I wonder why nobody in California talks about the $35 Billion sent from California to Mexico each year, and what that would do to the California economy if it stayed there.

All of this is enough to piss off people who care about the American economy and American citizens.

Then the former President of Mexico, Vincente Fox does this:

That is adding insult to economic injury.

Here’s my proposal.

The United States Army invades northern Mexico.  We annex the Mexican states of Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, and Tamaulipas.

If Mexico wants us to give amnesty to 10% of their population then we should get 10% of their land.  That will also give of one-third of their oil reserves and 10% of their export economy.

That seems like a fair trade to me.


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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “Just a thought”
  1. No no hell no!

    Not unless you find a way to completely remake the local culture into something that’s not what got them into their mess in the first place.

    I lived near Joliet, IL for a while and saw first hand what “Mexicanization” looks like. No thank you.

    And no I don’t think I’m racist; neither am I a cultural relativist.

    1. I lived in Aurora. The Fox River is like the Rio Grande, separating Mexican west Aurora from English speaking East Aurora.

    1. In all seriousness: previous administrations have tried to kick this can down the road, but it has behaved more like a snowball, getting bigger and bigger, with an increasing rate of growth.
      (JKB – thanks for those dollar amounts. No wonder the president of Mexico wants to keep the “Mexico Status Quo”.)

      My fellow citizens:
      Various national leaders and foreigners are routinely insulting our President, our government, our Nation, and our people — while all the time suckling at the giant teat of our National wealth.
      If there are any peaceful solutions to these problems, those solutions rest with the citizens of those foreign nations.
      The world’s citizens, apparently, are for the most part short-sighted and/or moronic.
      The world is courting disaster, in the form of an economic crash bigger than all of the previous ones put together.
      I fervently hope that wiser heads will prevail.

  2. I like how proud Fox is that he ran a country where 1/10th the population leaves just to make a living.

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