Empty Holster leads to handcuffs. Great message to teach young kids.
Police Detain OSU Student for Participating in Empty Holster Protest.

Newbern, the president of Buckeyes for Concealed Carry, was taken forcibly into police custody just after 8:30 p.m., while he was standing at the front of the crowd wearing an empty holster, which was clearly visible on his belt, and with his hands crossed in front of his chest.

A police report released on Thursday indicates two officers drew their firearms before approaching Newbern and removing him from the vigil. They searched and questioned Newbern and confiscated his personal belongings, including his empty holster and camera case, before placing him handcuffed in the back of a cruiser for 30 minutes.

I hope some not so brainwashed young soul saw this and realized that The First Amendment and the Second Amendment are intertwined not only in the Bill of Rights but also in its constant danger of degradation by the powers that think that be.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Only Approved Speech is Approved on Campus.”
  1. “Kid, wad’ja get?”
    “I didn’t get nothin’. I was in non-possession of an illegal firearm,” I said.
    And they all moved away from me on the group W bench.

  2. What’s rather damning to me is what the president of the uni said.

    -“You and I can debate that all day long and you have clear arguments,” Gee said, addressing his remarks to Newbern. “But, I am in charge and we are not going to do it.”-

    Petty tyrant. All of them are.

  3. I routinely wear pants with pockets and a belt. I also go around with both ankles attached. And then I have my book bag. I’m a potential walking armory (or is that an arsenal–must check my gun grabber dictionary).

  4. Wow, drew their firearms to approach someone with an empty holster. Are these the kind of cowards we are employing as police officers?

  5. Wow, an empty holster! That is such a clear and present danger that it requires a SWAT team and a few snipers to take him out. Having the empty holster flagrantly displayed obviously merits hand-cuffing him as the only appropriate response after he was searched and found to be unarmed. [end sarcasm].

    Those police officers are a disgrace. Have these rent-a-cop campus police never heard of a (non-violent) political protest? I’m sure if he wore a shirt that said to kill “group X” or to overthrown our government they would have ignored it. Now that’s tyranny.

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