The fuck is going on in Texas

On Saturday, a mass shooter killed nine people at an outlet mall in Allen, Texas.

Here is video of the shooter after being killed by law enforcement. (Graphic)

Note the tattoo on his hand.

He’s fairly well kitted out.

The shooter has been identified as Mauricio Garcia.  He lived at home with his parents, who don’t speak English.

This was from today:


You can see from the arrest video that it’s the sane guy.

How does a shirtless, tatted up guy like that get behind the wheel of a $100,000 Range Rover?

Keep in mind, Title 42 is about to end.

Do we have a cartel turf war brewing in theUSS over human trafficking?

Maybe these events have nothing to do with one another, but this is a lot of casualties for a weekend in Texas.

This just seem like too much of a coincidence to me.

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I support violent overreaction

I saw this Tweet and it made an good point:


It links to this YouTube video, which is excellent:


I will go further.

Mid-level violence is worse than conventional violence because it intends to strip you of your dignity.

You may fight back and lose to conventional violence, but you can fight back.

Mid-level violence requires that you sit there and take it.  You humiliate yourself and surrender your dignity as you do nothing, impotently, as you are tormented.

I believe the moral thing, and should be the legal thing, is to respond to mid-level violence with overwhelming violence.

When someone dumps glitter on you, punch them in the face, and when they hit the ground, kick them in the face until they spit out all of their teeth.

When some upper middle-class white college student has to look in the mirror and put in her dentures every morning, she will have learned her lesson.

When the protesters block the highway, use a diesel F-350 with a snow plow to clear them at 70 mph.

When Antifa forms a wall of plywood or trashcan lid shields, open up on them with M249s and green tip.

It isn’t just the inconvenience, it is the assault on your dignity that must be responded to.

Is it, and I’m not walking this back, second only to rape as an attack on your soul.

It demands that you allow yourself to be violated.

It is that evil.

Which is why I believe mid-level violence demands overwhelming violence.

When they demand your humiliation, they deserve to lose their lives.

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Lies, Damn Lie, and Lawyer Speak

For the last couple of weeks, I’ve been working with a great group of people at the CourtListener site. They are one of a number of projects that are supported by the Free Law Project.

All of this started because I asked for help uploading a document I had paid for. The project lead helped and asked for an error report. I gave it and in the midst of that asked, “How do you do X?” His reply was geek to geek. “That is a feature people have been asking for. Feel free to write it.”

I did.

Since then, I’ve been contributing little bits and pieces, but that is not the point of this article…

I asked for a simple link I could press to get proper citations. Citations that I can use here. They didn’t have one. Worse, they explained to me how I’m wrong…

It took me a week of being told wrong before somebody actually bothered to say what I was doing wrong. Part of that is because they have their own use cases, and we do not fit into their world view.

Most of the time, what I get is a short screenshot with the YouTuber, maybe giving me a little more context.

If I am a bit luckier, I might get something like this:

From this, I need or want to find the actual case. That should be pretty easy, right? Not so much.

The header on this document indicates that it came from PACER. That is not enough to actually locate this particular document.

To locate this document, you have to find it. The case number, 3:23-cv-00209-SPM, is not unique. I’m not sure what the leading three means. “23” means that this case was filed in 2023. “cv” means that it is a civil case and not a criminal case. It is case “00209” in this court. “SPM” are the initials of the judge hearing the case.

There is not enough information to find the actual case. For that, you need to the actual court, which is under the header. “In the United States District Court for The Southern District of Illinois.” That is a mouth full. You need to look that up in “Table T9 and T12” WTF? Yeah, that is what I said.

The answer is that “Tables” are published in The BlueBook. It is one of those textbooks that every lawyer has. It is also expensive as heck, and the online version is only available as a subscription.

Within those tables, you find that “Southern District” is abbreviated “S.D.” and that “Illinois” is abbreviated as “Ill.”

Thus, you are looking for case 23-cv-00209 in S.D. Ill. in 2023.

Unfortunately, that isn’t a very useful citation. Nobody remembers numbers like that.

If you look that case up, you will find a more formal citation Barnett v. Raoul, 3:23-cv-00209, (S.D. Ill.).

This is a bad citation. It looks good, but it is not. It is not a good citation because legal people don’t cite to cases. Instead, they cite to documents within a case.

A more correct citation to the document I show above would be the following:

Order Mot. for Prelim. Inj. at 5, Barnett v. Raoul, No. 23-cv-00209 (S.D. Ill. Apr. 28, 2023), ECF No. 99

And that would tell a lawyer type person exactly where to find that document. For you, I link to it. There is no reason to make you do the search.

But let’s say you aren’t trying to reference a document from a pending or undecided case, but instead wanted a document from a decided case.

First, lawyer type people don’t really seem to care about the documents filed, they care about the final decision. This is the “Opinion” or “Order” or both.

These are either published or unpublished. If they are published, they are published in a “reporter”. Each reporter has a unique name and a unique abbreviation.

In the lawyering world (sort of like the wizarding world but not nearly as much fun to visit) they might say something like “410 U.S. 113” or, if they are researching from a different source, “98 S. Ct. 705” or even “35 L. Ed. 2d 147”. These all mean the same thing. Roe v. Wade

“U.S.”, “S. Ct.” and “L. Ed. 2d” are reporters. The leading numbers indicate the volume, and the trailing number is the page number which starts the decision.

A citation into this opinion would look something like:

“[The Constitution] is made for people of fundamentally differing views, and the accident of our finding certain opinions natural and familiar or novel and shocking ought not to conclude our judgment upon the question whether statutes embodying them conflict with the Constitution of the United States.”
Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113, 117 (1973) quoting Lochner v. New York, 198 U. S. 45, 76 (1905)

To do that citation, I had to find an actual PDF of the opinion from one of the reporters to have good page numbers. Often there are text versions of the opinion with the page numbers stripped off or, worse, with the page numbers not matching the citation. In other words, you might click on 410 U.S. 113 and the site you are visiting my take you to the 98 S.Ct. 705 version. The only differences being the page numbers. And since the reporters can use different font choices, the page numbers might not match with a constant offset.

What all of this means is that I’m working with the people that truly care about doing this correctly. I’ve got a couple of subject-matter experts working with me to figure out the best way to automate the citation process to give the best results.

Meanwhile, I’m trying to figure out if our readers would prefer to see: Order Caleb Barnett v. Kwame Raoul, 23-1825, (7th Cir. May 04, 2023) ECF No. 9 OR Order Barnett v. Raoul (7th Cir.)?

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Battered New Yorker Syndrome

This Tweet:


What the actual fuck?

If you live in New York, you just understand that insane, violent, dangerous vagrants are a fact of life.

They patrol the city streets and public transportation.

The city does not keep them in check.

Just don’t make eye contact with them or draw attention to yourself, and hope they pass you hy without assaulting you.

I’ll tell you what comes to mind: battered wife syndrome.

This has to be some sort of emotional damage that people think it’s normal to pay huge sums in taxes to a municipality that does not to deal with dangerous vagrants, and then not to defend themselves and instead hope to be unmolested by trying to be inconspicuous.

This is battered New Yorker syndrome.

And if that’s not enough, there is the New York version of Stockholm syndrome.


When a dangerous vagrant assaults you, it’s your job to assess your own privilege and empathize with and understand the dangerous vagrant because he’s in pain.  More pain than the pain he’s causing you by shoving you head first onto the subway tracks.

If you’re trying to rationalize why you can’t defend yourself and should be submissive to an insane person attacking you, you are emotionally damaged.

The only conclusion I can draw is that living in NYC breaks people down and leaves then all with mental illness.

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Mass Murder in Allen, Texas. Several Killed. (Graphic Videos)

Shooter gets out of his vehicle and begins shooting.

Victims. Not know if they are all of them or more are dead.

Shooter down.

There are some claims that the shooter was screaming some political stuff. Since I only have one source, I will pass for now on that.

PS: Practice head shots under stress. Fucking carry your gun and have a plan to GTFO at a second’s notice.

I am sure there will be more to come.

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