Allow me to introduce you to Mike.

Mike is an old, fat, Lefty with pronouns in his bio, who thinks he’s a hard-ass on the internet.


Mike wants to murder you because you won’t give up your guns.


The problem is that Mike here isn’t really going to do it himself.

He Tweets like he’s gonna kick in your door and do it himself, but what he really means is that he’s going to send other people with guns to do it for him while he has a pipe and a scotch.

That’s the sad part.  It should be a rule that every Lefty who says shit like this should be forced to execute one confiscation.

He says he’s not squeamish, he should have to prove that.

I expect it won’t go well for him.

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By J. Kb

17 thoughts on “Leftists are always ready to have you killed to achieve their utopia”
  1. Seems to me he misquoted one of those phrases. It isn’t “over my dead body”, it’s “over your dead body”.

    1. I don’t think so. Assuming the man in the image is accurate, that doesn’t look like Mike Glyer.

      (I grant that it might be an old pic, but it really doesn’t seem to mesh with more current pics I found of Glyer.)

    2. I was wondering the same. IIRC, the one you’re thinking of went by “Mike the Gun Guy” or something and he used to run a gun shop on the north shore somewhere. That guy was a putz.

  2. When the war begins, I hope he gets a visit from some gun people, so ol’ Mike there can demonstrate what a hardass he is.

  3. “Pronouns” he, him???????? Doesnt that remove him from the protected class?? In his mind if we said those words to him wouldnt that be a threat? Another keyboard kommando. Yawn…

  4. If people don’t willingly give up their illegal weapons what choice do we have but to send in SWAT to take them from you? What other option is there?

    1. @David Hogg: “What other option is there?”

      Um, how about acknowledging that there really is no such thing as an “illegal weapon” (or there shouldn’t be)?

      How about responding to people’s actions instead of what they _might_ do?

      There’s 2 for ya.

      1. I was thinking the same sort of thing. The plain English words of the Constitution do not grant Congress any power to make illegal any weapon, consequently the notion of “illegal weapon” is unconstitutional, and attempts to deprive people of such weapons is an illegal act.

  5. Any time an enemy of liberty pulls out the line that “Nobody wants to take your guns”, point to people like this. There are hundreds of them out there on social media.

    SOMEBODY wants to take our guns, all of them, and doesn’t mind if they have to kill us to make it happen. Again, there are hundreds of them out there on social media.

    Let me repeat that: There are hundreds (or more) of Americans on social media willing to kill fellow American citizens to see them disarmed.

    If even ONE person wants to take our guns, the “Nobody wants to take your guns” line is a lie.

    (Yes, yes, we knew it was a lie all along. But I promise, some people in the middle — unfamiliar with the issue, and believing that halting future sales but letting us keep what we have was reasonable — didn’t realize it. No excuses now.)

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