Quality internet dadding

Apocalypse Dad” was trending on Twitter.  I had to see why.

It was because of this epic thread (unrolled for easy reading).

So, yesterday my daughter (9) was hungry and I was doing a jigsaw puzzle so I said over my shoulder “make some baked beans.” She said, “How?” like all kids do when they want YOU to do it, so I said, “Open a can and put it in pot.” She brought me the can and said “Open it how?”

“With a can opener!” I said, incredulous. She brought me the can opener and we both stared at it. I realized I’d never taught her to use it. Most cans now have pull-tops. I felt like a dope. What kind of apocalypse father doesn’t teach his kid how to use a manual can opener?!?

So I said, “How do you think this works?” She studied it and applied it to the top of the can, sideways. She struggled for a while and with a big, dramatic sigh said, “Will you please just open the can?” Apocalypse Dad was overjoyed: a Teaching Moment just dropped in my lap!

I said, “The little device is designed to do one thing: open cans. Study the parts, study the can, figure out what the can-opener inventor was thinking when they tried to solve this problem.” (The can opener is also a bottle opener, but I explained that part wasn’t relevant.)

I went back to my jigsaw puzzle. She was next to me grunting and groaning trying to get the thing. I should say that spatial orientation, process visualization and order of operation are not things she… intuits. I knew this would be a challenge. But it was a rainy weekend.

Eventually she collapsed in a frustrated heap. I said, “Explain the parts.” She said, “This little wheel is meant to cut, these gears turn the wheel when you spin the handle. This other wheel looks like a gear but isn’t.” She couldn’t figure out the clamping step, a key element!

I said, “The tool is made to be pleasing but it doesn’t have any superfluous qualities. Everything that moves does so for a reason.” She said, “I hate you.” I’m sure she believes that she does. I said, “You understand everything except how the tool addresses the can.” She sighed.

At this point she said, “I don’t want baked beans” and marched off. Apocalypse Dad went into full ‘The Road’ Mode! “Sweetheart, neither of us will eat another bite today until we get into this can of beans.” She screamed “AUGH!” like Lucy Van Pelt. She read a book for awhile.

Soon she was back at the can. The top was all dented now, the lip of the can practically serrated from failed attempts. We studied the tool some more. She really wanted it to be oriented up and down or across the top of the can. The sideways orientation is very counterintuitive.

She was fixated on orienting the tool in a few configurations and couldn’t imagine other possibilities. I compared the can opener to other tools. By now we were working on anger-management and perseverance too. She suggested she open the can with a hammer. There were tears.

I told her stories of some of the great cans I’d opened over the years. She rolled her eyes. We talked about industrial design and what a funny little device the opener is. I showed how I open cans with a Buck knife. I rhapsodized about cold Spaghetti-Os straight from the can!

Eventually she had it all figured out. She had the placement of the tool, she could turn the handle and the can would spin (we were down on the floor by this point), but the “kachunk” of puncturing the lid still eluded us. We’d been at it for SIX HOURS on and off. We were hungry.

I’d been tempted many times along the way to guide her hand. I wanted her to experience the magnificence of the can opener SO MUCH I couldn’t stand the suspense. Neither of us likes baked beans that much—the cupboards are bare—so it seemed like a paltry reward for this work.

I’d forgotten how finicky the tool really is, particularly when it comes to the puncture. She had it all lined up! But the cutting wheel is a little wobbly (by design) and you have to really get on top of it to clamp it down. You know the feeling? You can misfire the damn thing!

Finally she squeezed down on it and, although it was a misfire, a light went off in her head. Many times throughout the day she’d yelled at me, “My brain is fuzzy! I can’t think of anything else to try!!!” and I’d say, “When your brain doesn’t work, trust your hands.”

She felt the tool click over the lip of the can. I saw it in her hands. By this point she’d developed a little ritual of addressing the tool to the can: starting with it on a vertical axis and rotating it to the horizontal while clamping down in a single motion. A choreography.

She looked at me expectantly, excitedly. After six hours of trying you don’t want to express too much hope. Was this another blind alley? The can had been through hell, label ripped off, dented, sharpened and burred, a veteran of a thousand psychic wars. She knew, though.

She set up again, carefully, and brought the Swing-a-Way to bear on the can of S&W baked beans with the meticulousness of Roger Moore extracting a detonator from an ICBM in The Spy Who Loved Me. A soft pop resounded in the room, so different from all the other sounds we’d made.

She didn’t look up. She knew the action. A little baked bean sauce appeared. She savored each twist until the lid, as I hoped it would, rewarded her by standing perfectly at attention, saluting her effort and ingenuity. She was elated and carried it to the kitchen in both hands.

She knew this was a commonplace task and a common tool but also that this was serious business. She knows her dad, and the stock I put in these things. A more mechanically inclined kid might have figured it out in minutes. She factored the scale, but was rightfully proud.

I’m proud of her too. I know I’m infuriating. I know this is parenting theater in some ways. I suffer from a lack of perseverance myself, and like all parents throughout history I’m trying to correct my own mistakes in the way I educate my child. She sees through this.

The Swing-a-Way can opener is a little voodoo doll for us now. It will reappear as an allegory many more times in her life, you can be sure. She knows this too. But this is an allegory of triumph. I wish I had more of those for myself. I wish I had more stories like this.

The only problem is now she wants to open every fucking can in the house!

That was fantastic.

The internet, however, hated it.

And, of course, because the personal is political ad everything is social justice, this is evil, white man, misogyny.

Here is someone who managed to tie this to Trump because TDS is a thing.

Then there is this Tweet.

And I wonder if the astronauts on Apollo 13 would have survived if they were women raised this way.

Teaching is important but so is “figure it out.”

There is no self-reliance like the self-reliance that comes from figuring something out.

One of my favorite books is Hatchet by Gary Paulsen.  In it, Brian Robeson, the main character is a 13-year-old boy who is stranded in the wilderness after a plane crash.  He has to survive by figuring things out on his own.

The lesson in figuring out how a can opener works by studying it was far more useful than just being shown.

The daughter was in no danger, even six hours without food isn’t a danger.

As an adult, you won’t always have someone to show you how to do something, and sometimes you just have to forge ahead and figure it out.

The people complaining at him, I would venture a guess, are all soft people who don’t know what end of a hammer to hold and without an instructional video would starve and die.

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When the Fuhrer dictates Healthcare.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced he is signing executive orders that will curtail fraud in vaccine distribution. He’s also extending the eviction moratorium and putting a hold on pay raises for elected officials.

Cuomo emphasized the importance of making sure the proper people are getting the vaccine. He said during a news conference on Monday that his executive order will increase the penalty for any provider that disregards COVID-19 vaccine prioritization.

Gov. Cuomo says any provider that intentionally administers a vaccine to a person who is not eligible could face a $1 million penalty and the revocation of all state licenses. The executive order also states the eligibility of recipients will have to be certified as part of the vaccine process.

Cuomo Signing Executive Orders on Vaccine Fraud, Eviction Moratorium, State Pay Raises

Here is the issue. When I bumped into a discussion about this, I found out (remembered too from the old days) that vaccines have a shelf life and specially this one for the Wuhan V. as it has to be kept a very low temps for storing and transport, but once brought to usage temperature, it has to be used all.

What does this executive order does? Guarantee that either some people will go without vaccination (“sorry ma’am, we cannot open a new vial just for you. Come back tomorrow and bring friends”) or it goes to waste because rather than giving leftover shots to others not in the approved lists, the facility and doctors will not risk a hefty fine and losing licenses and tosses away the open vial.

And don’t forget that these tyrants are doing what they do because they have the “best available medical advice by the best people” which means probably somebody who actually had a hygiene class in high school.

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Good going guys

I’m so glad our leadership class responded to our crises the way the did, now I have a one-third better chance of being murdered in America.

This is why you can’t find ammo in stores.


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The Left is here to remind you that their violence isn’t violence


The narrative must be reinforced.

Elsewhere he links to this Business Insider article which links to this Guardian article that claims to reference the study that has the numbers.

Replies so this tweet included these memes:


Yes, yes, yes, Antifa are the good guys.  They are “mostly peaceful” and it’s white supremacists who are the problem.  Centrists and others who can’t tell the difference are just stupid.

I am not going to defend white supremacists for an instant.

Let me just say that white supremacists do not represent Conservatives or are not the extreme wing of the Right, the way Antifa represents Progressives or are the extreme wing of the Left.

I want to focus on the part “So if the right was exactly “as violent as Antifa and BLM”, America would be a much safer place.”

I wonder about this:

That’s the Multnomah County Sheriff, not exactly a Right-winger himself.

If Portland is Antifa’s Capital, Seattle is their second city.  What do the people there think?


According to the aforementioned meme, only Nazis want to kill people for their political views and Antifa is trying to stop them.  A business owner signed a letter to the mayor about the problems in the city and Antifa delivers him his own personal Kristallnacht.

As of July, in Portland alone, riots cost the city $23 million.  I can only imagine how much more it’s been since then.  I just can’t find more recent numbers.  It’s gotten so bad Portland businesses can’t get insurance anymore.

As of September, the total nationwide for riot damage was $2 billion.

It’s continued.  Antifa has done this to Portland, Seattle, and city after city where they’ve been allowed to riot with minimal pushback week after week for months.


Conservatives, the Right, Trump supporters, have not wrecked the economies of the downtown business centers of major US cities.

We have not cost the nation billions in lost revenue and damages.

We have not destroyed the livelihoods of small business owners.

The Left has done that.

But you are to ignore all of that because some study can put 329 bodies on the right but none on the Left.

So when Antifa comes marching through your town, burning and looting, destroying business, and turning your popular business and restaurant district into an economically unviable area of broken glass and graffiti, you should it was Leftists and the Right-wingers who came through.

Who are you going to believe is worse for your city, a study or your lying eyes?

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Distillers saved from petty tyrants.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is overriding the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which made a surprise announcement Tuesday that any distillery that switched to producing hand sanitizer this year during the pandemic will owe thousands of dollars in fees and could be charged twice if they do not cease production immediately.

HHS Chief of Staff Brian Harrison announced Thursday: “Small businesses who stepped up to fight COVID-19 should be applauded by their government, not taxed for doing so. I’m pleased to announce we have directed FDA to cease enforcement of these arbitrary, surprise user fees. Happy New Year, distilleries, and cheers to you for helping keep us safe!”

Trump Admin Reins In Bureaucracy That Tried To Bill Distillers For Making Hand Sanitizer

Unfortunately, we may be running out of time and the era of the full tyrant is approaching.

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