One media source has to follow the guidelines of the Biden Campaign and the other dares to point out what happened against the Narrative (By sheer accident, I am sure)

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The WaPo should still be trying to figure out how to blame on Trump that another Democrat-Controlled city is burning and could only come up with diluting the biggest news overnight.

I was up till about one in the morning watching a young man streaming the little purview he could muster with his camera. What happen in Kenosha was just barbarians doing what they wanted because they could. Car dealerships and parking lots were again a target because they make such pretty fires that are hard to control. That one of those fires was next to an apartment building were people was forced to evacuate in the middle of the night was not even a consideration for the “peaceful protesters.” They did target at least one public building: The offices of the Department of Corrections and if I understood tight, that is where the parole officers work which made me think if there was another deeper reason why target that place. Maybe lose records of felons on parole? I am just speculating here.

But for the most part, the “peaceful protesters” targeted private business. From the above-mentioned dealerships to a furniture store to a shop (possibly car repair or similar) that the young streamer commented “had been there since he could remember.”

The “peaceful protesters” did not attack corporate USA, they went after the backbone of the city, people that invested they had on a business that bettered their community.

And they were Black Owned too.

Burn Loot Murder.

(Update) Just found this video in Twitter and I figured it fits with the post.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “Kenosha Riots Night Two: How it gets reported.”
  1. The attack on the Department of Corrections makes complete sense when you understand that this slogan appears on every protest flyer in Portland:

    “No cops. No prisons. Total abolition.”

    They even refer to themselves as abolitionists now, because apparently larping as WWII soldiers defeating Nazis has gotten boring so now they need to larp as Harriet Tubman and John Brown.

    1. “No cops. No prisons. Total abolition.”

      I am remarkably fine with that. Pay a fine, public punishments (stocks, whipping post), or public execution carried out immediately. Lots of crimes will now be Capital Crimes. Steal a car, get hanged. Sell drugs, get hanged. Rape someone, get hanged. Falsely Accuse someone of rape? Get hanged. This would really cut down on recidivism. It would also cut down on public mental health issues, long term addicts, and have a positive effect on the gene pool.

      The Karens will shriek like banshees, at least until they visit the stocks a time or two. Just like Burger King said. “You get it your way mofo.” The US Supreme Court can go back to adjudicating interstate civil suits rather than Capital Crime Execution Appeals.

  2. During the Minneapolis riots, the local news was remarkably truthful in their coverage. Hard to lie when you are live on TV 20 hours a day, and the four different helicopter news crews are broadcasting live all the looting and arson from above.

    They had their tearjerker aftermath stories, that they played interspersed with other news and the reports on the relatively nonviolent daytime protests from about 6am until the riots really got going again at dusk: The fifth generation family owned pharmacy burnt out. The poor elderly Black Woman that has no food and no medicine because her Cub Grocery Store and all the other strip mall stores were looted and torched and burnt to the ground. The ethnic restaurants looted and burnt out. The plucky Arab Furniture Store Owner burnt out. The iconic Lake Street Businesses destroyed. The Target at X and Y being looted as we speak.

    They actually played it straight, because they could not generate Narrative Lies fast enough.

  3. One more comment.

    The Kind, Caring Democrat Governor Evers called up all of 125 National Guard yesterday. I didn’t think that was enough, and unfortunately I was right. He is just like Minnesota Governor Walz, and the Minneapolis Boy Mayor Jacob Frey. They don’t want to be seen as Fascist and Mean, so they do not use enough force. These over educated cretins don’t understand that the mobs of rioters will always, always fight a force smaller, or even equal in size to them. That means the police will then need to use tear gas, pepper balls, and the like just to try to control the mob. To stop the rampaging looting and arson they would need to go to lethal force.

    Bring in an overwhelming force, and the protesters will either run and hide, or make a futile stand where you can surround, calm, and arrest them peacefully. They may be crazy communists and drunken looters, but they are not insane enough to fight police and guard when they are outnumbered.

    Democrat Governor Evers needs to bring in five hundred or a thousand National Guard just for Kenosha. And he should put a bunch in Milwaukee, Madison, and the other Blue City hell holes too. Because unsavory people in those cities are thinking Christmas might be early this year.

    1. Apart from an overwhelming force of National Guards, what’s needed is a convoy of buses to haul away every person at the riot, under arrest, in handcuffs. Arraign them the next day on suitable charges and convict swiftly.

  4. I’d like to have reason to be more optimistic, but, imo, too many of the voters have consumed so much of the leftist kool-aid that they won’t be able to make the connectioin between voting for dumbocraps and the obvious results. If anyone can point to something making the contrary case (i.e., that antifa has overplayed its hand sufficiently to elect opponents of incumbents), I’d like to see it.


  5. Why are business owners playing paddicake with these terrorists? SHOOT THEM. A terr with a burning fire bomb in his hand is fair game. I hope the owners read their insurance policy. Most insurance DOES NOT COVER riots. And this does not qualify as a “peaceful protest”. So they lose EVERYTHING. But we must thank the antifa fascists for proving beyond a doubt that every citizen needs an AR with bunches of STANDARD CAPACITY MAGAZINES!

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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