The evil that is the NYC judicial system

This story is beyond horrific and is a testament to how terrible New York police prosecutors really are.

Manhattan garage worker charged with attempted murder after shooting thief

A Manhattan parking garage attendant who was shot twice while confronting an alleged thief — then wrestled the gun away and opened fire on the suspect — has been charged with attempted murder, police said.

The overnight worker, identified by cops as Moussa Diarra, 57, was also hit with assault and criminal possession of a weapon charge in the Saturday incident, which unfolded around 5:30 a.m. as the attendant saw a man peering into cars on the second floor of the West 31st Street garage, the sources said.

Believing the man was stealing, the attendant brought him outside and asked what was inside his bag.

Instead of cooperating, the man pulled out a gun, the sources said.

Diarra tried to grab for the weapon, and it went off — leaving him shot in the stomach and grazed in the ear by a bullet before he turned the firearm on the would-be thief and shot him in the chest, sources said.

Diarra, a parking attendant, was shot in the stomach by a thief.

He managed to get the gun away and defend himself.  The thief took a bullet to the chest, so clearly wasn’t running away.

Diarra is being charged with attempted murder for shooting the thief that shot him in self-defense, and for illegal possession of a firearm for wrestling the gun away from the thief.

The good news is, that similarly to the case of Jose Alba (the Bodega worker who stabbed a man who was beating him an in attack), the public outcry has caused the DA to drop the cases against Diarra.

This is how much New York City hates both self-defense and law abiding citizens having guns.  If you wrestle a gun away from someone who just shot you and is trying to kill you, and you use it to defend yours, you will be charged for illegal gun possession and murder.

To hell with NYC, I hope the ChiComs nuke it out of existence.


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A grotesque ultimatum

Let them expose themselves sexually to your children or they will murder your children.

That seems to be their argument.


Who is this?



So you better let men in drag perform sexually explicitly material to your children.

If you try and stop them, they will murder your children.

I don’t negotiate with pedophiles or terrorists.

Gentlemen, prepare your woodchippers.

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Nope, it’s real

I saw this yesterday and I swore to God this had to be a April Fools Day joke.


There is no way that a beer company that sells, or used to sell, beer to men with a pop culture idea of masculinity would put the face of an efete gay man who does a grotesque caricature of a vapid woman on their cans.


The fact is nobody actually likes Dylan.  For all the media hype he gets, nobody wants to be with him.

Marketing companies should know that, right?

Nope, that shit is real.


Honestly, who the fuck does this appeal to?

What woman in a pink bubble bath wants a Bud Light over a wine cooler?

What man after a long shift, cracking open a Bud Light is going to do it in a pink bubble bath?

What layers upon layers of marketing and management thought this was anything but a turnoff?

Or perhaps maybe we all died of COVID and this is hell.

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If Your Cause is Righteous, Why Lie?: Bardy and the Covenant School Massacre.

I know they are lying, you know they are lying, but this is for the casual visitor searching for information.

The weapon that Asshole Audrey Hale was seen using in the videos is a 9mm carbine with full stock and no “eeeviol stabilizing brace'”

But Brady and the likes rely on your ignorance in the subject to lie and come up with bogey-man-wording to scare you.

If they were on the right side, they would not need lies, nor contradict themselves.

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Why are there no juries in these 2A cases?

We were asked “Why don’t we see juries involved in all of these Second Amendment cases? The simple answer is “they are not needed”. Read on for why.

Court cases are decided in two different ways, on the merits of the case, and procedurally.

Consider the question “Does the District of Columbia’s restriction on having a functional firearm within the home violate the Second Amendment?”

Prior to 2008 many courts were using the collective right interpretation of the Second Amendment. With this in mind the most of these cases were dismissed for procedural reason. I.e. if you were not the militia challenging the restriction you did not have standing. Standing is a procedural issue.

Cases that are decided on a procedural basis can be brought up again once the procedural issue is corrected.
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“It is not the same when we do it!”

Oh dear mercies! Apparently, this comment triggered the wiggle joints of Libs across the twitterverse. Here are some examples.

Did you see all of those kids using pepper spray on police? What abt the student shoving an officer’s head thru the door? Oh, that pipe bomb left at the capital, probably hidden by a protester. Oh, forgot! This happened at the REAL insurrection on J6.


Oh please…..does he know what the word means?


Give me a break!! People are hurting and they are wanting children protected!! DO YOUR JOB!!


Really? Parents with children, teachers, pastors, neighbors, Tennesseans, no weapons, just protesting peacefully. No comparison. At all!


The Speaker obviously doesn’t know the meaning of the word insurrection. It certainly doesn’t apply to loud, non-violent protests. Unless you’ve banned dictionaries you ought to read one. It could have helped w/ur recently stalled bill the judge said infringed on 1sr amendment.


One case, people stormed the building to overturn a constitutional election. The other case involved high school kids fed up with being slaughtered at school demanding legislation… … Trying to connect the two or even saying these kids are shameful for standing up for life? Y


Anyone calling it “ insurrection” has no heart!


Mental Midget


Sexton is a piece of shit lying Republifuck.

And I do have to admit it is not quite the same as J6: The cops did not shoot an unarmed woman, nor escorted people around or opened doors so they could come and go as they pleased. And they were very polite for the most part. You don’t see anybody screaming like a banshee and directly threating legislators in J6, but the “peace-loving occupiers” assholes in Nashville did.

Somebody is chumming the waters expecting one or several of their minions to do something violent (like killing 9-year-olds in a Christian school) and after perfunctory niceties, put the blame on those who had nothing to do with the event, but refuse to bow their heads and accept their demands for power.

In the meantime, they just keep expanding what they can do and say and trying to restrict what our speech and living because they can and we are allowing them.

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