I can fully understand how easy it is for police to make random stops. I have a rear bumper full of liberal bumper stickers and a dent. My car is old, with 425,000 miles, which probably makes me an aging hippie with a weed habit. So why not pull me over?I’ve just come to appreciate even more the words of those minorities when they speak of harassment and police arrogance. I had a good dose of arrogance on this evening and, in my rear view mirror, the image of the second officer out of the car, his hands ready in case I made the wrong move. My life seemed to be in danger.

Source: Ol’ Clark has run-in with the law

A simple rule for Fake News should be to make sure there is no evidence that can be presented against you. Columbia Daily Tribune columnist Bill Clark must have been affected by all the pot smoking he acknowledges he consumes and forgot that police vehicles have had video recording devices for a long while now.

So after he writes a column full of piss and vinegar against the evil fascist cops that stopped him, Boone County Sheriff Dwayne Carey launches an investigation and unsurprisingly we come to find out it was all Fake News by Bill Clark. The video (in the link above) shows the infraction, the stop, the crappy driving by Bill, the professional and polite behavior of the Deputy and Bill acting like an old Liberal Pissy Fart.

I could almost bet that Ol’ Bill was one of those guys way back then demanding more accountability by cops and the installation of cameras in every police unit. Bill, you got accounted, enjoy it.

Columbia Daily Tribune columnist Bill Clark happy to find his next column… and it is organic!
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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Ol’ Hippie Journo does Fake News & screws himself. ”
  1. Old White Liberal needed some victim cred to stay relevant. He didn’t have any so made some up.

    This is the problem with the Social Justice worship of victims. Everybody has to be one or they are an oppressor.

    This is how we end up with so many hate crime hoaxes. There isn’t enough oppression to make everybody who wants to be a victim a victim, so they make stuff up.

  2. “I could almost bet that Ol’ Bill was one of those guys way back then demanding more accountability by cops and the installation of cameras i every police unit.”

    So, hoisted by his own petard?! LOL!

  3. It sure is nice to see the Columbia Daily Tribune getting roasted in the comments – deservedly.

    I wonder how long it will take for the paper to fire his ass. Just kidding.

    1. Today. Not fired, just suspended indefinitely. After a career that started in 1956. Too bad he lied and trashed it all.

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