Echo Park in Los Angeles had become another Blue Tarp Tent City and for reasons I did not care to research, the city of Los Angeles decided to have them removed. Of course, once the news hit the Social media nets, the Homeless activist who till them could not give two craps about the homeless other than posting insightful tweets and Instagram pictures, suddenly became incensed about their plight and protested the removal.

Police was present to see that the clearing was done and keep the crap to a minimun. Of course, “activists and cops ended up trading stupid.


This one was a particularly rather “moving” tweet: A vigil for the displaced!


And where were all these unfortunate people sent to live on the taxpayers coin? The L.A. Grand Hotel Downtown

Go to 15:44 for the hotel part or just watch the whole video.

This hotel. Notice the update indicating the hotel will be closed till January next year:

If you click here, you get to see the photos of the hotel and its amenities. I am telling you it is pure hell, 100% Concentration Camp-like facilities! How do you expect those poor homeless to live in this squalor?

You are a hardworking Los Angeles resident, pay up the ass in taxes and how do you see this and not have a stroke of pure anger is beyond me. And if you complain, you are just a White Supremacists that wants to see  poor people suffer and die and you are the one that should be in some prison upstate for hate crimes.



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Los Angeles removes the homeless from Echo Park. Awful treatment of the downtrodden.”
  1. You know, if every protestor picked one homeless person and adopted them, took them home, fed and clothed them, paid their medical bills, etc. and so forth, then the problem would be solved!!! But I can see how it’s more fun to protest and yell at cops.

  2. How do you expect those poor homeless to live in this squalor?

    No worries, they’ll convert it into the living conditions they’re used to within a few weeks.

  3. They “raising awareness “ about something EVERYONE knows about. Its easier than actually DOING something.

  4. I lived in Los Angeles, not far from Echo Park, for more than 30 years. Echo Park has been a disgusting drug infested shit-hole since at least the mid 1980s.

  5. My stupid city, Gainesville, FL, does this during ‘extreme cold’ events.

    I think they pay out more for damages than the actual hotel room costs.


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