First one I caught was this tweet demanding to veto Illinois Carry of concealed cotton pods.
MDA Boll

And next happens just now and appears as they are pissed at the police for killing a mass shooter:
MDA santa monica

And maybe they are pissed at the cops after all:
MDA santa monica2

Did CSGV fire their intern and MDA hired him/her?

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “Moms Demand Action: For a bunch of PR experts, they suck at writing copy.”
  1. “And next happens just now and appears as they are pissed at the police for killing a mass shooter”

    Of course they’re upset about that! If he’d gone on, he could have caused an epidemic of gun deaths to add fuel to their cause. The fact that his career was ended by a bullet(or several, more likely) shows how effectively guns can be used to protect people.

  2. Concealed Carry “Boll”?
    Did they mean BALL?
    I carry two and don’t have a permit….

  3. Actually, looking at the positions of “i” and “o” on the keyboard, I think the useful idiots meant “bill”. But the real problem for “Morons Demand Action” is that this occurred in the People’s Demokratik Republik of Kollyvornia, the most gun oppressive state in the Union, and how the hell are these “Dansers Macabre” going be able to spin this?

  4. And if the bill gets vetoed, Chicago will keep its handgun registry and become a ‘no issue’ area, that’s true. Huge portions of the rest of the state however will have Constitutional Carry and other very unrestricted policies.

  5. *facepalm*. I gotta laugh at their spelling mistake but that happens to anyone and everyone on occasion. Even myself. That being said…geez what a buncha morons

    1. The “boll”/”bill” thing would be pretty innocuous in isolation. Typos happen, and with Twitter once you hit the button you’re more or less stuck with it… But Facebook has an “Edit” button for a reason. But when you go on to compound the error by making a series of asinine errors in short sequence on other posts. It just makes you look like a fool.

  6. It appears that the murderer’s sidearm was a black powder revolver and he used it to kill at least one of his victims. Of course, it’s asinine to hang your hat on anything this early after something happens but I am not holding my breath for the cries for stricter black powder revolver legislation.

    1. Feinstein and Co will hear the word “black” and immediately start spazzing for more strictest laws….concerning AR-15’s. They’re black, too.

    1. Exactly. Dozens of PDRK illegal 30 rnd magazines. PDRK illegal configuration of the AR. Time in a mental hospital. Run ins w/ police as a juvenile.

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