If you have that constant feeling like you are stuck in a Poe’s Law conundrum, where you can’t tell if something is real or parody, that’s the result of the ideological times that we are in.

When people are in an ideological echo chamber, one in which going against prevailing opinion is tantamount to heresy, the only way to stand out in the crowd is to be more extreme, more vocal, push even further in the direction the party is going.

When everyone else wants to send the Jews to Madagascar, you call for their extermination.

When everyone else is talking about land redistribution, you call for the liquidation of the Kulaks.

An ideological resonance is set up that pushed ever further extreme.

So what is next for the radical Left?

The beginning of it is being leaked.


Do you understand?

These extremist activists are saying that all children should be placed on puberty blockers until they can decide what gender they want to be (groomed by activists).

One point of contention between Senator Rand Paul and HHS Deputy Secretary nominee Rachel Lavine was that Lavine supposedly supported giving publicly funded puberty blockers to children without their parent’s consent.  At best, the media could only say Lavine could not confirm or deny that position.

It’s been exposed on Reddit that radical Trans acitivsts are offering to administer hormones to children for free without informing parents or even under medical supervision.

This is incredibly extreme.  It’s also the sort of thing that comes out of an extreme ideological echo chamber, where the only way not to get left behind or become an enemy of the cause is to be at the vanguard of the cause pushing the extreme agenda.

We are seeing the very tip of the spear of this online, so you know what that means, it will be adopted as a mainstream Leftist position in not too long a while.

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By J. Kb

16 thoughts on “Mandatory puberty blockers will be the next big demand by the radical Left”
  1. That’s the second Reddit moderator in as many weeks that’s been exposed as a child abuser. The last one they actually had filters in place to prevent discussion of the accusations against the abuser.

    *ALL* of these lunatics are no better than eugenicists. It’s yet another pseudo-scientific excuse to exercise total power over the lives of others, destroy people, and assume the power to decide who has a future and who doesn’t.

  2. Yes, they are child abusers.
    On the other hand, taking a really coldhearted view of the subject, one could argue that what they are proposing is an evolutionary dead end and the people who support or tolerate these policies will within a generation be removed from the gene pool.

    1. The kids who take those drugs will be dying of cancer and other metabolic problems by the time they’re 30.

      It’s fair to say we don’t know if that extrapolation from current numbers is accurate because they have never been used on such a massive scale. Right now we get a thousand deaths and around 5,000 more with “serious side effects” every year from those drugs and that’s when they’re very rarely used. If they’re given to every child, that’ll be genocide on a scale that would Hitler or Mao blush.

  3. And I have been vilified and investigated for wanting to exterminate Commies. Not for being members of The Communist Party ala Joe McCarthy, but those in power that are manipulating the levers to MAKE BAD THINGS HAPPEN for our own good against our will.

  4. They act like puberty blockers do no permanent damage either to the body or psychologically. Just make up you mind what gender you are and if you decide your gender matches your biological sex you stop taking the drugs and resume going through puberty at age eighteen, no lasting effects, yeah that works.

  5. What i wanna know is, what’s so bad about being the sex that your chromosomes dictate? If you grow up normal and decide to be gay, no big deal. Oh, wait—it’s not about the kid, anyway……

    1. If you think that being male is a terrible fate and that the world would be better off without males, I suppose it makes sense. As I said, evolution fortunately takes care of these crazy notions efficiently and rapidly.

      It does, however, demonstrate why it is critical to be adequately armed, for the reason Rob Crawford pointed out.

  6. I’ve been on Lupron (advanced prostate cancer). It’s awful stuff. And expensive. Anyone who wants to put healthy kids on that is evil.

  7. This whole thing is going to join lobotomies and electroshock in the Psychotherapy Hall of Horrors in the future.

    1. As well as forced sterilization and the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment in the Medical Ethics Hall of Crimes.

      1. And the sad thing is, a lot people who did those things honestly thought they were Helping Others For the Greater Good.

          1. In their case, the Greater Good is all about putting a great chunk of other people’s money into their pockets, covered by loud virtue signaling.

            1. That, and reducing the population of “inferiors”. What constitutes “inferior” has changed over time, but the idea keeps coming back. What also keeps coming back is the realization that, first of all, those “inferiors” must be disarmed.

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