By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Obviously he does not carry a knife.”
  1. Who would have ever been “intimidated” by a note in the first place?

    Otherwise, an interesting means of petty revenge/punishment. Pointless, but interesting.

  2. I’ve got a brand new car, it aint much, just a Focus, but its mine and I park like that ’cause jerks slam dunk the sides or scratch the paint due to their carelessness. If people would show the same respect for others property, then people like me will show respect back and not take two spaces. At least I park away from the store and walk when I take two.

    1. True. When I had a new car I parked it in the far reaches of the parking lot to avoid other cars. Last one I bought was pre-dented. I avoided all the angst of the first scratch, and got a big discount!

      1. Ford Focus SE model 2010 bright gray outside/black cloth interior 77.5K miles only 2 owners!!
        Great car!!!

    2. If you’re that worried about a car you need to sell it and get something else. It’s going to get dinged, scratched, etc. Might as well get one that came that way

  3. You think notes intimidate? How cute. Not sure you understand what intimidation is. If you are leaving an anonymous note (or shopping cart, or whatever) and then fleeing before I return…you are the one who is intimidated.

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