Another Bruen win. Renna v. Bonta CA UHA

Judge Dana M. Sabraw of the United States District Court Southern District of California has granted a Preliminary Injunction against California’s Unsafe Handgun act.

He enjoined the chamber loaded indicator, magazine disconnect mechanism, microstamping, and three-for-one removal provisions.

The judge then stayed the injunction pending appeal or further hearing on the matter.

It is highly likely that this case and Boland will be combined at the Ninth Circuit Court.

We keep winning. The infringers are losing ground constantly. We are going to win, it just takes time.

Case 3:20-cv-02190-DMS-DEB

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They are sick f***s.

He is not wrong. And the principle of not mentioning the name of the shooter (Asshole Audrey Hale) comes in handy as to erase guilt from the actual guilty predator and shit it towards the political enemy of their choice.

And just when you thought it could not get any sicker:

What the hell is going on? Allow me to quote Brad R. Torgersen:

We placed being nice before staunchly insisting that facts and truth matter more than feelings and narratives. Now the people who insist feelings and narratives are superior to facts and truth, seem to run our world. Or if they don’t run it, they want to destroy it, in lieu of running it.


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Bruen Win in Minnesota

On 2023-03-31 United States District Judge Katherine Menendez issued summary judgement for the plaintiffs(good guys) allowing young adults to receive government permission to carry handguns in Minnesota.

The State of Minnesota requires a person to obtain a permit to lawfully carry a handgun in public, but does not issue permits to anyone under the age of twenty-one. The Plaintiffs, who are 18-to-20-year-old individuals and firearms advocacy organizations with members in that age range, argue that the minimum age requirement in Minnesota’s permit-to-carry law violates their Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. The parties have filed cross-motions for summary judgment. The Supreme Court’s recent decision in New York State Rifle & Pistol Ass’n v. Bruen, 142 S. Ct. 2111 (2022), compels the conclusion that Minnesota’s permitting age restriction is unconstitutional, and Plaintiffs are entitled to judgment as a matter of law.
Summary Judgement and Opinion 0:21-cv-01348 District Court of Minnesota

The state claimed Minnesota’s permit to carry statute is facially constitutional as a matter of law.Memorandum in support for Summary Judgement for the defendants at P. 14. They get their claim by contending that the Supreme Court has approved infringing on the rights of 18-20 year olds.
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Boland v. Bonta – Update

The Ninth Circus Court three judge panel has again displayed its dislike for the rights of The People by staying the district courts preliminary injunction against the state.

The District Court found that the plaintiffs(good guys) were likely to succeed on the merits and had all the other requirements to be granted a preliminary injunction. In order to keep things from yo-yoing the court put a 14 day stay in order for the state to appeal to the Ninth Circus Court.

The preliminary injunction is stayed as to the chamber load indicator and magazine disconnect mechanism requirements of California’s Unsafe Handgun Act.Order of the Ninth Circuit Court

The Ninth Circus Court is ordering opening brief by April 28, 2023 (bad guys). Answering brief by May 26, 2023 from the good guys. And the reply from the bad guys within 21 days of the answering brief being filed.

This means that the Ninth Circus will not hear the case until at least June, likely longer. In the meantime only the microstamp requirement is enjoined.

Hagar says I shouldn’t call people names, it makes me smaller. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has earned the title “Ninth Circus Court”. At one point I read that by percentages or absolutes, I don’t remember which, more of the Ninth’s cases have been overturned at the Supreme Court than any other Appellate Court.

Normally I just let one “circus” slip through, the these three dunces have earned not only dunce caps, but clown noses as well.

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