Appreciating Keith Emerson

As most of you know or suspect, I am a dyed in the wool fan of Prog Rock. My first and defining albums were “Journey to the Center of the Earth” and “Brain Salad Surgery.” Ever since then, the two top gods in the keyboard pantheon have been Rick Wakeman and Keith Emerson. Both in their own way were magicians with the Moog synth and all the other keyboards that came after, but the greatest pianist in my humble opinion was Keith Emerson. Mind you, Wakeman is not a slouch by any means, but Emerson had that mysterious thing that made his compositions clean and memorable if that makes any sense while Wakeman’s is more “barroque.”

The video below is from a tribute concert to Keith Emerson and the band plays The Endless Enigma masterfully. The piano performance shows that clean and memorable composition I mentioned about Keith.

I miss the sumbitch.

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When the Headline is true?

Columbus students take gun safety course at elementary school

We’ve seen these headlines before, generally it means that some gun infringer has gotten permission to go into the schools and spout off about how horrible guns are. How they need to tell the school if there are any guns in their home and other such crap.

Not this time, NBC 4 in Columbus Ohio is reporting that the schools brought in actual gun people to give classes in gun safety. Of course the used the NRA safety training for children.

  • Stop
  • Don’t touch
  • Run away
  • Find/tell an adult

This is the gist of the Eddy Eagle program. NRA is not mentioned, that would be a bit to much to expect, but still, real gun safety education in the schools.

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You know they are vying for a Race War

Indoctrination is deep.

Lady gets pulled over for going 42 mph in a 25 mph zone. A simple ticket and you get to go home, but it turns out she has a warrant for a failure to appear.

She takes off and goes home.

Cops find her vehicle running after she hit a couple of parked vehicles. The “lady” had run inside her house and refuses to come out. Officers are very polite and manage mom to convince her to come out and avoid further problems. And that is when the shitshow truly takes off. Juicy parts begin at 8:29.

In case you did not make it all the way to the end, she ends up with a felony fleeing/eluding an office plus misdemeanors for resisting, disorderly conduct and bail jumping. Nothing for hitting 2 vehicles and leaving the scene of an accident.

And she was out on a $1,000 bail.

Now, if anybody not of her pigmentation used her same language but rather than “White” said “Black” and committed the same crimes, bet you arse they would have charged with all felonies, bail set to at least mid 5 figures and every News outlet notified.

Years ago, I made a comment we should start thinking about carrying some sort of civilian body-worn camera. We need to revisit that concept because it is not going to get better anytime soon.

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The manipulation of language for political purposes.

As I read AWA’s post on that ghastly “Gun Safety” device, my blood boiled at this transparent attempt to Newspeak language:

HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) — After losing a friend to gun violence, a Houston man is getting creative to help prevent accidental deaths.

Harvey Jackson Jr. told ABC13 he lost a good friend back in December 2020 to an accidental shooting.

According the the current NewSpeak dictionary, there is a fundamental difference between Violence and Accidents.

Gun Control has always tried to add accidental deaths and injuries by firearm as part of their religious cultism.  They rebranded themselves as “Gun Safety” using the deaths of kids as bloody shirt to wave, but actually doing zilch in spreading true gun safety measures. In fact, they have denounced in the past causes like Project Childsafe because actually keeping guns safe from the hands of children probably interrupts their fundraising efforts: hard to ask for more money if they cannot stand a top of a corpse, you know?

I should not be surprised that the elimination of Mens Rea in the law has now spilled to normal everyday life. Government will let a true violent individual walk without even a slap on the wrist, but tag you as terrorist if you happen to raise your voice too loud at a school board meeting.

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Houston man creates new gun safety device to increase negligent discharges

There is a long running joke in the gun community that “my safety is between my ears.” The idea being that if you follow the the four rules religiously if there is an unintended discharge it will not harm anybody or anything.

One of the most important rules in this is to keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.

Messing around with the trigger of any loaded and cocked firearm is an invitation for an unintended discharge.

This Houston man has created a device that fits around the trigger with enough “meat” behind the trigger to keep the trigger from moving back past the break point.

At first glance, this looks like a sort of neat second safety. Or a method to add a safety to a firearm that doesn’t have a safety.

Consider your old SAA Colt revolver. Push this device over the trigger and now you have to remove the device before you can do most anything. Sounds good. It might even work on some firearms.

Where it fails is on all firearms that can be cocked with the trigger forward. And hopefully you don’t end up breaking your firearm by attempting to cock it while the device prevents the trigger from moving backwards.

But let’s take as our example the wonderful Glock. You want that “extra” bit of safety. So you slap in a mag, cock the weapon and it is now “hot” As you attempt to push this device around the trigger it goes a little wrong and “BANG!” there is a new hole. Hopefully not in anything you care about.

Assuming you did manage to get this thing on your Glock you hear a bang in the night from downstairs. You grab your Glock and need to remove the device. You attempt to push it out with your trigger finger and “BANG!” Your pistol goes off because your finger pushed the device off the trigger and then continued in to press the trigger proper.

No gun safety device should ever be used around a trigger when a depression of said trigger would cause the gun to fire. Just don’t do it.

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The Increasingly Stupid Police Downgrade.

By the time a cop arrived, the patient was awake and denied that the drugs were his. The police took photos, fingerprints, and ID from the technician and the charge nurse. According to the cops, since the the nurse and technician admitted to having possession and control of the drugs, they just admitted to felony possession of methamphetamines with intent to distribute.

If you see something, keep it to yourself

The cop in question was either a new hire from Up North or that particular department loosened up IQ requirements to be more inclusive in their hiring practices.

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