“You come at the king, you best not miss.”

North missed. Seriously, I want his fucking treasonous ass out of the NRA and shipped straight to the Bloomberg compound.  Then we can start addressing other issues.

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Retired Lt. Col. Oliver North has announced that he will not serve a second term as the president of the National Rifle Association amid inner turmoil in the gun-rights group.

North says he won’t serve second term as president of NRA


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“I am sick of the NRA asking for money.”

Dear friends. I know one of the usual complains is that the NRA keeps asking for money and that annoys you. At the same time we know that Michael Bloomberg is pouring his fortune into his Gun Control Efforts.  I covered in the past how they gave Florida Senate President Bill Galvano a nice fat check for $200,000 for his campaign. and a total of $4 million buck in Florida.

The numbers above is why I keep saying the NRA need to pump its budget numbers to nine figures.  Asking the NRA to do lobby on the cheap is suicide.

Now, if you do not want to contribute to the NRA, it is fine. But please, do not put down the fund-raising efforts just because you hate getting mail. If your wrist  is tough enough to withstand the recoil of a sidearm, then it is strong enough to flick the NRA envelopes in the trash can. And clicking DELETE or adding the email address to the spam filters is just as easy.



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And from the NRAAM 20191, the pretty guns.

Reader Jeff B. is having fun in Indianapolis and sent us some pics.

“Yes, please!”

Benelli goodness
Use it or lose it!
And Benelli Field Guns

This is my favorite so far. Bear in mind I am an old fart who grew watching old WWII movies in TV. The Thompson is just a gorgeous piece of work.

Now everybody be nice, thank Jeff for sending the photos and ask him nicely to send more.

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There is something rotten in Indianapolis.

So there was the first shots of the infighting within the NRA… and not really the NRA. Here is a letter from Wayne La Pierre and I want you to read it.  Here are a couple of extracts that are worrisome if true:

This shit if true is pure blackmail and despicable.

Let’s put aside the argument that La Pierre has lost its effectiveness for a minute. I want you to think about this: Ackerman McQueen is  NOT the NRA, they are subcontractor, the hired help if you wish. Your card says NRA, not Ackerman McQueen. It is NRA-ILA and not AM-ILA.

As a private company, their bottom line is money. So if the think the lawsuit its gonna affect their income or maybe they being financed by other entities not so much in line with the Second Amendment, it would explain their actions.

Once again, if there is truth in La Pierre’s letter and this coup was attempted by an outside organization, there is something very wrong going on and it is not going to help the NRA or the fight for the Second Amendment.

Be VERY careful what you wish for.

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I cannot get an answer and I wonder why.

My social media and pages I visit  are peppered by the Chest Thumpers® and No Compromise!™ people demanding that the NRA should burn to the ground.

I ask them if the NRA dies this weekend, which other organization is going to realistically fill that hole by Monday. I am talking from Lobbyist and Lawyers to training, competition and matches.

So far the answer has been the same:

It seem that the Cool Kids Club have forgotten that Michael Bloomberg and his minions will not give us a 5 year break to reorganize. In fact, they are looking for that NRA collapse to win.

I swear we have a mixture of Useful Idiots with Fifth Columnists among us.

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Spring Ammo Giveaway!

Our friends of Bulkammunition.com have the giveaway and you can pick one of the following:

Case of 9mm Ammo – 1,000 rounds (AE9DP)
Case of 223 Rem Ammo – 500 rounds (AE223)
Case of 45 ACP – 500 rounds (L45AP4)
Case of 40 S&W – 500 rounds (L40W3)

So go to Springtime Ammo Giveaway link and try your luck.  And remember, unless you are swimming and on fire, there is no such thing as too much ammunition.

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Code Pink still being idiots.

I saw a headline in a Venezuelan newspaper about activists occupying the Venezuelan Embassy in Washington D.C. A quick Twitter check and I find out that it is our old friends from Code Pink.


he activists haven’t been home in two weeks.

Since April 10, the group of eight has been camped out 24 hours a day in the Venezuelan Embassy on 30th Street Northwest in Georgetown. They’ve been sleeping on couches, exiting and entering the premises for food and necessities with key cards provided by the country’s diplomatic representatives. They plan to stay as long as they must.

“I’m 67 years old, and I’ve seen too much already of my government screwing things up in other countries,” says Medea Benjamin, one of the activists taking up residence in the embassy and the co-founder of antiwar organization Code Pink. “And I’ve seen personally decades of war in Latin America and how utterly devastating it is … and I just can’t abide by sitting and watching as my government helps engineer another coup in Latin America that will lead to decades of violence.”

Activists Have Been Living In The Venezuelan Embassy For Two Weeks

Code Pink love affair with the Chavez Revolution goes back some years as we can see from the picture below:

On the left, Cindy Sheehan, the most famous fo the Code Pinkers.

And yes, there is a problem with the diplomatic legations since Venezuela is sporting two presidents and two legislatures. The Maduro loyalists are the ones originally appointed to the locations, but since many countries, including the US recognize Guaido, the old diplomatic set up is invalid. What I do know is that voluntarily relinquishing the Embassy grounds to foreign nationals is a crime under Venezuela law., but I doubt the Maduro Legal System is going to give a crap.

And if you want to laugh some, Code Pink is illegally under control of the Embassy and they are de facto invading Venezuela Territory.
And are also officially Illegal Aliens.

So much for Maduro and the Revolution defending Venezuela’s sovereignty.

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