More often than not, guns seized by police in criminal investigations are coming from someplace other than Maryland.”I would say approximately 60 percent statewide of firearms that are seized by Maryland law enforcement are not Maryland guns, that goes up exponentially in places like Baltimore City and Prince George’s County,” Lopez said.

Source: I-Team finds illegal guns in Baltimore coming from out of state

Well, not quite. The ATF Firearms Trace 2015 for Maryland (No traces for 2016 available) shows a total of 8,139 guns recovered and “traced” but the term traced seems to include even when no result for origin was found. ATF tells us that only 5,498 guns were linked to a state. So Maryland State Police Sgt. Frank Lopez might not be “accurate” (cough) in his statement.

Now, let us peruse once again the ATF Trace Data for Maryland to see what we get….Surprise! (Not surprise)

With 2,913 guns traced, the State of Maryland is the first provider of firearms to its criminals.  Evil Gun Loose Virginia is the second provider with the diabolic number of 666 guns (The NRA is the Devil!) or almost 5 times less guns provided than the natives.

Listen, yes, there are criminals out there trafficking guns and we have covered here. We also covered that when they are caught, they get stupidly low sentences or community service which are no deterrents. But every time we have seen Brady and their local Fanbois trying to blame another state for the guns used in crime, we always catch them ignoring the data and parsing the language for their propaganda and alleged fund-raising purposes.

Oh well, The Bradys still have not learned their lessons.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

One thought on “Maryland has an “Imported Guns” problem or so they say.”
  1. The average time to crime for firearms traced in Maryland is 12.39 years. This is hardly an “iron pipeline” of trafficked guns

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