Who are the two groups opposed to carrying guns in the workplace?

The Gun Control crowd and the Criminals! Not much of s surprise there.

Via Concealed Nation we find the case of 23-year-old Roosevelt Rappley who went into a Dollar Store, produced a gun to rob the place and ended up shot by an armed employee. Police investigated and so far it looks like a very legal shooting. That same store had been robbed four times prior which is probably why dear old Roosevelt though it would be easy pickings.

And now we have the family on TV and as we sadly are accustomed to see, they barely lay the blame for the consequences of his actions on the idiot  kin who decided it would be a good idea to threaten people with a gun for cash, but come down on the employee who stopped Mr Rappley’s forcible felony:

Ain’t she ever so charming? She is explaining to us that them be some rules about armed robbery and one of them is that nobody is supposed to be armed but the robber. This is pretty much similar to the excuses we hear from Gun Control Zealots explaining the dangers of being armed in the workplace. She is the best example of this old bumper sticker:


Most stores’ rules are: “Just let them kill you, OK? We don’t need a lawsuit and BLM protesting in front of HQ.” but apparently Dollar Stores have a different take on store security than the rest of corporate America.

Dollar General did not confirm or deny if employees were allowed to carry firearms, but did say that they have “a number of safety and security procedures.”
“To protect the integrity of these measures, we do not comment on them specifically,” said a statement issued by the company. “We are continuing to review the circumstance surrounding this evening’s events in Dayton, Ohio, and are cooperating with local authorities in their investigation.”

Dollar General shooting: Man shot after attempted armed robbery identified

The best thing Dollar Stores could do is to get this publicized as much as it can. Maybe a violent robber or two will rethink about hitting a local and the workers can be safe.

“Hunting ain’t fun when the ‘bunny’ shoots back”
Massad Ayoob

Hat Tip Manny L.


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Dear Facebook Followers: a word about other means of notification.

The ZuckBots  have judged this blog to be guilty of felony click bait and reduced its exposure/share/etc within the platform. I am going to suggest you may want to add another way to get notified of new posts.

#1 – The Old Reader: This is a Newsfeed reader that collects the latest posts from your favorite blogs and puts them in one nice place for your reading convenience. You can add basically any website you red and aggregate all your stuff in one location. It is free for the first 100 feeds and my favorite means to keep up with other blogs.

#2-Subscribe via Email. You should see now on your right where you can register and  get email notifications. I had eliminated in the past because it did not offer  confirmations, but the new version gives you all the benefits of subscription confirmation and unsubscribing you can find in “professional” blogs and sites. It is like we have quality or something, LOL.

#Twitter- I have reduced my human interactions in Twitter but the blog automatically tweets new post notifications there. I am always reading the main feed and messages plus seeking material.  Sometimes I will engage in a short discussion with somebody but just for blog material. I know eventually I will get Gulaged again (probably for good), but it is an alternative in the meantime.

WordPress & Jetpack are not offering weans to automatically notify to MeWe and Gab and with the amount of output we have some days, it gets annoying to post in those places by hand… and I am lazy.  So, sorry, I am not going that way.

I will repost this again in 2 weeks after the “exposure reduction” is lifted just to try to cover as much as possible from the reading population of Facebook. .

Thank you!

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AOC is a huge fan of the Noble Savage

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez flew to Copenhagen to deliver a 14 minute speech on climate change.

This is a stunning clip from that speech less than two minutes long.  Let’s count the number of lies packed into it.

First, there is absolutely no evidence nor is it scientificly valid to say that Hurricane Maria happened or was intensified by global warming, i.e., saying “if we had put out less CO2 in the last arbitrary number of years, Hurricane Maria would have been a CAT 3 instead of a CAT 5” is not a scientific statement.

Second, Puerto Rico is not under colonial rule.  What caused so much damage was not colonial oppression but the corruption of the local government.  This is an FALN talking point and should be called out as such.

Lastly, the “indigenous wisdom” statement is entirely the idea of the noble savage.  She believes that subsistence farmers are going to feed the population of this planet with their of traditional techniques because of their ethnicity.  This is hugely bigoted and also infeasible.

Less than 2% of our population farms enough for to produce a surplus for this country by using the best knowledge and technology that the scientific Western World has created.  She wants to throw this out and replace it with less efficient practices because the less efficient practices are used by native peoples.

If this were to come to pass it would make the Great Leap Forward look like the SoBe Diet craze.

She should really be called out for to love of the noble savage trope, but as a progressive Democrat, her bigotry will be given a pass.

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Wreaths Across America

Last night I got an email from Wreaths Across America asking me if I wanted to donate again this year. Two minutes later I had contributed again and now I am going to ask you if you would be willing to sponsor one wreath that will go to the tomb of a fallen soldier.

If you haven’t heard about Wreaths Across America, don’t waste any more time with me and go read it.

Then please contribute with  donation for at least one wreath.

Thank You.



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Leftist tolerance on display at Minneapolis Trump rally

It doesn’t seem like that far of a jump to go from burning the symbols of a group of people to erecting crematoriums to burn the people.

I think it only took from 1938 to 1941 for that to happen before.

Clearly the intent is there, they are just lacking in the numbers and authority to make it feasible.

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The NBA bought a express ticket to hell with Yuan


I was unaware that random mass shootings by criminals in the United States was a “classicide” in which millions of landlords and property owners were declared to be enemies of the people and systematically exterminated.

I was also unaware that the fallout of random mass shootings by criminals in the United States was a death toll of some 45 million people.

I was further unaware that the fallout of random mass shootings by criminals in the United States caused tens of millions of forced abortions and sterilizations over the years.

Lastly I was unaware that the fallout of random mass shootings by criminals in the United States cause millions of more people to be tortured, endure struggle sessions, and be politically re-educated by force.

I would not have thought that random acts of violence by people abusing their freedom was tantamount to the oppression and persecution by one of the most repressive and genocidal governments in modern human history.

The Woke scolds at the NBA do.

They do because the Chinese government all buy pays them to believe it.

The NBA can go to hell.  I don’t need to be lectured on my gun rights by a guy who has Xi Jinpingk’s balls pressed against his chin.


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