This is a video from MSNBC from the 18th.

Here we see an MSNBC host Stephanie Ruhle an her $500,000 annual salary admitting that she goes into Starbucks to use the bathroom and charge her phone and not buy anything.

Everybody on the panel is justifying this type of behavior, never once considering the property rights of business owners.

This is Champagne Socialism of the highest order.  Starbucks is a “big company” never mind that each store is a Franchise.  It can be there to charge phones, and provide WiFi and bathrooms to people who don’t want to buy anything because someone else will pay for it.

Every business owner in America should watch this with disgust and feeling like they want to vomit.

A bunch of wealthy Progressives absolutely throwing away the idea of property rights.

If this is the view of MSNBC, their headquarters in New York should be used to house homeless people.  Let some meth addicts with mental problems sleep on the leather couch in Stephanie Ruhle’s corner office.

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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “MSNBC Progressives and property rights”
  1. “MSNBC host Stephanie Ruhle an her $500,000 annual salary admitting that she goes into Starbucks to use the bathroom and charge her phone and not buy anything.”

    Another libtard “RUNT.” 😉

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