Tennessee: We must make schools safe for the Children!

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — On Thursday, the normally quiet sound of outside the Tennessee State Capitol quickly took a turn.

“Everybody’s demanding change, everybody’s had enough, and, it was a beautiful day,” said Linda McFadyen-Ketchum, a volunteer with Moms Demand Action.

Oh sweet Jesus! A Three Name Activist? Release the Karen!

The demand for change poured into the Capitol. Inside the Senate Chamber, chanting could be heard through the door, while State Troopers tried to control the crowd.

So Gun Control insurrectionists invaded the TN Capitol. Are we to expect charges of Domestic Terrorism anytime soon? Goose/Gander, you know the analogy.

“Angry,” is how McFadyen-Ketchum described the feeling during the protest. “There’s a time for tears. I don’t have any more tears. I’m angry, and a lot of people there were angry. I didn’t see much emotion. It was fix this, there are things that we can do, fix this.”

Sweety pie, we have been angry since way before you actually decided to be an idiotic shill for Michael Bloomberg. We (Gun Culture) warned back in the 90s that creating Gun Free Schools would do nothing but provide a secured hunting ground for any nutcase with a wish of blood and notoriety. We were awfully right and proven when Columbine happened and all other schools after that. You and yours yet, refuse to admit you are deadly wrong and refuse to harden up schools. But then again it is not your blood spilling, right? And nothing says “Boxed Chardonay activism” like dancing on the blood of the little kids you helped to kill.

“I’m very proud of our young people, who have had to endure growing up with this, and what I see as the arrogance of legislatures who couldn’t even wait until my beloved friend’s funeral was over to try to push for even looser gun limits,” said Caudill.

As opposed to passing gun control measures that still would not do anything but create more victims as history keeps proving?

This month, a Vanderbilt University Poll showed Tennessee parents agree on several school firearm safety measures. More than 1,000 people were polled. The study found 70% agree background checks should be expanded on all gun sales, 63% believe law enforcement should be able to temporarily restrict a person’s access to guns if they pose a risk to themselves or others and 53% believe the age to purchase a gun should be 21.

Wait, Vandy U as a trusted source of a study? The same fuckers that want to mutilate children for profit? That is going to be a laughable ‘no’ from yours truly and anybody else with three functioning neurons.

According to Everytown for Gun Safety, one of the largest gun violence prevention organizations in America revealed Tennessee has the 10th highest rate of gun deaths.

Mostly concentrated in Memphis and Nasville which both are and have been under the “leadership” of your fellow political controllers of the Democratic Party. And you misspelled “gun violence prevention,” it is “Absolute Gun Control.”

Covenant School had no Resource Officer. No armed personnel who could have faced Asshole Audrey Hale and stop him before he/she/fuckwit could have done that much damage. And the only reason no more bodies were stacked because of the Gun Free School laws passed by the likes of Linda McFadyen-Ketchum was because Metro Nashville PD did a great job in intervening and taking down the “confused” individual.

If I was a legislator, I would introduce a bill demanding the decertification of any school in the state that does not have a minimum of 5% armed personnel any day they are open. We would encourage other measures in addition to armed teachers and staff because the more layers of security, the better. But a bullet in the brain pan of an offending critter is the best way to end any mass killing.

And I am not expecting this to happen anytime soon.


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This is neither security or situational awareness


Let’s assume for a moment this happened and she’s not making it up, this is a terrible threat assessment and a worse response.

The man is 30 feet away in a crowded and well lit parking lot during the day and ge announces himself.

That’s not very indicative of an attack.

Even then, turning and yelling at him to not approach her was an extreme response.

She could have inquired from a distance what he wanted and then reacted accordingly.

The man could have have Ben proffering information that would have enhanced her safety, but now she’ll never know.

All this does is make good men less likely to be chivalrous and women at greater risk from actual harmful men.

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Taking oneself a hostage



This is bullshit.

This is evil, manipulative bullshit.

There is no evidence for this and lots of evidence to the contrary.

But this has become the rhetoric used to manipulate parents.

What is worse is that children have been taught that this is an effective tactic, i.e., “transition me or I’ll kill myself.”

In a way it’s like this scene from Blazing Saddles, but not funny.


Anyone who tries to manipulate you with the threat of suicide is a bad person.

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How to kill your business in one easy step

If you haven’t heard, North Carolina repealed the state handgun license to purchas requirement.

In North Carolina, it was the law until a few days ago, that a law abiding citizen could buy a rifle or shotgun at a store without issue,  but had to obtain a permit to purchase a handgun from the local Sheriff to buy a handgun.

A North Carolina concealed carry permit was also valid as a pistol purchase permit.  That also went through the local Sheriff.

It was a pain in the ass.

The Republican state legislature passed the bill to repeal the pistol purchase permit requirements over the governor’s veto.

Fuck that guy.

The media asked a gun store owner about this and the gun store owner decided he didn’t want to be in business anymore.

‘I’m not a huge fan of it,’ WNC gun store owner reacts to end of pistol permit requirement

Stucker said, in North Carolina, a person had to be a resident and purchase a permit from the local sheriff’s office to buy a handgun. Now, that has been abolished.

But there will still be a federal background check, like there is for long guns.

“I’m not a huge fan of it, personally,” Stucker said of the move. “As a gun store owner, it puts a little bit more liability on us.”

He said that with the permits going through the sheriff’s office, they handled a lot of the liability.

Having to rely on the FBI’s system isn’t a great scenario for Stucker.

“It’s just their generic check that they use in all 50 states. The sheriff’s department or state-regulated background checks can be a little more specific. They can go into mental health, domestic violence,” Stucker said.

The sheriff’s office background checks can show things that may not show up on some of the generic legal records, Stucker said.

Another thing that Stucker said many people don’t realize is the repercussions that will come for those who are trying to buy handguns.

So they will have to act like nearly every other gun dealer in the country?

Oh how tragic.

Stucker said the FBI system is inherently slow, and that’s just using it for long guns. So, adding handguns into that system will slow people’s ability to purchase guns.

“I doubt most of the time we’re going to have instantaneous background check approvals, so you’re going to see a delay of a couple days just because the system is so overridden,” Stucker said.

The NCIS system is pretty reliable most of the time.  Some people will have delays, but the revocation of the permit to purchase won’t change that.  In North Carolina, even with a pistol purchase permit, buyers still had to go through a 4473 and NICS check.

Stucker said he has had instances where he didn’t feel comfortable selling a person a gun.

In the past, he has called the sheriff’s office when someone seemed not right mentally or maybe had ill intent.

On Target had the sheriff’s office investigate the would-be gun buyer a little more, but that’s not an option now.

“So, now I just have to come up with a reason to turn a customer away,” Stucker said.

I’ve seen a gun store rejected a customer before.  Gun stores have an obligation to obey both the letter and spirit of the law to keep gun out of the hands of prohibited people.

I actually watched a gun store call the police on two guys that came in stinking of Marijuana smoke.

This gun dealer can’t muster up the courage to do that without relying on the Sheriff?

So what we learned here is that this is a gun store that is run by lazy people, who don’t care about gun rights and don’t understand the system that they use, and is willing to share their opinions with the anti-gun media.

That was a choice.

I hope they have a loyal clientele, because I’d never shop there after reading this.

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Describing their core political philosophy out loud


The core philosophy of the Left is thar there is no problem that can’t be solved by killing the right people.

They honestly believe they can murder their way into utopia.

If they can’t achieve their rainbow paradise with persuasion they will murder their way into getting it.

We will see more of this.


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The Biden Administration nailed down America’s coffin lid


The US Dollar is being replaced by the Chinese Yuan on the world stage as the world’s reserve currency.

This is the inevitable result of fiscal policy that has created unchecked inflation.

The world recognizes that our currency is becoming worthless and finds another to replace it.

This, above all else, will absolutely destroy the economic power of the US.

Biden didn’t do it alone, over a decade of quantitative easing and modern monetary policy did it, but Biden kicked that shit into over drive.

The hard times have yet to really begin.

When the rest of the world decides it no longer needs American dollars, we are done.


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Boland v. Bonta Update.

B.L.U.F. In a strategic move the State of California is appealing to the Ninth Circus Court of Appeals in the “Unsafe Handgun Act” case. The district judge found the UHA unconstitutional by requiring Chamber Load Indicator(CLI), Magazine Disconnect Mechanism (MDM), and microstamping. The state is appealing the CLI and MDM but NOT microstamping.

US District Court Judge for the Central District of California, Judge Cormac J. Carney, came to the right decision but his analysis to get there was and is weak. This has lead to the likelihood of this appeal being granted. It was likely to be granted by the Ninth Circuit Court because the en banc court hasn’t seen an infringement they didn’t support.

The Ninth Circuit court is so anti-gun that when a three judge panel found in favor of the plaintiffs(good guys) in Duncan v. Bonta the Second Amendment community was shocked. One of the judges on that panel wrote an opinion explaining exactly how the en banc court was going to find for the state infringements.

In Boland v. Bonta the judge did not find that the UHA was a ban, instead he found that requiring CDL, MDM, and microsamping created a de facto ban which made that part of the UHA unconstitutional.

Consider a regulation that says “You are not allowed to have any firearm with a barleycorn front sight”. This reads like a ban because it is a ban. Now consider a regulation that says “You are only allowed to have firearms with barleycorn front sights.” This is also a ban. It just doesn’t read as clearly as the first.

Now consider a regulation that says “You are only allowed to have firearms that are on this approved list.” That sounds sort of like a ban but maybe not. If the list is comprehensive to the point where you can buy whatever you want it doesn’t feel like a ban. In order to even have standing to challenge the ban you would have to prove to the court that you wanted to purchase a firearm not on the list and had attempted to do so.

Now what if we add another part to the regulation “only firearms with barleycorn front sights can be placed on the list.” This has exactly the same effect as “You are only allowed to have firearms with barleycorn front sights.” It is a ban. If the state changes the list of firearms that it allows, it is still a ban.

This is how the state of California bans handguns. They just don’t put modern handguns on the rooster and thus ban them from the State of California.

The Question

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