Daniel Penny is fucked because New Yorkers are broken people

Miguel sent me this article:

Charges in NYC chokehold death may hinge on ‘reasonableness’

The potential criminal charges against a U.S. Marine veteran who put Jordan Neely in a fatal chokehold aboard a New York City subway train might depend on whether a “reasonable” New Yorker would have acted similarly.

Oh well, he’s fucked.

The problem isn’t what he did, the problem is New Yorkers are emotionally damaged people who have been beaten down by life in the Big City.

Outside of New York, a crazy vagrant threatening people in a train car from which there is no escape is a real danger, and reasonable people will defend themselves from that.

In New York City, that’s a normal day on the subway and just be sure not to stand too close to the platform edge so he can’t easily push you on front of a train.  If he scares you and you feel the need to defend yourself, you’re just a pussy and not a real New Yorker.

What’s reasonable everywhere is isn’t reasonable in New York because New Yorkers are unreasonable.

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How you know that Pride is the official state religion

This story:

Homeless man charged with hate crimes for defecating on two LGBTQ+ Pride flags: NYPD

A homeless man has been charged with several hate crimes for defecating on an LGBTQ+ Pride flag and wiping his behind with another at a Manhattan restaurant, according to the NYPD.

Fred Innocent, 45, walked into Buceo 95, a tapas bar on W. 95th St. and Broadway on the Upper West Side, on April 15 at about 10 a.m. as the day crew was setting up and grabbed two rainbow flags off of a table, cops said. He relieved himself on one of the banners, according to police, then cleaned himself with another.

Innocent, whose address comes back to a Harlem shelter, was charged with burglary, harassment and trespassing, all as hate crimes. He was also hit with additional trespassing charges and burglary, not as a hate crime.

He was arrested in Midtown and was awaiting arraignment as of Wednesday evening.

“If I’m asked to go to court, I’m going to press for the maximum charge possible,” she said.

He wiped his ass with a Pride flag and they elevated that to a hate crime.

Had he just stolen something, the NYPD would have done nothing because they don’t prosecute people for shoplifting anymore.

But he got shit on a Pride flag so they are going to throw the book at him.

This, however, is free speech:


I don’t see the NYPD arresting anyone and charging them with hate crimes.

You can desecrate an American flag but not a Pride flag in New York City.

Tell me that Pride is the state religion without telling me it’s the state religion.

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Friday Feedback

Hagar asks: What do they want a woman’s perspective on?

Is there something that you would like to hear her woman’s perspective about? Put your requests down below.

Hagar also asks: What would they like a more left of center view point on?

She is not a left-wing nut, but she is left of center. Ask away.

I hope you enjoyed the three part series about Judge Easterbrook’s history of writing bad opinions. Is that something you would like to see more of?

Finally, there are a couple of cases I want to dig into. Pick your favorites and let me know.

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Nashville as Sanctuary City?

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WZTV) — Will the expiration of Title 42 along the U.S.-Mexico border lead to new friction between state leaders who want to keep migrants out, and Metro leaders who want to roll out the welcome mat?

With Nashville being a blue dot in a red state, Conservative commentator Steve Gill says he worries Nashville may declare itself a sanctuary city. He says this would create even more of a rift between the state and Metro leaders.

End of Title 42 along southern border brings debate among Tennessee leaders | WZTV (fox17.com)

Threaten to dump a dozen busloads of illegal aliens in front of the bars and tourist traps in downtown Nashville and let’s see if the Metro council members want to press that idea. At least they all be safe since so many locales and alleys are tagged with Gun Free Zone signs, right? Titan fans trying to go to a game having to slalom around homeless tents and people sleeping on the sidewalk?

I am almost wishing they do declare the city a sanctuary.


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Another fatal pit bull mauling

Sheriff’s deputy died protecting son from dog attack, MCSO officials said

A longtime Marion County Sheriff’s Office deputy, described as tiny in stature with a big heart, died Tuesday night after officials say she was protecting her young son during a dog attack in her home.

Tamieka White, 46, was pronounced dead shortly after Indianapolis police responded to her home in the 1700 block of Forsythia Drive near East 16 Street and North Franklin Road on the city’s east side. The dog attack was reported about 7:45 p.m.

White’s 8-year-old son also was bitten and is recovering from non-life-threatening injuries.

Indianapolis police said the attacking dog was fatally shot by a responding officer, who fired when the dog charged at them.

A spokesperson with the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department said the attacking dog was not owned by White, and police have identified the owner. They declined to release further information about the dog’s owner.

In a statement, Indianapolis Animal Care Services said workers impounded the deceased dog, three additional dogs and a cat from the home. The department said they cannot confirm the breeds without a DNA test, but said all the dogs appeared to be a “pitbull-type.”

This woman was a sheriff’s deputy, so it can be reasonably assumed she was in somewhat decent physical shape and had some training in hand-to-hand confrontation.

Still, a pit bull was able to inflict fatal injuries on her.

The dog was shot, but clearly not soon enough.

At least she managed to protect her child.

I keep saying it, bring a pit bull around my kids and I’m going to shoot it.

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Normal things happening on the subway

A man wearing a balaclava and pacing up and down a BART train this afternoon slashed a fellow passenger across the back with a meat cleaver, and caused more than a dozen other riders to scurry away in fear, according to a witness to the scene.

James Temple, a journalist who was in the car with the suspect, said the the victim was taken away on a gurney, seemingly in good spirits.

Temple described a man holding a rectangular butcher cleaver pacing up and down a BART car on an eastbound train in the Transbay Tube. He said he initially saw a passenger at the end of his car “jump out of the way” of the cleaver-wielding man, and then “all kinds of people trying to jump away.”

“Everyone started running through the cars, trying to get as much distance between themselves and this guy as possible,” he said. Temple said people were cowering in their seats, “trying to get as close to the edges of the BART cars as possible” as the man walked back and forth in the aisle.

“I jumped out of the way once and landed partially on a woman who was sitting,” he added. “I was just trying to get away.”

Good thing nobody put the man with a cleaver in a choke hold, that would have been bad.

A crazy man with a big fucking knife slashing people on the subway is totally normal according to big city people.  That’s just the kind of local flavor that you get in major metropolitan areas that provincial flyover country rednecks don’t understand and are pussies for wanting a gun to defend themselves from.

This is why I avoid major cities in Blue states, because if I see a crazy guy with a big fucking knife slashing at people, I’m going to shoot him.

Then again, I’m just a dumb provincial redneck from Alabama.

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