If LA is any precedent , Minneapolis is screwed for a long time

Video taken from Minneapolis after the riots.

The Rodney King LA riots happened 28 years ago.  There are parts of South LA that never rebuilt.

That was before the rise of internet retail when people still had to go to brick and mortar stores.

How likely is it that this will be rebuilt any time soon and not be a scar of destruction in Minneapolis that lasts for a generation?

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London shows us what happens when you disarm and hobble police

Long time readers of this blog know that I am absolutely against police brutality.  But it needs to be understood that not all police use of force is brutality.

As the great Robert A. Heinlein wrote in Starship Troopers:

“Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Breeds that forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and their freedoms”

Police brutality is wrong.  But when you take away the ability of the police to use any force whatsoever, this is the result.

Not are London police effectively disarmed, the rules of engagement they operate under tie both hands and one leg behind their backs when it comes to being able to use the little bit of defensive force they have (truncheons and pepper spray).

As a result, a group of British police are herded by the crowed, driven from the street to hide inside a government building as people threw things at them as the ran away.

This is the future of policing in the United States if the Left gets its way.

Police departments that are not disbanded will be disarmed and forced to operate under such restrictive ROE that they will be ineffectual.

It’s not about reducing police brutality.  There are other things we can do to reduce that (and we should).  This is about emasculating police until they have no choice but to turn tail and run away as soon as a couple of thugs put up resistance.

These cities will turn into chaos once the anti-cop politicians make it easy for criminals to drive the police off the streets to hide indoors.

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We have another mystery here, gang

From NBC News in New York:

Here is what the NY Post is reporting:

The man accused of shooting two cops and stabbing a third in Brooklyn this week screamed “Allahu akbar!” three times during the unprovoked attack, police said Saturday.

A relative told The Post Thursday that Camovic, whose family hails from Bosnia, is a practicing Muslim and “absolutely not a terrorist.”

Allahu Akbar is Arabic for “God is great!” and is used by Muslims as a declaration of faith.

I don’t know what to tell you.  This is a real head-scratcher.  I hope one day we get to the bottom of this.  I’ll be honest, I’m stumped.

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More evidence for the cause of my hesitation to support BLM

I’ve covered a few times in the past how Black Lives Matter has linked itself with the Palestinian movement, promoting antisemitic tropes about Israel.

But the antisemitism in Black Lives Matter goes even further than that.

I really feel like coming out and supporting people who clearly hate my very existence because of who I am.

I think there is a word for that but I can’t put my finger on it right now…

And note how both of these took place in New York City.  That place has become the perfect storm for antisemitism.


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I am more glad than ever I am not on social media, the struggle sessions are coming

The stories of Stalin executing the first person to stop applauding him appear to be apocryphal, but understanding the history of the communism makes them believable.

During the communist revolution in China, those who were critical of the movement were the first to be tortured in the struggle sessions.  By the end, however, citizens were being tortured for the crime of not being sufficiently supportive of the revolution.  Anything less than full-throated celebration of the movement was tantamount to treason.

Welcome to social media under the Left in 2020.

It’s not enough to be apolitical, posting anodyne things like muffin recipes or pictures of your kids having a picnic in the park.

You will post full-throated support of whatever message the Left wants you to support or you will be subjected to torment.

You will be no longer punished for just saying something the Left find offensive, you will now be punished for not reciting the shibboleths that the Left requires you to recite.

What happens if you don’t?

You will be unpersoned, including by members of your family.

That’s right.

If Grandma on her fixed income doesn’t support BLM, don’t visit her.

If your mom uses Facebook only to play Farmville and look at pictures of her nieces and nephews and doesn’t participate in Blackout Tuesday, don’t call her.

This is evil.

I’ve never been so glad that I don’t have social media to attract the unwanted attention of the new Child Heroes for not posting the mandated pieties.


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