History from the future

I swear hundreds of years in the future historians will start the chapter The Western World: 2000-2030 this way.

A culture of young people raised in middle and upper middle-class affluence without any real challenges or hardships decided to destroy civilized society out of pure boredom with ever increasingly inane ways to make themselves seem more interesting than they really were.

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I don’t see mine on the list

Where is “gun toting, chainsaw owning, truck driving, power lifting, He-man” on the list?

I’m so full of testosterone that I can’t cross the border with a full bladder or I’m accused of smuggling in a controlled substance.

My masculinity is so toxic where I bust a nut becomes a superfund site.

I demand “hyper-masculine” be included as a gender.


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We’re not the crazy ones

Yesterday I brought to you the Left’s reaction to Congresswoman Boebert having guns in her Zoom background.

Leftists called her insane for that.

This is the Left’s response.

Cocks not Glocks, regulate guns like vaginas, ammosexuals, every time guns come up the Left goes straight to the scatalogical and pornographic.

Give a Leftist any excuse to dress up like, refer to, display female reproductive organs and the hygiene products that are used on them and they will with alacrity.

Right: “Here is a evidence I support your God given, Second Amendment, Constitutionally protected right to self defense.”

Left: “You’re nuts, BTW here’s my vagina!!!”

But we’re the crazy ones.


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Ideas (and food) so popular that is has to be mandatory

Remember when I covered this earlier?

According to Gates, eating synthetic meat instead of real meat should mandatory and we the people proles will just have to get used to the taste.

In Texas, home of the BBQ brisket, the grocery store shelves may be picked clean but Texans would rather stave than eat that synthetic meat bullshit.

This is why these people are statists.

Normal people think “nobody wants the synthetic meat, I guess that’s an unpopular niche product.”

People like Gates and other statistics think “nobody wants the synthetic meat to I’m going to sent people with guns to take away their real meat and punish those who try to eat it.”

I’ll say it again, I’m starting to agree with AOC that it’s time to ban billionaires.  It’s not that I’m envious of their money.  It’s that if Bill Gates was just “Bill the college dropout making $45k a year” nobody would give a fuck about his stupid opinion on synthetic meat when he posts it on Facebook.  It’s only because Bill the college dropout is a billionaire that he has a platform to argue say that you should have your burger taken away at the muzzle of an AK carried by some Blue Helmet.

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They are the enemy of the people

I’m mad as shit at the media and the Democrats.

For the last 24 hours as I’ve gone through the news for stuff to write about I’ve been inundated by the story of Ted Cruz taking his family to a resort in Mexico and that maybe or maybe not he was or was not just dropping them off and coming right back.

So the fuck what.  He is a US Senator and the Senate isn’t in session.  As a Senator, he has no authority over anything.  He us a legislator so has no power to do anything on his own.  He can trade favors but that’s it.  But the media is calling this a scandal showing a bunch of cooters with signs demanding Cruz resign for abandoning his constituents.

Biden on the other hand hasn’t said dick about Texas.  I’m old enough to remember when GW and W Bush were raked over the coals for their slow response to Andrew and Katrina respectively.  Trump was treated like he personally murdered Puerto Ricans because of Maria.

Biden called it at lid at 8:00 am yesterday and then had some tapioca pudding and fell asleep in front of the fire at 7:00 pm like he’s living in the fucking Villages.

Nobody has said dick about our Executive Commander in Chief not doing fuck all about the fact that half of America is experiencing the worst winter disaster in decades.

Even Co-President Harris is nowhere to be seen.

The only shit I’ve heard out of Washington and the media has been “fuck ’em, they voted for Trump and rejected the Green New Deal, they can freeze.”

Of course it’s also been dead silence on Andrew Cuomo’s nursing home senicide and subsequent obstruction of justice and intimidation of witnesses like a fucking mob boss.

The degree that The Narrative is being pushed over observable reality right now is unfathomable.

Balkanization is inevitable at this rate.



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