Brilliant CEO my butthole…

From The Daily Mail:

The $12M a year registered Republican CEO of Anheuser-Busch: All-American Bud Light boss, 46, and Iron Man who broke silence on Dylan Mulvaney controversy gave up medical training to join Marines, was CIA spy handler and then won Harvard place

When the CEO of Anheuser-Busch interviews prospective recruits to the world’s biggest brewing conglomerate, he has a favorite question.

‘Tell me about a time that you didn’t succeed or things didn’t go as planned,’ he likes to ask.

How about that time he put a Harvard educated feminist AWFL (Affluent White Female Liberal) in charge of a blue collar beer, where she obviously hated their primary customer base, and she destroyed the legacy of three decades of great marketing campaigns with one TikTok from an obnoxious tranny and cost the company $6B and counting?

How’s that for a fuck-up?

He doesn’t deserve a golden parachute, he needs to be given a sword to fall on.

Also, CIA and Harvard Business School to become CEO at 46?  Excuse me while I don my tinfoil hat because a resume like seems like the kind of one perfectly crafted for some elite level political fuckery.

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Just What Do All These Legal Cases Mean?

B.L.U.F. — What’s with all these court cases and what does it all mean in the grand scheme of things?

How Come We Have To Work So Hard At This?

If everything was as it should be, when the Bruen Court issued their opinion all of the states would have looked at the laws they currently had in place, looked at what would not pass muster, and then would have created new legislation to bring the state into line with the Bruen decision. The infringing states could not bring themselves to do the right thing.

In fact some (all?) of the infringing states jumped on the “Bruen Response” bandwagon to see who could do the most harm to gun owners the fastest.

This starts the long, slow march back to the Supreme Court to get more of these infringements knocked down.

There is a game that is played to accomplish this because the infringing states want to continue to infringe.

In the best of their imaginary worlds only the people they control who are loyal to them would have guns. And those firearms would not be allowed out of the control of dear leader. In their warped world view a cop would travel to work on public transport, they would be issued their duty weapon(s) and would then do a tour. At the end, they would turn in all their duty weapons and ride public transport home.

There would be nobody to stand up to their will.

To get this they need to disarm The People. This means passing regulations that disarm the people.

The Fight, Standing

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Another One Bites the Dust — USA v. Connelly

B.L.U.F. Another case where a Judge used Bruen to come to the correct decision. This This one is §922(g)3 and §922(d)2. This is a criminal case in front of a US Federal Judge for the Western District of Texas. It highlights how case law works.


On December 28, 2021 the El Paso Police Department responded to a 911 call. Transcripts are not available nor needed. When the police arrived they heard several gunshots and observed Paola’s husband with a shotgun at the neighbors house. The police then arrested Paola’s husband.

From this they managed to get permission to conduct[ed] a protective sweep of Connelly’s house &mcite; Order on Motion for Reconsideration P. 1. The cops found evidence of firearms and marijuana. From this they called in the ATF.

The ATF searched the house and found 1.2 grams of marijuana, 0.21 grams of marijuana extract, 27.74 grams of “THC Edible” and 37.74 grams of suspected psilocybinId. as well as multiple firearms and ammunition.

I have no idea if that is “a lot” or almost nothing. According to my sources this is a little low for medical use. In Texas up to two oz. is a class B misdemeanor with a maximum punishment of 180 days in jail and a $2000 fine. Paola is facing two felony counts with upto 12 years on each count.

Paola through her husband under the bus, accusing him of smoking crack. She was then asked about her own drug use and told the cops …she uses marijuana on a regular basis “to sleep at night and to help her with anxiety.”Id. at 2.

If this was the locals then it would have likely meant nothing more than the loss of her pot. Because the feds were involved, it now became a felony charge:

Based on these facts, Connelly was indicted with one count of possession of a firearm by an unlawful user of a controlled substance, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(3). Superseding Indictment 1–2. Connelly was also indicted with one count of transferring a firearm and ammunition to her husband, an unlawful user of a controlled substance, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 922(d)(3). Id. at 2–3.
Id. at 2

The second count, transfer or sale to a prohibited person is charged because the lived together. Since he had access and could have gotten the firearms the state argues that she had transferred the firearms to her husband. It is unclear who owned the shotgun he used.

October 18, 2022 Paola filed to have the charges dismissed. Her argument was that post Bruen §922(g)(3) and §922(d)(3) were unconstitutional under the second amendment because the denied her rights to keep and bear arms while the state was unable to find an similar regulation from the founding era. She also argued that the law was unconstitutional under the fifth amendment because it was vague. What does addicted mean? What does “user” mean?

She points out that under the dictionary definition, user could mean anybody that ever took a toke.

Her motion to have her indictment dismissed was denied on December 21, 2022.

The Second Try

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Pitbulls doing what they were bred to do

This is horrific:


The origin of the pitbull was as a bull baiting breed, a dog literally bred to fight bulls by biting their faces.

Any farmer who owns livestock should absolutely have the right to shoot a pitbull that comes onto their property.

The most shocking thing about this post was the lack of shooting, you be honest.

Most farmers that I know have a ready access rifle for livestock defense.

If there is a lesson to be learned here, you need a ready access rifle in your arsenal.

Since I’m in a rental, I can’t put a gun safe upstairs.  Once I buy a home, I’m going to reassess my home defense gun situation.

I’ve been thinking about AWAs rifle situation and I think an AR in 350 Legend will be my top choice.

The power of a 30-30 but in a semiautomatic package with a 20 round mag (the straight wall doesn’t like the 30 round curve).  I’ll probably outfit it with a variable 1-6x optic.

Should be perfect for anything up to 200 lbs of bull baiting dog.


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