A thought crossed my mind about the Delta variant and the new push for masks and restrictions: What if it is just an attempt to get a victory lap without even taking a spin in the go-kart? So far early indications are telling us that the vaccinations hold against Kung-Flu 2.0 and it is not as deadly as the original; so what if the Administration is just whipping some good old scaremongering  and then when the tragic things do not materialize, they simply claim it was because of their excellent efforts and mandates?

A con administration doing a con job on the Republic it is more than feasible.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Mask mandate in Chicago and other thoughts about Delta”
    1. It makes a lot of sense, I think, from a business perspective.

      It doesn’t drive away customers who are sick of masking; it gives the employer a beard (“see, we complied”) when it comes to dealing with bureaucratic BS from the state or fed gov.

      If you mean from a health-and-welfare standpoint on the other hand…

  1. Interestingly enough – when you look at Australia with it’s very low vaccination rate (the lowest of all developed countries, somewhere around 15%) it’s not even the vaccination that works – it’s simply the Delta variant.

    You posted a few days ago that they had 3.000 infections but only 9 deaths with the Delta-variant.

  2. Yeah, I think it’s more theater going into the election season again.

    You can tell how serious they are taking it by the Wicked Witch of the West Coast never wearing one unless its politically advantageous to do so. And, rumor has it, telling staffers who got infected by the Fleabaggers to come in to work anyway.

    Same reason they are blaming it all on Red States for being unvaxed, despite them being the ones that got going in vaxxing earliest. Remember when they were freaking out about Desantis pushing the deadly ‘Trump vaccine’ on scared elderly people? Or California refusing to distribute the vax until their health agency approved it?

    They know in a same world they would be in for a electoral reckoning in the midterms, so are trying to set up the 2020 conditions again, which is why they are freaking so hard about the audits.

  3. Memo from company mgt today included the following lines:

    I am disappointed to review data that indicates that the number of employees not wearing masks does not correlate with the percentage of teammates that have self-certified their vaccination stays. In other words, the number of unmasked employees is greater than the number of self-certified vaccinated employees. This indicates that either employees are not vaccinated and not wearing masks or employees are vaccinated but do not care to self-certify. Regardless, this is troubling and does not meet my expectation to Do What’s Right.

    The self-certification options are basically, yes, no, nearly done, planning to do, and I decline to answer at this time. The company mandated last month that employees make a selection.

    The use of “do not care” in the memo was deliberate IMO.

    I expect mandatory vaccination requirement next month. This is wrong. It is not Doing What’s Right. It is pressuring employees to get an experimental treatment with poor efficacy, and unknown long term effects against a disease most under 65s will survive ok.

    I will lose my livelihood if I do not comply and my wife is pressuring me not to refuse, but if I don’t stand up for this, then what else is next?

    1. Every time a person doesn’t stand up for themselves or what’s right, the easier it is to stay on their knees. Until the shot to the back of the head lays them in the trench, of course.

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