Via Old NFO

Investigative journalist Michael Isikoff said Friday that he was surprised to find out that an article he wrote about Carter Page prior to the election was used to obtain a spy warrant against the former Trump campaign adviser.
The revelation, which was made in a memo released by the House Intelligence Committee on Friday, “stuns me,” Isikoff said in an episode of his podcast, “Skullduggery.”

Isikoff Stunned That His Carter Page Article Was Used To Justify Spy Warrant

Isn’t it convenient that when the Democrats need a trustworthy journalist to besmirch a President, they rely on Isikoff? Have we forgotten already the 2005 Guantanamo Bay incident where he reported without confirmation ever obtained that a guard had destroyed and shoved a Quran down the toilet? Isikoff reported it several times and that led to riots in Pakistan where upwards of 30 people were killed and it became a black eye for the Bush administration?

So, Mr. Isikoff, we are not surprised one bit. And you can stop pretending you are, we ain’t buying it.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

One thought on “Michael Isikoff again as a “tool” of the Democrats.”
  1. Amazing how “innocent” they are..scary part is they constantly get away with it….until now heh heh.

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