Andrew Teter v. Anne E. Lopez motion to moot

Before the Bruen opinion, the Supreme Court heard arguments in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc., et al., v. City of New York, New York, et al.. This case had been working its way up through the court system for many years.

The Second Circuit heard the case on August 17, 2016, and issued their opinion on February 23, 2018.

I. Rule 5-23 Does Not Violate the Second Amendment.

The Second Amendment provides: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” U.S. Const. amend. II. In District of Columbia v. Heller, the Supreme Court announced that the Second Amendment “guarantee[s] the individual right to possess and carry weapons in case of confrontation.” 554 U.S. 570, 592 (2008). In McDonald v. City of Chicago, the Court held that this right is incorporated within the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, and therefore binds the States as well as the Federal Government. 561 U.S. 742. 791 (2010). However, the Court remarked that its holding should not “be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms.” Heller, 554 U.S. at 626–27. “Neither Heller nor McDonald … delineated the precise scope of the Second Amendment or the standards by which lower courts should assess the constitutionality of firearms restrictions.” N.Y. State Rifle, 804 F.3d at 254.
New York State Rifle & Pistol Ass’N, Inc. V. City of New York, 883 F.3d 45 (2d Cir. 2018)

From this, we can see that the arguments used then are the same they are using today. They are hyper focused on the part which allows them to wiggle and not on the part where the Supreme Court told the inferior courts “The People have a right to keep and bear arms.”.

The remark about Heller and McDonald not giving the “scope” of the Second Amendment nor telling the inferior courts how to analyze Second Amendment cases is a self reference, back to the Second Circuit court.

The state argued for over 5 years that the law was absolutely required to protect the subjects of New York City and New York State.

From June 2018 through January 2019, the state continued to represent that this law was required. That blood would run in the streets if it was struck down. That the Supreme Court should not grant certiorari.

Part of the reason that the Second Circuit court said that this law was required was because people with NYC “target licenses” were going to the range without abiding by the rules on how to store and transport firearms to the range.

No harm was caused by The People not following the exact rules, but the NYPD decided the only answer, and least restrictive answer, was to eliminate “target licenses”.

On Jan 22, 2019, Certiorari was granted.

On April 12, 2019, the state informed the Supreme Court that a new rule was being considered by the state and asking for the court to hold all briefings on the case until that rule making process was completed.

Of course, everybody with an interest in the Second Amendment went into over drive filing briefs. All the normal names were there. The briefs continued until Nov. 20, 2019. The case was argued two weeks later, on Dec. 2nd.

4 months later, the court issued their judgement. The case was vacated and remanded because of mootness.

This is and has been the states’ method when they are about to lose. It is more important to them that no unfavorable opinions be issued than it is to stand their grounds on “moral” principles.

And that is precisely what is happening in this case. The governor of Hawaii asked for a new law allowing for the possession of butterfly knives. The legislature passed the law.

The state is now arguing to the Ninth Circuit en banc panel that the case should be vacated and remanded because it is a moot issue, not withstanding that “possessing” and “bearing” are two different parts of the right to keep and bear arms.

Being the Ninth Circus, this is the type of argument that they will often find “convincing”

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Segregating Carriers & Bags

One of the five Americans arrested for bringing ammunition to Turks and Caicos has pleaded guilty and is facing a minimum of 12 years in prison.

Tyler Wenrich, a 31-year-old paramedic from Virginia, pleaded guilty to two counts of ammunition possession on Tuesday morning, according to Dr. Angela Brooks, deputy director of public prosecutions in Turks and Caicos, CNN reported.

Possession of firearms and ammunition is illegal on the Caribbean island chain, which is a British Overseas Territory where five Americans have been arrested in recent months after ammunition was found in their luggage.

Wenrich was caught in April with just two 9mm rounds in his bag at a security checkpoint as he returned to the Royal Caribbean Cruise ship following a beach excursion.

American charged in Turks and Caicos for having ammunition in bag pleads guilty, faces minimum of 12 years in prison (

I do not travel by air in close to 15 years and internationally in over two decades. Still, I was giving thought to this event and realized that I may have a solution or at least a way to reduce the chances of getting gun stuff in travel bags and it came when I realized I did not need to take my old range bag with me for an afternoon of plinking at the local range.

The CED bag was bought when I was doing IDPA and it was an all-day of shooting.  It is a voluminous thing and short of a rifle, you can carry enough stuff to start a small revolution provided your back can hold.

The one on top is a plain jane tool bag bought at Home Depot. It will carry a box or 2 of ammo, one pistol in a pouch plus eye and ear protection. And being a tool bag, it is built tough and capable to withstand the abuse shooters give to their carriers.

What do both have in common? Neither could be confused with travel luggage and are immediately identified by you or anybody in your household as such. That means you can segregate your shooting implements from your travel needs because they only belong on easily identifiable carriers.


The other identifier (and this was purely coincidental) is that all my shotting carriers are or have a good portion in the color red and none of our luggage bags are or have red.

And, of course, blindly trusting that manufacturing and color will keep you safe from a round in the wrong bag is not the smart way to go. Gun Gremlins will try to sneak a round into your make up bag when you are not watching. Always double and triple check before packing for a trip and do not keep bags close to each other.

Do not tempt the Gun Gremlin.

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They are shocked?

It has been revealed through unsealed filings in Donald Trump’s classified documents case brought by Jack Smith that the FBI was authorized to use deadly force if needed in its raid of Mar-a-Lago.

The filing, published by journalist Julie Kelly, revealed the procedure if the FBI had encountered dangerous individuals during the raid.

REVEALED: Biden’s FBI authorized ‘use of deadly force when necessary’ during Mar-a-Lago raid | The Post Millennial |


Newsflash darling: if they have guns and a badge, they are always authorized to use deadly force.  The excuse will be forthcoming later.

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That Whale in Economy

I am that whale. I’m overweight. I gross myself out when I look at my body in a mirror. I hate stepping on a scale.

I’m the guy who has to have a special office chair because regular chairs will break under my load.

The last time I flew, I was stuffed into economy, near the back of the plane. I didn’t complain. I just took my seat.

Getting into the seat was a struggle. My hips barely fit. The belt was a tight fit, but it did fit.

I felt sorry for the young lady who was forced to sit next to me. I believe there was a pleasant conversation, but I am large enough that even that “normal” sized person was forced to actually touch the stranger beside her.

Regardless, I was disgusted.

I gained wait after that flight during the panic. With exercise and a change in diet, I did start to come down in weight.

But I seem to have gained most of it back. According to my lady, I look and feel healthier, in that my size has reduced. But it doesn’t help the mental angst that I have from being fat.

When I read Miguel’s post about the woman demanding airlines be “more inclusive of plus size travel”, it hurt.

So I walked away. I know that he was not addressing me. Nevertheless, as more than one person has said, friendly fire isn’t.

So how do I differentiate myself from that person?

Simple, that article is about an entitled near human that wants special snowflake treatment. She isn’t interested in getting health. She isn’t interested in losing weight.

It hurts to walk. I left my right ACL at Bear Mountain, NY more than 30 years ago. It hurts if I have to walk any distance. I tried the treadmill for about a year, I had to stop because the doctor gave me a choice, keep walking/running on the treadmill, or we can schedule your knee replacement.

So I got an exercise bike.

I get on that bike 5 days a week. Sick or not, tired or not. My goal is 45 minutes per ride. I was up to 30 minutes when the old bike broke. I’m back up to 20–25 minutes and working towards getting healthier.

I’m out in the shop doing things. 4+ hours in the shop standing is a type of exercise. When I come in the door, my ass is dragging. There are three steps from the garage to the family room. I use my arms for extra stability because my legs wobble.

There are another two steps into the kitchen. It is a struggle to get up those steps.

Today, I was so tired when I came in for dinner that I forgot to take off my apron. I went back to the garage to put it away. I didn’t ask the kid to do it. And yes, those steps were just as painful and just as hard the second time.

So when I read about entitled fat people, I need to remember that my goal is to get health. I will continue to work on it.

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Something funky happening at Twitter/X.

Just before my sentence to the Gulag, my timeline started to be somewhat populated by hardcore Lefty accounts. Right after I was “restricted” that is pretty much what I get now. Even posts from people I follow are few and far between and almost none of the old content I was getting.

So, I am truly in a Gulag now, complete with re-education content. If this is a way for the Twitter Internal Resistance to Elon to change the way I or others think, I am here to announce that not only failed but only managed to make me even more convinced I am in the right path.

And in other news, this one needs to lay off the beer-battered fish sandwiches with 4 sides of onion rings and eat some more sushi.

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Don’t get into fights

This video is shocking

At first, I thought she died. Then in the comments of where I saw this video, someone posted a chip from hee Instagram where she is alive.

Then, I thought she must be a quadriplegic. I can’t confirm that, but some sort of cervical spine trauma probably happened.

A human neck is not supposed to bend that way.

This is why you don’t get into fights.

You don’t know if you’re going to end up on a bench being turned into a Million Dollar Baby.

It’s not worth you dignity to end up driving a wheelchair with your tongue.


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