By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Latest VPC Facepalm”
  1. You sir, owe me for the numerous brain cells that have whitered up and died by looking at these pictures.

    Everytime I see it, something in me dies.

  2. I guess it never occurred to them that it’s possible to be a student in an American University without actually being an American citizen with the right to vote; or maybe they just don’t care. Actually, if more international “Progressive” students and fewer CCW holders were voting, their wet dreams might actually stand a chance at coming true.

  3. Or to be studying in one state while carrying official residence in another state.

    Or being underage. After all people under 18 can enroll in university.

    But we should expect that the antis idolize student IDs.

    Schools, especially the lower grades, serve as their ideal societies.

    They’re places of total top down order and control where no mater who started a fight both parties are equally punished, where anything can be banned, and most importantly where there are two classes of people: the teachers and the children.

    That they don’t see people as adult citizens but instead as children that *need* the guiding hand and wise judgment of the Mrs. Cali’s of the world.

    Even when the students are adults they are still treated and seen as children. Hence the idea that a university student that can get a CCW somehow becomes “irresponsible” when on campus.

  4. Valid points, I remember back in 2008 they were pushing ACORN to get as many students in my alma mater (George Mason University) to be registered with Fairfax, Virginia as their place of residence (even though the mail goes to their hometowns like those out of state friends who lived in Pennsylvania, or friends who were too lazy to file absentee from Virginia Beach) and then they were bused to election day. (I also have a bunch of 2008 stupidity stories) So I honestly think utilizing student IDs to vote is kinda stupid. They could round up every single student willing to vote for a candidate, who aren’t in the registered rolls, and only to find out the guy was an M-1 Student Visa holder and he’s on his way back to India.

    If that isn’t stuffing the ballot box I don’t know what is.

    On a sidenote. George Mason University used to be very cool. Then we were riding on the NCAA Final Four fame from 2006 and someone had the bright idea to introduce and pass an office through the Board and President called “Office of Sustainability”, some green jobs crap.

    Now tuition hiked up and we’ve got eco friendly crap in our cafeterias and the ‘meh’ food in the cantina got a facelift and we were charged 10USD to eat the same crappy food from before the facelift.

  5. Useful info. I should show my Tx CHL when I go to the polls on the next election day.

    Sadly the same Leg who feels the CHL is valid ID also rules that my carry piece be left in the car. Apparently they fear I might do serious harm to the ballot sheet upon seeing whomever the RNC nominates to run for President in 2012.

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