A man in Belgium, showing “Allahu Akbar” attacked two police officers with a machete before being killed.

A man yelling “Allahu Akbar” killed one person and wounded three others at a train station in Munich.

A radicalized Muslim man stabbed a French police chief to death.

A man of Somali origin, in Europe by way of Norway, killed one woman and wounded five others with a knife in Russel Square, London.

An Afghan teen wounded four people with a knife and axe on a train in Germany.

A Syrian refugee killed a woman and wounded two others with a machete in Germany.

Two men who pledged allegiance to ISIS beaded an 85 year old priest in a church in Normandy.

An asylum seeker stabbed a woman to death in Sweden.

A Muslim man in a truck killed 84 people by running them over in Nice, France.


In 2015, Israel saw a rise in terrorist attacks against Jewish citizens, mainly in and around Jerusalem.  This wave of attacks was different than previous bouts of terrorism.  There were no suicide bombings, no rockets, and very little action by Hamas or other recognized terrorist groups.  These attacks were random, carried out by “lone wolves” with little to no history of being associated with terrorism, and were egged on by social media.  Most of the attacks were stabbings, leading to this wave of violence being called the “Knife Intifada.”  In a number of cases, Palestinian terrorists tired to run over Israeli pedestrians with cars.

The French and British media, as well as the American far Left press, were deceptive about the Palestinian violence, portraying the Palestinian terrorists as oppressed, sympathetic people who were just lashing out in anger and desperation.

Well, Europe’s collective burring their heads in the sand (or up their own PC asses if you’d like) has brought the Knife Intifada to Europe.  The attacks follow the same pattern.  They are random and without warning.  The attackers are young men, most of who do not have a history of radicalization.  They are armed with knives or edged weapons and attack groups of people in crowded areas.

This technique was very successful in Israel until Israelis started to arm themselves and fight back.   Then the violence abated.

In the UK, British police try to dismiss a Knife Intifada style attack as having no link to terrorism.

So of course British police have given the advice to Britons to run away and hide.

This will not end in Europe.  Most of these countries sided with the Palestinians in 2015  They refuse to recognize these attacks for what they are: terrorism.  They have no way of stopping them and are giving their citizens bad advice.

The body count will rise in Europe until the European governments realize that the Knife Intifada that they ignored, played down, or sympathized with has come to their shores.

It’s too bad that most of Europe as been disarmed.


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By J. Kb

One thought on “Knife Intifada European Edition”
  1. The body count will rise in Europe until the European governments realize that the Knife Intifada that they ignored, played down, or sympathized with has come to their shores.

    It’s too bad that most of Europe as been disarmed.

    And the European politicians will call for more “weapon control” laws. Since they’ve pretty much killed their gun culture, they’ll start blaming lawful knife owners and opening blade manufacturers to civil lawsuits for “building deadly implements” and selling them to anybody allowed to own them. Because engaging in legal business should be illegal, or something. “Ban deadly knives and machetes, for the children!” will be the rallying cry, and the voters will eat it up.

    But that won’t stop the violence or the attacks, because they refuse to deal with the real problem.

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