I smell actor

The latest and lamest ad from MAIG (Mayors Kissing The Ass Of Mayor Bloomberg) gives us the perfect image of the redneck/hillbilly as the intelligentsia-types from NY think they are supposed to look like.

Except I never seen a redneck or anybody else that hunts with a shotgun hold it like that. Just not a natural way to handle it.

actorAnd the title of the video is “Responsible” as in responsible gun owner interested in safety. The finger looks like it is inside the trigger finger, so much for safety.

I wouldn’t be surprised we find out later on that the guy is an actor or is acting the part.

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Because they don’t play by the rules they set.

 Dictum: “Violence never solves anything.”

It is the eternal piece of advice given to us by everybody, specially the Powers That Be. Yet, those Powers are the ones that have no problem applying violence if you were to step out of the mandated parameters or just become increasingly annoying by demanding them pesky things called rights. Lots of people fail to see the contradiction and follow the dictum to their sepulchers.

I was told that the pics above are from a university students’ march in Venezuela protesting about fair elections or something like that. The picket of police was waiting for them near the central Elections building and as you can see, they were ready not for a waltz but to provide a beatdown if the students got too uppity for their own good. The pic below is the money shot and something very typical: Pro-Government goons, guns in hand harassing and intimidating attendees to the march. And no, police does not do squat about them.

Since Chavez got elected and even after his death, not one single solitary protest/march/movement/happening from those who opposed him has produced one single solitary change in politics.  Armed goons are now the norm and people being shot is not uncommon. Those marching do sing the pacifist songs and act according to WWGD (What would Gandhi Do?) without any effect, basically confirming the definition of insanity: Do the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

So when your local politico says that Violence is never the answer and asks you to surrender your weapons, just go ahead and flip him the big one because you can be sure that they will never surrender theirs.

They set the rules, they just do not like to play by them.

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Visual Manipulation of the Truth.

The HuffPost has this cute little flashy/interactive thingie graphic to show us the horrors of “Gun Violence” since Sandy Hook. The intensity of the red apparently shows us the wholesale killings by guns across our grand nation.

HuffBS1Obviously I noticed the deep long red smear that covers the Miami Dade area & close-by counties. I also noticed that the Chicago area deep red smear was smaller.
I said to myself: “You must not have heard about the monstrous killings that have happened in the southern capital of the Gunshine State! HuffPost would never lie or manipulate a graphic to make it look bad. Check them numbers!” And I did, I moused over and I got the following informative pop-up for Miami:

Click to enlarge
Click to enlarge

Logic tells us that if Miami’s red smear is that big for 16 killings, Chicago’s smaller red smear should mean that they had many less killings in the same period, right? So I did the mouse-over thing and .. surprise!

Click to enlarge
Click to enlarge

Miami at 16 deaths versus Chicago at 71 deaths. Wait! What’s going on? [snicker]

The Opposition knows that the time of appealing via feelings is over and that with calmer heads and statistics, they are getting their collective rear ends kicked. Chicago is an embarrassment and they need to somehow diminish its bad example so they waste no time playing loose with the information. Of course they are having problems trying to hide the bodies that keep piling up and people are so fed up with President Obama’s anointed child, mayor Rahm Emanuel that they are calling him The Murder Mayor.

In the meantime Florida, the Gunshine State, the scourge of Gun Control activists keeps lowering its violent crime numbers while more of its citizens enjoy the keeping and bearing of arms.

The longer they lie, the faster they will fall. Unfortunately the stubbornness of gun control politicians is measured in innocent victims of criminals. But same as with our tax money, they are not concerned about the cost since they are not the ones paying the ultimate price.

Hat Tip to the Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence for providing me with more ammunition to sink them

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Massad Ayoob Blog: A GOOD CAUSE

If the name Keith Jones rings a bell with you, you’ve probably traveled in circles that involved officer survival training or armed citizen training. A Vietnam veteran who saw heavy hand to hand combat, Keith came back to the USA to become a police officer in a major city for some four decades. During that time, he won half a dozen gunfights himself and studied many more. The lessons he imparts have kept a lot of good people alive.

If you haven’t listened to one of his lectures, you can catch him on the Pro-Arms Podcast at no charge, here.

Keith’s lovely wife Kathy was recently diagnosed with Stage 3 cancer of the pancreas. Friends are working to help. Ashley Gibbons at Sand Burr Gun Ranch is kicking off with an auction for one of my 40-hour Massad Ayoob Group classes. Or, simply send a donation to the fund listed at the end.

via Massad Ayoob » Blog Archive » A GOOD CAUSE.

Whatever you can help with, it will be greatly appreciated.

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Instructions for cleaning the toilet.

Instructions for cleaning the toilet:

  1. Lift the lid on the toilet and fill it with 1/8 cup of animal shampoo.
  2. Take the cat in your arms and stroke it gently while slowly moving in the direction of the toilet.
  3. At a suitable moment, throw the cat into the toilet bowl and close the lid quickly and either stand or sit on the lid.
  4. The cat will now start the cleaning process and will produce generate plenty of foam. Do not be concerned about the loud noises coming from the toilet; your cat is enjoying herself.
  5. After several minutes flush the toilet to start the “Power-wash” pre-wash and then flush again for the main wash cycle.
  6. Ask someone to open the front door and ensure that no-one is between the toilet and the front door.
  7. Get off the toilet seat and from a safe distance open the toilet lid quickly. The cat will dry off naturally due to the high speed she will be moving from the toilet to the front door.
  8. The toilet and the cat are now both clean.


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