Here I go, victim blaming again.

A man had his truck stolen for the second time in less than a month Sunday on La Crosse’s South Side, authorities say.
La Crosse police are looking for a pair of African American teens accused of taking the 2010 Ford F-350 Super Duty on a joy ride early Sunday morning.
According to the police report, the owner left the vehicle locked and parked, with the keys in a hidden cupholder, at about 12:40 a.m. on East Avenue and Ferry Street. When he came outside five minutes later the vehicle was gone, and he called police.
The truck was previously stolen Sept. 11.
The owner told police he had left his other set of keys inside in the same cupholder and found it later that day on the 1600 block of Market Street. Those keys were not recovered at the time.

Truck stolen twice in one month on La Crosse’s South Side

Let me summarize the whole thing: He got his ruck stolen once, he had a copy of the keys in the cup holder which were stolen.  The truck is recovered and this time he makes sure is closed, but apparently he never got around to change the locks because when the cops recovered the truck the second frigging time, they found the stolen keys in it.

He is a victim alright, but I won’t say of what as not to hurt the sensitivities of some.
Screw that, he was victim of his own stupidity.

Hat Tip Eve’s Husband.


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This is what Florida Carry does.

and not being used as front for clowns fishing with rifles who are risking their Not-For-Profit status.

By Lee Williams on October 7, 2019 News – National

Florida Carry, Inc. — the state’s largest and most active gun rights organization — in a letter to Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody, is demanding a statewide investigation into “law enforcement’s illegal abuse, misuse, and general operation of the FINDER database including the compilation of lists of gun owners, and illegal retention of records.”

“There are felonies being committed by the Charlotte County Sheriff and, possibly, by other sheriffs throughout the state,” said Sean Caranna, founder and executive director of Florida Carry, Inc.

Charlotte County Sheriff Bill Prummell did not return calls or emails seeking comment for this story.

Florida Carry: Charlotte County Sheriff illegally obtaining gun owners’ personal information in violation of state law

And here is the letter sent to Moody. I won’t write about this when I can send you straight to Lee Williams’ great piece… so go read!




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Why am am sick and tired of environmentalists

Like Miguel, I can’t take environmentalists seriously.

I have a hard time respecting the gravitas of people who feel the need to march around in a costume chanting like they are a member of a self-flagellating medieval religious order.

Or when they say “200 species go extinct every day, 120 from meat consumption.”  That’s 73,000 per year.  Name them.  Tell me what 200 species will go extinct today because I had sausage with my breakfast.

But no only that, is who these environmentalists targets that is so wrong.

As others have pointed out, Greta railed against the US and Europe but China puts out more CO2 and pollution than the US and EU combined.

One of the things that drives me nuts is when this same ideological blind spot is used when it comes to animal conservation.

This is the cover of this month’s National Geographic:

Wow, you terrible Americans, stop wiping out the White Rhino.

Except it’s not Americans wiping out the White Rhino.

Watch this:

That’s funny, but it’s also true.

What is wiping out the White Rhino, Bengal Tiger, and countless other species is wealthy Chinese, who despite a Western education, have a deep cultural belief in traditional Chinese medicine.

The White Rhino is being killed off, not by Americans on illicit safari, but African locals who cut off the horns and sell them to Chinese dot com millionaires to grind into powder and rub on their dicks.

I have never seen a single environmentalist ever go on a rant against wealthy Chinese and the species they are wiping out because of traditional medicine.

That would be condemned as “racist” in a heart beat.

Instead, they have to criticize lawful trophy hunting, which gives a financial incentive to protect these animals as a game species instead of poaching them for their horn.

When China is busy filling our skies with poison and filling our seas with garbage and plastic from their polluted rivers, it’s Americans who are bombarded with messages about needing to eat less meat and give up our drinking straws.

Until these people start addressing the worst polluters and not the polluters with the most privilege. we are going to get nowhere.

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Why not only I can’t take “enviromentalists” seriously, but sometimes they need a Clue by Four.

There seems to be a sort of global thing going on today with the group called Extinction Rebellion. Apparently they are preaching the end of the world if we do not forsake our Capitalist way and go back to simple living.  Although there has been some very minor demonstrations in other countries, the bulk of the display has been in London. The want to raise shit, go for it.

You cannot start the revolution in an empty stomach. Le’s get us some Mc Muffins first.

“Don’t call us clowns! We are serious!”

And why I advocate the Clue By Four: You may have a complain and the right to protest, but do not impede access to a hospital for any reason at all.

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A glimpse at stupidity

IN researching my last post on Kamala Harris, I saw this Tweet in Harris’ feed.

Since it is ideologically tied to my previous post on Che, I decided to write about it.

Notice the Twitter name this Woman uses: Malena Fighting Tyranny & Concentration Camps.

What is she calling for?

Gun control on a massive scale.

She wants to fight tyranny and concentration camps by electing a politician who has promised to use executive orders to take away guns from tens of millions of law-abiding Americans.

The cognitive dissonance in that making my head spin.

I guess it’s not tyranny when they do it, and it’s not concentration camps when it’s Republican NRA members getting shoved into them.


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Liberals: They want you dead. Ocassional Cortex once again.

The woman that wants people disarmed…

Also wants to eliminate prisons…

D Level celebrity Chelsea Handler is commenting about the case of Deandre Somerville who the media has falsely chose to portray as “oversleeping” for jury duty  rather than “He was chosen for jury duty but found it boring and decided go play b-ball with his buddies without notifying the court and fuck the court system.”

Let me see: Socialist wants people disarmed and the country overrun over with violent criminals. Why does that sound familiar and even personal? Oh yes! Venezuela!

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Kamala Harris blames Mitch McConnell for murders he didn’t commit and her followers pile on

According to the Democrats, every shooting is always the fault of the people who didn’t pull the trigger.

Over the weekend there was a shooting at a bar in Kansas City, and Kamala Harris rushed to Twitter to blame Mitch McConnell for it.

As a result of this, #MassacreMitch was trending on Twitter, because had Mitch McConnell capitulated and brought the House’s gun control bill to a vote, this shooting would not have happened… or something like that.

This is the same mentality that makes these people believe that if only we had not dropped out of the Paris Accords, Hurricane wound not have happened.  There are people who fervently believe this, as scientifically unsound as that assertion may be.

What does Kansas City local news have to say about this (because the national news sucks)?

Tequila KC shooting suspects identified: 1 in custody, 1 still at large

Kansas City, Kansas, police early Monday morning identified two suspects in a shooting at a KCK bar in which four people died and five others were injured.

KCKPD said Hugo Villanueva-Morales, 29, and Javier Alatorre, 23, have each been charged with four counts of first-degree murder.

According to records from the Kansas Department of Corrections, Villanueva-Morales was released from prison in March 2019. He was incarcerated for several years after three robbery convictions.

Villanueva-Morales and Alatorre are accused in the mass shooting at Tequila KC, which police said may have been motivated by an earlier dispute at the bar.

The news reported that there were previous violent altercations at the bar earlier in the night, however, at the time of that reporting it was unknown if those incidents had anything to do with the shooting.

KCK Shooting: What we know about Tequila KC

Kansas City, Kansas, police records showed at least two incidents of violence near the bar in 2019. Around 8:30 p.m. on Feb. 2, 2019, officers responded near the bar on an aggravated assault – use of a deadly weapon call. Then, around 2 a.m. on April 5, 2019, officers responded on an aggravated battery – intentional great bodily harm or disfigurement call.

It was not known if any charges were filed in connection with the two previous incidents.

It appears that after the arrest of the first suspect, that yes, the shooting was in connection with the earlier assaults at the bar.

So I would like to know, exactly what gun laws allowed a man who was released from prison a few months ago after several felony convictions to buy between 8:30 PM and 1:30 AM and would the latest House gun bill eliminated those loopholes?

I can’t speak for all gun owners, but I don’t need a UBC to tell me not to sell a gun I have listed on Armslist at 10:00 at night to a guy with a prison tattoo on his face.

These facts don’t matter though, because the point isn’t to reduce gun crime, it’s to disarm and thereby punish gun owners who the Democrats assume is Trump’s base.

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