A regular American’s opinion on Mexico and Syria

For any politicians or political aids, the might read this, here is a regular American’s opinion on the use of American troops in combat operations:

I do not give a single, solitary, fuck about Muslims slaughtering other Muslims in Syria or elsewhere.

The number one pastime of Muslims is killing other Muslims.  They have been doing that for over a millennium-and-a-half.  Muhammad died and the first thing the other Muslims did was split into two factions and start killing each other.  They haven’t stopped since.  Our continued presence in the Middle East isn’t going to change that.

Frankly, the busier the Syrians are killing each other, the less likely they are to attack Israel.

Just keep an eye on Iran and be prepared to nuke the shit out of that country if and when they finally developed a nuclear weapon.

As for Mexico.  It is a failed state half under the control of the cartels.

What the cartels do is just ass evil as ISIS.  Burning people alive, execution with chainsaws, mass murder, killing children, etc.

I am tired of the violence that drug dealing brings into our country.  I am tired of reading about the murders by MS-13, who come up through Mexico into our country.

I am tired of reading about truckloads of fentanyl, enough to OD the entire population of several states, coming into our country.

I am tired of a failed Mexico offloading its poor into the US as illegal immigrants.

The US drug economy is estimated to be $100 Billion.  That is $100 Billion that is spent by Americans on drugs going to Mexico and narco-states further south, and not staying in the US to drive the legal domestic economy.

I am tired of reading about the tens of thousands of Americans who OD every year.

If the purpose of the US military is to defend the United States, how about doing with it what its primary mission is and use it to defend the US from the failed narco-state of Mexico.

How about putting the resources of our intelligence community to work locating the cartels and then bombing the fuck out of them.  How about treating cartels as enemy combatants and not criminals and roll in there and light them the fuck up with heavy weapons fire.

When the cartels ride around with M2’s on pickups trucks like ISIS in Iraq, that’s a clear indication we need to go after them with some Abrams and Hellfires dropped from reapers.

I truly do not give a shit about the opinion of the Mexican government, those corrupt bunch of cowards.  Fuck ’em.

I can guarantee that more American lives will be saved by sending troops into Mexico to kill drug traffickers than will be sending troops into Syria or Yemen.

And if it is all a matter of money and the influence of the military-industrial complex, I’ll make you this deal.  I’ll let the military contractors keep all the money they can get out of the hands of the cartels after killing them.  I’d rather have the CEOs of Lockheed, Raytheon, and Northrop-Grumman partying with that cash than Mexican drug lords.  At least I know it will be spent in the US.

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I am pissed off.

If you had told me that a former president of the Brady Campaign was going to speak at the 2A Rally Saturday, I would have wondered what substances you had ingested.

Dan Gross, former president of the Brady Campaign, was an unannounced speaker at the 2A Rally. What he said took a lot of people by surprise including me.

The Most Surprising Speaker At The 2A Rally

I guess most of you now this by now as it was wildly published in gun circles. And that is my first problem: There was a long list of worthy speakers, but the final take of the 2A Rally was that the stupid gun nuts let an enemy take the podium and talk. This is not a Soccer Mom that has been anti-gun because he read some shit in Twitter, then somebody sat down with her and explained things and she came around. We are talking about a guy who was head of the oldest Gun Control organization in the US and did his very best to criminalize us. All of the sudden, he whispers pretty nothings in some ear, he is whisked incognito in the rally and given a platform. I can hear the pearls of laughter inside the Brady Campaign about this.

And that not being bad enough, this really closes the turd cake:

Gross said that he and Rob Pincus have been working together for the past year on creating a Center for Gun Rights and Responsibilities. It will be interesting to see what comes of that.

What the hell is going on here? If this is such a good thing, why the mystery? Why hiding? And specially why the fuck are we working with the enemy?

If I were in Brady’s or Moms Demands’ PR team, I would write a press release that sounded something like this:

The 2A Rally showed Gun Owners are willing to compromise some of their rights. Allowing Gun Control people talk in their rally was a good first step and some of their leaders have been secretly working with Gun Control advocates to find common sense solutions.

And in sotto voce:
“Off the record: They did not tell anybody about working together because Gun Owners are too stupid to understand what Gross and Pincus are trying to accomplish.

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History repeats itself, paging the ghost of Lt. George Patton

As Miguel has covered, Mexico is now a failed state.  The Cartels have defeated the Mexican military and federal law enforcement in several gun battles.

The murder of judges and reporters, and rampant corruption has also helped to bring Mexico down.

Mass graves of Mexican citizens killed by the cartels are being found on a daily basis.  Some 40,000 Mexicans are missing and many are presumed dead in the Mexican drug war.

Recently, nine Americans, including six children, in a Mormon community were ambushed and killed by the Cartels.  The Mormons have been targeted before for simply living in Cartel controlled areas.

Not including here are the hundreds or thousands of Americans killed in the US by Cartel drug dealers and the tens of thousands of Americans who have died of overdoses of drugs from or through Mexico.

This is not the first time that the Mexican government failed, leading to criminal gangs causing havoc and death in the United States.

Just over 100 years ago Mexico experienced a civil war known as the Mexican Revolution.  A paramilitary leader of one of the revolutionary factions was Francisco “Pancho” Villa.

His criminal ruffians crossed into the United States and attacked US citizens and military outposts in New Mexico.

The US responded by having General John J. “Black Jack Pershing send the US 13th Calvary Regiment into Mexico.

A young Lieutenant George Patton was tasked with taking trucks and Hotchkiss machine guns with him, to do a live fire field test of how well motor vehicles and machine guns will do in combat, by killing Pancho Villa’s outlaws.

Patton ended up dismounted, with a Colt Single Action Army revolver in each hand, shooting Mexicans like it was the OK Corral.

We seem to forget our history with Mexico, but we have fought several wars with Mexico.  Starting with the Long Expedition, the Texas Revolution, Franco-Mexican War, the Mexican American war, and the Border War.  We have on multiple occasions had to send the Army to stop Mexican factions from being a thorn in our side.

It’s been 100 years since the last time we had to send troops into Mexico to stop the killings of US citizens.

If Mexico is once again a failed state, where a revolutionary faction has overpowered the Mexican government and is killing US citizens, it might be time to once again roll troops over the Rio Grande to shoot Mexican ruffians.


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My take on the Nation with the Virginia election as a bellwether

I learned two things about Virginia yesterday.

One, Virginia is the new Illinois, and two, the Democrat party has become a fundamentalist hate party.

Both of these things are bad for our nation.

Why is Virginia the new Illinois?  Look at the map of the state house election.

The blue areas but one are the suburbs of DC and Richmond. The economic and political capitals of the state.  But that represents 53% of the voting block.  Much like Chicago and Springfield control Illinois.

This is the model for Democrat take over of a state. New York, Illinois, Colorado, all are Red by area but Blue in the few major metropolitan areas that make up the bulk of the population.

More and more Conservatives in rural areas are going to be under the boot heal of big city Progressives.

Soon it will happen to Texas.  Dallas and Austin will get enough ex-Californians to make it a Blue state.

Second, the Democrat party is now a fundamentalist hate party.

Remember that the Governor was caught in either Blackface or a Klan costume.  The media defended him.  His Lieutenant Governor was caught in a sex scandal.

By any objective measure, the Governor should have been destroyed and the Lieutenant Governor #MeToo-ed out of office. But that would have handed control to a Republican.  So the Democrats would rather have a Klansman and a rapist than a moderate Republican.

Then there was this news:

Her candidacy was “fuck Trump.” That’s it.

That is the candidacy of much of the Democratic party right now.  Not just “fuck Trump” but his voters and supporters too.

Trump supporters are routinely harassed and assaulted in public, with the support of elected Democrats.

This is a party that is running on the same hate as the Soviets when they pushed dekulakization.

“Elect us because we hate the other tribe and want to destroy them.”  As Hitler and Stalin showed, that does not make for a stable nation.

There is a reason the Washington Examiner reports that 7 in 10 believe we are headed for some sort of civil war.

It’s not possible to have a stable nation when the primary platform of one party is “we hate the other party so much we will overlook and foibles on our side to ensure the utter destruction of the other side.”


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Virgina went Blue. Florida is Next.

At least that is my opinion.  Is there any doubt left out there that Bloomberg’s cash made a difference?

I figure that by this time next year, Virginia will return to what is wat 20 years ago when it comes to Gun Rights or close to it.   They may have a chance to revert their legislature in two years, but by then the damage would be great.

And Florida? My guess is that with Virginia now under their control, Bloomberg and his gang will focus on us. It seems a decent amount of legislators are terming out and that opens lots of possibilities for the Democrats to flip at least one chamber.

At the time of this posting, there were 24 Gun Control bills slated to be discussed and approved for the 2020 legislative year versus three Pro Gun Bills. I still do not see a clear Pro Gun leader in the Legislature who would be the lightning rod/battering ram for our cause.  That means we cannot longer play stupid games or be plain lazy and expect things will go our way because Republicans are the majority.

We are going to need both a continued phone/fax/email bombardment to our legislators and a presence at the subcommittees. If the only thing they see is a bunch of Moms Demand Red shirts, that is where the legislators think power is now concentrated and will move towards them. There is no way in hell anybody can tell me there are no Gun Right people within 25 miles of Tallahassee that can take a few hours off their schedules to at least show up and say a few words. to the politicians.

And no, Tactical Fishing does not help unless you can find us a billionaire willing to go farther than Bloomberg on expenditure for our cause.


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They do not think like regular people, Pt. 2

I read the Atlantic article that Miguel covered in his post, They do not think like regular people.

He focused on the woman stealing the packages but thought that her actions were justified and not wrong because she was in need.

I agree with him, but the lesson that I took away is that nobody in San Francisco thinks like a regular person.

Still, some residents, like Margett, said they were attracted to the diversity in a city that is hemorrhaging people who don’t earn tech paychecks. Margett said Potrero welcomed her, a white woman and a proud lesbian sporting a Mohawk ponytail (“The pulse of the neighborhood, to me, is more important than petty crime”), and the neighbors have dealt with the glaring disparities in their own ways. Every week, Margett picks up donations from big-box stores to take to homeless shelters; she also puts them on the bench in front of her house, free for the taking. A union-leader neighbor, Jason Rosenbury, showed the person he suspected of stealing his succulent plants a Nest recording of the heist, and said he wouldn’t report it to the police if he got the plants back. Upon their return, he glued new pots to the concrete to avoid further strife. “I’m a full-blown socialist,” he told me, “but I’m also for law and order.”

That means that she is fine with stealing, just that the stealing is to be done by bureaucrats and not people on the street.  Or more specifically, she doesn’t want her stuff stolen, but if Zuckerberg’s stuff if stolen, she doesn’t care.

The problem here is that it is a trickle-down ideology.  The same moral justification she has for socialism is the same moral justification Fairley used to justify her porch theft.

When I visited Margett, she said that in her interaction with Fairley, the charged dynamic of “white-privileged homeowner” versus “someone who is barely making it” was not lost on her, yet she didn’t consider herself a bigot for calling out what she deduced was petty crime. “One is always so concerned about not wanting to appear that way, and then I’m second-guessing myself—Maybe I did leap to that conclusion because she’s African American,” she recalled. “But no! I know what I saw.”

It’s all social justice until it’s her stuff that got ripped off.

As soon as it is the police enforcing the law, you know that Margett is out ranting and raving and screaming at them.

Currently, 17 percent of American homeowners have a smart video surveillance device, and unit sales are expected to double by 2023. (Fairley was caught on Nest and another cam called Kuna, and several neighbors filmed her on their phones.) The popularity of these devices has led to the “porch pirate gotcha” film genre, a sort of America’s Funniest Home Videos of petty crime.

Even so, Sierra Villaran, a San Francisco deputy public defender who handled Fairley’s case early on, has seen how social media’s rabble-rousing still leads to profiling of minorities and the poor. One of her clients, a Latino man, was arrested after a resident mistook him for someone recorded by their Ring device. (He was later released.) Not only does an arrest go on an innocent person’s record and potentially subject her to the use of force, Villaran said, it makes the accused feel like the cops will take the word of accusers, who are usually wealthier, over their own. Neighborhood surveillance and social media aren’t “adding quality to their life, making them any more safe.”

To the San Francisco deputy public defender, your desire to keep your home safe and protect your property with cameras is classist and racist and you are a bigot.

Ring maintains that offering the discount makes the device more affordable, but Maass countered that, even with tax-subsidized rebates, “things like doorbell cameras are not a purchase someone would make if they already have trouble putting food on the table.” The cheapest doorbell costs $99, before rebates; the ability to store or review footage after the fact runs another $30 to $100 a year. “Does that mean that police are protecting the property of affluent communities more than the property of poor communities?” Maas asked.

Having a security camera is (white) privilege and using that security camera to alert the police when some poor minority rips you off is your (white) privilege showing.

Poor, desperate people should have the ability to steal what they need without some bigot using his doorbell cam to record the evidence for the police.

Stings and porch-pirate footage attract media attention—but what comes next for the thieves rarely gets the same limelight. Often, perpetrators face punishments whose scale might surprise the amateur smart-cam detectives and Nextdoor sleuths who help nail them. In Jersey City, the bait-box operation netted 16 arrests in 10 days. Offenders may be routed to drug treatment and housing, according to police emails to Amazon; those with previous convictions could be eligible for jail time.

Oh no, how terrible that people who steal stuff go to jail.  We can’t have that, that will only lead to fewer thefts.

In December, the U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Arkansas announced an enforcement campaign called Operation Porch Pirate. Two suspects were arrested and charged with federal mail theft. One pleaded guilty to stealing $170.42 worth of goods, including camouflage crew socks and a Call of Duty video game from Amazon, and was sentenced to 14 months of probation.

Not enough, if you ask me.

Another pleaded guilty to possession of stolen mail—four packages, two from Amazon—and awaits sentencing of up to five years in prison and a $250,000 fine. Russell, the blond woman in Dallas, ended up on two years of probation. The California legislature is considering a bill that would elevate porch piracy to a burglary charge; it would be a misdemeanor or a felony based, in part, on the suspect’s criminal history.

California is going to drop that like a flaming dog turd.  If they can let some store get ripped off for $950 worth of merchandise in a single run, they won’t bust people for stealing an Amazon Prime box off a porch.

Despite the much higher cost of white-collar crime, it seems to cause less societal hand-wringing than what might be caught on a Ring camera, said W. David Ball, a professor at Santa Clara University School of Law. “Did people really feel that crime was ‘out of control’ after Theranos?” he said. “People lost hundreds of millions of dollars. You would have to break into every single car in San Francisco for the next ten years to amount to the amount stolen under Theranos.”

Yeah, until we start throwing CEOs who commit fraud in prison, we should just ignore petty, quality of life crimes.  Let middle-class Americans suffer from having their stuff stolen, who cares about them.

In august 2018, Fairley plunked herself behind the defense table for a four-day blur of disputes over Nick’s solar panel battery switch, Daniel’s Apple keyboard, Alexandra’s HelloFresh groceries, Sorcha’s Montessori books, Micaela’s and Elizabeth’s checks, Samantha’s dog’s probiotics, Jennifer’s, Jabari’s, and Brigette’s United credit cards, and, by God, Dell’s hot sauce—representing a total of 23 misdemeanor charges of “petty theft,” “receiving stolen property,” and “mail theft,” plus the drug possession charge for the heroin found in Fairley’s pocket back in August 2016 when this had all started.

The prosecutor, Jennifer Huber, told jurors that the case was “not a whodunit: The defendant was caught red-handed stealing, over and over and over again.” Fifteen neighbors testified, and the prosecutor showed jurors the evidence they’d collected: The photo of Fairley’s daughter sticking her tongue out at Julie Margett. The cellphone video of Fairley sniping “That’s why people get shot” after the gardening neighbor took the lamp box from her. The spat where she’d called Arnold a racist. None of these incidents were charged as crimes but were admitted as evidence of Fairley’s m.o., though Banks, the defense attorney, alleged that the parade of squabbles was just to sully her character.

We can’t point out that a habitual offender is a habitual offender, let alone charge her for those habitual offenses.  That’s unfair to the woman who stole things because she was “desperate” and also a heroin addict.

As Banks saw it, Fairley had been caught in a web of surveillance, gentrification, and racism, in which vigilante neighbors targeted her for anything that went missing, when, in fact, many other porch pirates were also stealing in Potrero. She might have stolen some items, but not everything she was being blamed for taking. “This case is about mob mentality and the lowest-hanging fruit,” Banks declared in his opening statement. “And the lowest-hanging fruit in this case is Ms. Fairley.”

Just because a bunch of people who could afford security cameras and Amazon Prime caught the thief stealing stuff over and over again, doesn’t mean she’s guilty.  She’s poor, black, and an addict, so everyone else and their doorbell cams are racist.

He emphasized that she was a longtime resident of Potrero, a neighborhood whose rising wealth had alienated her from her own community. (To be fair, while some of the neighbors were relative newcomers, several victims testified that they’d lived in Potrero for decades.) Given that Fairley had been caught on tape stealing several packages, and cops had recovered other items in her possession, some of Banks’s case seemed to rest heavily on the “guilty beyond a reasonable doubt” standard, focusing on the fact that several of the victims, such as the man who had lost his subscription hot sauce, had never seen Fairley taking the stolen items:

“Well, I guess, when did you first become aware that this hot sauce was missing?”

“It’s hard to tell. I get them every month. So I don’t know.”

“You don’t know who took the hot sauce?”

“I don’t know who took it. Just, I recognize this”—the sauce found on Fairley—“is definitely my hot sauce.”

(It was.)

Who are you going to believe, the poor minority with the home full of solen stuff or your lying eyes and the racist camera?

As HP said in my previous post about property crime in California, “let it burn.”

I have to agree.  We need a wall, and it needs to go from Mexico and cut across the western edge of California’s Central Valley severing the coast from the rest of the US.

The reason that property crime out there is so high is that the Progressive have convinced themselves that right and wrong are flexible concepts.

Theft is okay to them as long as only some people get hurt and being a criminal is just the result of victimhood as long as other conditions are met.  Enforcing the law is racist gentrification if the people demanding the enforcement are wealthier and lighter-skinned than the perpetrator.

They have applied every idea of socialism and social justice to get away from “right is right and wrong is wrong” and they are suffering the consequences of it.

Every one of the Lefties handwringing over the use of doorbell cams to capture footage of property theft is as responsible for the crime as the thieves themselves.  They are enablers.

Everyone in San Francisco doesn’t think like a normal person which is why the crime rate there is what it is.

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