I can finally go to bed happy. UPDATE

Shredding will begin in the morning. It has been a long day. After that, smoking ribs and meatloaf to complete the marathon.


UPDATE: 12 pounds of shredded goodness. The photo sucks, but the pork came out delicious.



In case you wonder where I got the recipe, here’s the video.

He is also the one I go to for the Smoked Meatloaf recipe.

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Reporting from Left of Center

There’s a lot of stuff going on with Trump these days. Multiple law suits, a presidential run, and of course the carnival row of his arraignment. I’ve been asked what the Left thinks of all this, because it’s hard to get information from The Other Side due to media bias. Well… okay then.

Caveats: I’m definitely not Republican, but I’m definitely not Democrat either. All opinions expressed are my own unless I’m linking to someone else, which will be properly indicated. And I don’t like Donald Trump, but don’t think he’s the “devil” that some on the Left paint him to be.

Right now, I’m seeing attacks on the judge in Trump’s NY case, both because he donated $15 or $20 to Biden in 2020, because he presided and some people think that’s a good reason to send death threats. People are reporting that there’s no way Trump will get a fair trial in NYC. Christopher Buckley likens the entire thing to Trump putting the citizens in jail. There’s a lot of crowing about how Trump is claiming to be not guilty of all 34 charges brought against him. There’s a fairly high level of apparent joy that Trump’s “sleaziness” is being brought into the public light.

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San Francisco Police release their CCW requirements

In the category of things I’d never thought I’d see but wanted to is that San Francisco has acknowledged that they must shall issue concealed carry permits.

Good job Bruen decision.

The SFPD has released the list of requirements for a permit to be issued.


I take huge umbrage with the in person interview and SFPD psychological exam.

What are they looking for?

What standards do they have?

This seems very subjective and an easy way for the SFPD to deny permits.

I really hope that aspect of the process gets struck down by the courts.

The 16 hours of approved training us long, but on par with other Blue states (Illinois) for onerous CCW requirements.

The other thing they released was the live fire requirements and what guns they will allow people to carry.


This is interesting.

My belief on the caliber restrictions is this:

On the high end, e.g., rifle calibers and 5.7, it’s to keep anything potentially armor piercing out of the hands of CCW.

On the low end, e.g., no 22 LR, 25 or 32 ACP, is to keep people from carrying “Saturday Night Specials” which are generally cheap blowback pistols in low pressure cartridges.

But if I can play devil’s advocate for just a minute, the calibers that they list cover probably 98% of all the CCW guns sold.  It’s still, I believe, unconstitutional, but it’s not horribly burdensome from a practical standpoint.

The live fire qualification actually seems pretty easy for anyone with any practical shooting experience.

I had similar qualifications in Illinois and Nebraska and they weren’t that hard to pass.  Those aren’t X-ring hits.  Those are anywhere inside a B-27 silhouette target.

Don’t think for a second that I like the SFPD’s restriction, I don’t.  Im just trying to give some perspective, given that they obviously didn’t want to give out permits and hate gun owners, it could be much worse.

I still think that the interview and psych exam are the most likely to be shot down due to those being the most subjective.

I hope San Franciscans take advantage of this.

Nothing will drive the SFPD more insane than being absolutely flooded with applications.

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Friday Feedback

Welcome to another Friday!

This has been a week of finding interesting 2A cases that are all moving in the right direction. It has been a week of listening to the left scream about banning guns for reasons. It has been a week of accomplishing new things with a new project.

I’ve started to put pictures on the postings, I’m working with Hagar to get slightly different. Anything you don’t like about those images, blame me. If you like it, praise her. If you want to send in your own article headers for me to use, please send it to our email and include a statement that you own the copyright and that you give us permission to use it on this blog.

If you have any feedback on the formatting of the long articles, let me know. If you have suggestions for article formatting, let us know.

Don’t forget to give praise to J.Kb. if you liked his Sci-Fi writings.

The Firearms Policy Coalition has a list of cases they are following. I am not interested in going through that entire list to figure out what is interesting or not. If you are interested, please look it over and let me know what cases you would like my to look at.

If you don’t get around to it on today’s feedback, send me email at AWA(at)troglodite.com. When identifying a case please give me the name and the court.

Gun Case Tracker by FPC & 2Aupdates

I have another picture article I’m working on for next week. Hagar is working articles. I’m looking forward to a productive weekend and coming week.

Let us know what you are thinking about or topics you would like us to cover.

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This should be the norm for all those wishing to violate the Bill of Rights.

They knew they could not go the civilized way, so they enacted their own little insurrection thinking they were protected.

They weren’t

I am sure they will be comparing their plight with slavery or lynching….which would simply demonstrate how much of fools they are and how much they needed to be removed.

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