CNN is going to ruin your holidays no matter what

Don’t rely on a negative test result to see your family for Thanksgiving

If you think a negative test result means you don’t have coronavirus, you could be wrong.

It can take days before a new infection shows up on a Covid-19 test.

“We know that the incubation period for Covid-19 is up to 14 days. And before that, you can be testing negative, and have no symptoms,” emergency medicine physician Dr. Leana Wen said.

Get tested.  But if the test is negative, don’t trust the test, it might be a false negative.

You should always be fearful and stay away from friends and family. You can never guarantee that you don’t have COVID because no matter when you get tested you could be 14 days shy of getting symptoms.

The thing is, this argument could be made in perpetuity.

They know that.

“Don’t trust a negative test result” is the sort of statement that could be used to justify COVID restrictions forever.

It probably will be.

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Time magazine didn’t get the memo that it’s time to heal

The media has reported that Biden won the election, which means that it’s time to heal.

The evidence is overwhelming that what they really me is that it’s time to heel.

The Left has shown no desire for healing but instead has taken the Biden victory announcement as a mandate to double down on their efforts.

Time magazine published an article by Saadia McConville, which is a grotesquely racist screed.

Call Out Karen, But Don’t Forget About Kevin. They Chose Trump Twice.

We won’t have accurate data on the 2020 election for some time, but exit polling indicates Trump increased his support among some people of color and white women. For those of us who believe in decency, democracy and diversity, it is surely disheartening to see people vote against their best interests. But it’s hardly a new phenomenon in America, and by avoiding the main problem, fails to see the forest for the trees.

There is nothing like the condescending paternalism of the white Leftist, telling people that they (the people) are voting against their best interests.

A high school friend on Facebook posted a series of graphics a few days ago, showing the coloring of a 2016 electoral map if only certain genders and races voted. For people of color, it was all blue. For white women, it was mostly red with several blue states. For white men it was almost completely red. The accompanying post warned: “white folks (especially white women) this is why people of color don’t trust you.” (My friend is of Asian descent.) It’s not a controversial statement for many progressives and generally reasonable adults.

Her friend is a racist.  She’s a racist.  “Our race doesn’t trust your race” is never a good statement to make.  I’ve seen where that road goes and it ends in Rwanda.

But the glaring, primary, problem is being omitted in too many of these conversations – white men. Yes, white people as a whole need to do better.

Do better meaning vote Democrat.  This is part of a theme that we will see emerge where white people are assumed to be lesser – some sort of Untermensch – because of our voting habits.

But to only single out white women is the same problematic logic that blames people of color for increasing their support of Trump – that anyone non-white should not support a racist, and that a woman should not support a misogynist.

Maybe assuming people’s motivations for voting the way they did is bad?

But, you know who benefits the most from the patriarchy and white supremacy and also constitutes the bulk of Trump’s support? White men. Exit polls show 61 percent of them voted for Trump in 2020, a one-point decline from 62 percent in 2016

Why are they not expected to be held accountable to the same extent, or more, given their higher support, as their female counterparts? Are we not capable of holding two groups accountable at the same time, while also being clear about which is the primary offender?

“Offender” is the operative word.  Voting for a Republican is now an offense, one for which you must be called out and presumably punished.

This is no longer a representative democracy where people are free to choose their representation.  This is a system in which failure to support the Democrat is an actionable thoughtcrime.

If we truly want a world that is anti-racist and free from patriarchal oppression we should be clear about the main problem: white men.

You are a problem.  By your very existence you are a problem.

By not holding the majority of white men accountable, we are essentially writing them off, saying they aren’t capable of developing empathy or evolving as human beings. This is not beneficial to them, and it certainly does not get us closer to a more equitable and just society. This moment we find ourselves in, where too much of the population co-signed on the racism and misogyny of an authoritarian, demands we treat the problem and not the symptom.

You are sub-human, lacking empathy.  That is why you vote Republican.  You must be held accountable for your sub-human behavior.  Getting rid of Trump wasn’t enough, society must deal with you being a problem.

Reading this makes me wonder if she has a final solution for this problem of voting white men?

This is why the Democrats public calls for healing ring so hollow, this is how they feel on the inside.

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Deplatforming: The Cyber Gag is on and even more dangerous.

Via Legal Insurrection and various readers who sent links.

I guess most of you may have already heard about The Conservative Treehouse being told they will be evicted from their webhosting service.  Well, add to that new movement email service Mailchimp who now has refused to provide service to the Northern Virginia Tea Party.

Add to that the actions of Facebook and Twitter silencing accounts of people they do not like politically, Online fundraising playing favorites and politics and we have one sad reality: The Internet is now controlled by people who hate our side and took their time encroaching the means of service. The Internet, the new Media is now acting like the Old Media and with much more effectiveness.

They are expecting and betting that the electoral “result” will not be changed and the new executive power will reward those who helped them by not only not coming down on their business, but even protecting them from any potential violations of intellectual property and private communications.

If the Senate falls, before the end of 2022 we will have a SCOTUS decision favoring the creation and enforcement of Hate Speech Laws which will dutifully be celebrated by POTUS #47 and assorted Federal Law Enforcement agencies.



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Negligent discharge with death at a Rancho Cucamonga indoor range (Graphic)

And a news article about it.

A woman was fatally shot and a man was wounded when a handgun accidentally went off at an indoor firing range in Rancho Cucamonga, police said Thursday.

Police responded to the gun range along the 9000 block of 9th Street about 5:55 p.m. Saturday.

A man and woman were each found suffering from a gunshot wound, and they were taken to a hospital, police said in a news release.

Tatianna Holt, 36 of Compton, was pronounced dead at the hospital, while Cory Carmichael, 34 of Claremont, was treated and later released, police said.

Woman fatally shot, man wounded when handgun accidentally goes off at Rancho Cucamonga indoor range

I know I come across as a huge asshole when it comes to safety at a range. And I have expressed before, I don’t care about your feelings being hurt but I care about people bleeding and dying because Gun Safety was not observed.

You feelings will eventually heal. Getting you or a loved one out of a coffin is way beyond my abilities. Stay alive to be pissed at me, I can take it.

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SW Fla Blogshoot.

And fun was had. It was great to finally shake hands and see faces behind the names, nicknames and URLs. I always enjoy meeting people who gather around guns just to remind me how different we all are in real life but how the Second Amendment and the thirst for Freedom gets us together.

Here are some pics.

KODAK Digital Still Camera

Doing the introduction thing,

Lovely wives making sure the husbands did not end up in need of bail money
Our lovely hostess, The Queen Of The World,  kicked Borpatch’s ass, but it seem his cranium is hard indeed.  We are truly appreciative of her efforts to keep us comfortable and fed.
Santa was checking the naughty list.
There were cans to be pewpewed
There were moments of heart palpitation when this gizmo showed up. But it ended up being the evilest of water guns. 


For being the first one, I can’t say it went bad at all. The basic premise was ” See how many show up, maybe some shooting and chat” and that was achieved. I heard the final number of participants was 19 which was a nice surprise.

Borepatch wants to have another done in February and I am all for it. I know some that could not make it for sudden health and other reasons and are pissed they missed it.

So, thank you Borepatch and The Queen Of The World for having us around.

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The Racist Failure of the word “Latinx.”

“Though Latinx is becoming common in social media and in academic writing,” a recent Merriam-Webster “words we’re watching” entry noted, “it is unclear whether it will catch on in mainstream use.” And last week a progressive pollster ran the numbers and found that it hasn’t caught on at all: “Despite its usage by academics and cultural influencers, 98 percent of Latinos prefer other terms to describe their ethnicity. Only 2 percent of our respondents said the label accurately describes them, making it the least popular ethnic label among Latinos.”

Beyond its novelty, there are obvious reasons for that stark unpopularity: When spoken, “Latinx” sounds like neither normal English nor conversational Spanish, and it looks like what it is, a word designed for ideological purposes rather than for felicity in speech. If you are deep inside progressive discourse, you will immediately understand those purposes — “dismantling the default masculine” of romance languages, centering gender neutrality or nonbinariness in place of a cisgender heteronormativity. If you are outside that discourse, politicians who use it will sound like they don’t know how to say “Latino,” or like they’re talking to an audience that doesn’t really include you.

Liberalism’s Latinx Problem

The Left has immense desire of apply Zero Year to everything they touch. Nothing from the past seems to be good enough and needs to be erased/transformed/rebuilt. And they are truly surprised when its intended target does not prostrate immediate at their White Feet, thanking them and pledging eternal allegiance at their obvious superiority.

“Despite its usage by academics and cultural influencers, 98 percent of Latinos prefer other terms to describe their ethnicity.

You Libs have an issue: The “Influencers” are not so much and there is one academy in charge of the Spanish Language already: La Real Academia de le Lengua Española. (Royal Spanish Academy) some 300 years old and very much appreciated from anybody who went to school and learned the language.

In a world where Hispanics suffer fast unexpected changes and not all of them good, Spanish is the one constant we have that unites us all. Spanish, no matter where in the world, will have the same almost immutable grammar and spelling that allow us for easier communication and faster settlement. It is a warm safe spot in a confusing world. One of those immutable things is “genero” or genre which does not come from some political orientation but by simple observation of the reality of life: There are males and females in almost every aspect of observable Nature and our language reflects that.

But the Spanish language has this little interesting quirk: Neutro (Neutral). Neutro are words in the language that are to be used in general terms to encompass both sexes. Some are specific and some to be taken as neutral depending how they are used. Example: The pronoun “Nosotros” (We) has its female counterpart with “Nosotras” when the groups of people are either male or female. But when we have a group of mixed sex, then “Nosotros” becomes a neutral term and nobody gets their intellectual “calzones” in a bunch becuase it should have been Nosotrix or some stupid shit like that.

So there are Hipanos (males) and Hispanas (females) and when we are all conglomerated in one group, the several hundred years of true scholarly academy work has accepted that Hispanos is more than enough and well settled to understand when boys and girls from our culture across the world get together and need to be identified.

“Latinx” sounds like neither normal English nor conversational Spanish, and it looks like what it is, a word designed for ideological purposes rather than for felicity in speech.

It does not “look like,” it is an ideological tool that has achieved zero resonance among the Latino/Hispanic community. And the “felicity in speech” threw me for a loop. Are the creators and user of Latinex implying we are not happy with the Spanish language? Other than being an elementary school kid having to learn all the Reglas  Gramaticales (Grammar rules) the rest of the Spanish-Speaking world seems to be rather happy about the language.

If you are outside that discourse, politicians who use it will sound like they don’t know how to say “Latino,” or like they’re talking to an audience that doesn’t really include you.

We cherish the constancy of our language. In a universe of so divergent people as Latinos, it is the unifying center of our world and not just our politics. The book Don Quijote de la Mancha was written in the XV Century and the above mentioned elementary school kid can actually read and understand over 95% of it because the Spanish language is not subjected to a popularity contest every year to see what new words will be added because of “fun” or other irrelevant crap. I still remember the uproar that caused the acceptance by the academy of the works “whisky” (whiskey) in the dictionary and how some academics said it marked the beginning of the end of the language.

So when we have some Liberal politician who has not been raised in Spanish but is but a secondary thought in his/her race for elective position, trying to tell me I have to be defined by a made-up political term, we do tend to ignore it and even the less sophisticated among us (me included) will reply with a rather less than refined comment: “Anda que te den por el culo.”


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