Thinking about the idiots of Extinction Rebellion.

One of the things they demand is Zero Emissions of Greenhouse gases by 2025 which would include zero emissions of carbon dioxide.

That means every living aerobic creature on earth has to be eliminated by 2025, including lovely penguins and the cute birds in the rainforest and also the rain forest and every vegetation in the planet.

The idiots are demanding total immolation. Once again, they are effing clowns sporting the latest political fashion.

Now if they really want to cut down in Human-produced greenhouse gasses, they can always go the Jim Jones Kool-Aid therapy.


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Dear Extinction Rebellion Crusaders: A Challenge.

If you really believe in a simple life without the trappings of a pollutant modern technological society, I dare you to take the Rainbow 6 challenge.

In the great Tom Clancy book, a group of Bio/Eco terrorists were given the chance to prove their ways were the best by being left in the middle of the Amazon jungle, naked and without a single tool. So, I believe that in order for us to begin taking you seriously, we need to see a selected group of you to submit to the same challenge for at least a year.

Warning: No Kale or Starbucks in the middle of the jungle, so you know.


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Broward Sheriff Gregory Tony thinks like an Old School Chief of PD.


“I can’t imagine a world where a teacher is preparing her lesson plans in the morning or his, having a cup of coffee and, as they grab their lesson plan, they say ‘Let me grab my .357.’ The moment we start walking into an environment as educators to teach our students with the idea that I also may have to kill this same student, we’re lost as a society, not as a state. So I am 100% opposed,” Tony said.
He said there is “no proven data point” to back up the notion that arming more people would improve public safety by empowering more people to stop active shooters.
In fact, he said, more armed people increases the chances something will go wrong. “Shooting inside of an indoor environment is very complicated,” he said.

Broward Sheriff Gregory Tony offers his take on critical issues: gun violence, marijuana legalization, and race

This is mostly talk from Chief of Police from 15-20 years ago. when the possible horrors of Concealed Carry was still being argued by the Opposition and even warning of “blood on the streets”

The moment we start walking into an environment as educators to teach our students with the idea that I also may have to kill this same student, we’re lost as a society, not as a state. So I am 100% opposed,”

I can even give you an exact date when this piece of wishful thinking died a gruesome death: April 20, 1999.

The Columbine Massacre where twelfth grade students Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, murdered 12 students and one teacher was what is called a watershed moment that was (and seems) to be ignored in order to advance political rhetoric rather than real solutions.

He said there is “no proven data point” to back up the notion that arming more people would improve public safety by empowering more people to stop active shooters.

This one has always been a favorite of Gun Controllers: If there were not a lot of corpses, how can you say it was a Mass Killing incident; and if there are corpses, then you failed.  Nice game but we refuse to play and instead I link you to a very long list of cases where an armed civilian stopped a Mass Killer.

And then:

In fact, he said, more armed people increases the chances something will go wrong. “Shooting inside of an indoor environment is very complicated,” he said.

This is 100% pure, unadulterated “I am the only one professional enough…” bullshit. The cases of an armed civilian shooting somebody by accident in a closed or open environment are so scarce, I can’t even come up with one.  Reports of cops shooting civilians accidentally? You know the answer damned well.  I think we remember the case of 71-year-old Samuel Williams who shot two armed robbers inside a crowded internet cafe. The only ones injured were the bad guys without the use of the Police Technique of emptying the  full size sidearm on them. In fact I think the weapon used by Mr. Williams was a Ruger LCP that he was carrying in his pants’ pocket.

Just when you hope Broward County may have a decent Sheriff, it ends up with one in the tradition of Ken Jenne and Scott Israel but with a different tan. Then again he might be reciting the proper words for when election time comes and he hopes he does not get raped by the Democrat Machine.  But he should not worry, I don’t think Broward County has elected a Black Sheriff in ages. At least he could stop sounding like them.


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The Verdict is in: Facebook says I am guilty of Felony Clickbait

So what did I do wrong?” According to FB’s Newsfeed guidelines:

What is clickbait?
“Click-baiting” is when a publisher posts a link with a headline that encourages people to click to see more, without telling them much information about what they will see. Clickbait intentionally omits crucial information or exaggerates the details of a story to make it seem like a bigger deal than it really is. This gets attention and lures visitors into clicking on a link, but they then quickly return to News Feed. See how to drive reach and referrals without clickbait.

So my headline was too short. Only eight words. Or was it they way they were arranged?

In the “Do” list, I found this laughable:

Share articles with accurate headlines. Instead of relying on misleading headlines to intrigue the reader, share articles with accurate headlines that don’t exaggerate or sensationalize the topic and add your own voice to help drive genuine conversation around the content.

I might be off the zip code here, but you cannot get more accurate than the title to describe why those harmless got murdered. “I guess I I should have posted: “You won’t guess what happened to these people while they were sleep. Click on the link now!”  as it fits their parameters.

My guess is that I finally entered some sort of list and I need to be shadowbanned/Throtled to reduce what little influence I may have.

I am trying to remember, but I am sure I have not pissed off  the Chinese….yet..

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Florida: SB 428 – Carrying in Artsy places and Legitimate Theaters verbotten

A reboot from last session. Hopefully it will dies like John Wilkes Booth

Revising the locations where a concealed weapons or concealed firearms licensee is prohibited from openly carrying a handgun or carrying a concealed weapon or firearm, etc.
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Florida: HB 311: Illegal to say “If you don’t stop your forcible felony, I will have to shoot you.”

Prohibits threats to use firearm or weapon with specified intent.
There is no exception for using of a firearm trying to stop a forcible felony.
And proving the dumb comes in other flavors, Masullo is a Republican representing district 34.
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