Remember the 78-year-old London man who killed a home invader in the wee hours of the night?


A man arrested following a fatal stabbing in Lewisham has been released with no further action.
The 78-year-old man was told on Friday, 6 April, that following consultation between the Met and Crown Prosecution Service, no action will be taken.

UPDATE: Death of man in Lewisham.

We find out one more bit of info I was not aware off initially.

 The 78-year-old resident, who was at home with his wife, had found two men inside the address and a struggle ensued between him and the men.

The wife was home and I assume she was around the same age of the gentleman. That even makes his actions more justifiable.

I know this particular case has been making the rounds in blogs and Twitter and I’d say 99 to 1 were in favor of the defending senior. And I figure the thousands of reminders to the Tony Martin case may have swayed Met Police to go very easy on him.

Let’s hope the family of the scumbag does not decided to sue the pensioners.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “London Metropolitan Police: 78 old man arrested for self defense “murder” has been released with no further action.”
  1. I’m calling now: they’re going to start banning screwdrivers. They are already so far off the deep end I wouldn’t be surprised.

  2. The only reason this man was released was because of the public outcry. If the government prosecutors had their way he would be in prison until he died. The UK is circling the drain.

    1. You can be sent to prison for making a joke in the UK now. I am serious. It’s already down the tubes.

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