Jovantae Jackson had been trying to cut ties with a local gang and was beginning to turn his life around, his grandmother said, when he was shot dead walking home from school. He had recently finished a court-ordered house arrest for a gun charge. The 18-year-old senior at Stellar Leadership Academy Charter School had just found a job at a local fast food restaurant and was two weeks from graduating high school. Three weeks ago, he learned he was going to be a father.

Source: Jovantae Jackson gunned down two weeks before his high school graduation | Miami Herald

This is part of the article, I found it illuminating.

Davis, Jackson’s teacher, said he first noticed Jackson during first period reading class, because the teen was wearing an ankle bracelet — one ordered by a court. Stellar Academy is an alternative program for students who have left regular high schools because of behavioral and attendance issues.

So, we have here a “Former” gang member with already a felony conviction for a weapon’s charge, already with a girl pregnant… but he was a good boy who changed his ways but somehow was targeted.

And somehow I get the feeling that the accompanying photo for the article shows a very much younger Mr Jackson. Here is photo when he was booked:

Desperately seeking Trayvon, Part 2? It did work in the past, right?


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Moms Demand Florida: He was a good boy.”
  1. Tragic that a young man was killed in a drive-by. However, disarming me would not have prevented his death. Assuming, for the moment, he was sincere in changing his life, apparently his former life caught up with him. Wether it was former associates who wouldn’t let him quit, or rival gang bangers who hadn’t got the word, they didn’t get their gats at the local “guns be us.”

    1. Don’t blame it on gun ownership. Blame it on the ones that committed the act. He might have also pissed someone off, which got him killed. His past caught up with him.

  2. Trying to leave the gang part is key. What is the expression “bleed in, bleed out.” He was probably killed by his buddies for leaving the gang.

  3. “Desperately seeking Trayvon, Part 2?”

    I’m SURE. But unfortunately for the regressive media there is no ‘white’ Zimmerman to demonize this time around.
    Probably better for them to move on and look for another Sweetchoir Boi getting shot for doing something he wasn’t supposed to be doing.

    On a higher note, I do praise the guy for seeing the futility of his former lifestyle and trying to get out of it and go in a better direction. I wish more of them could be that smart and brave.

    1. You do realize the “he was turning his life around” line is trotted out for every gang banger shot, right?

  4. Isn’t it weird how often “turning your life around” turns out to be fatal?

    Seriously, the CDC should be studying it.

    I am curious why any of these minority teens even attempt it given the high rate of death.

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