Friday Intermixture

-I am pretty much done with Gun Magazines.Sometimes I feel it is just one long advertisement for 1911 weapons-type and the “allmightiness” of the .45 ACP as a tactical almost-nuclear round that gua-damn-rantees you the slaying of anything from Meth-crazed addicts paying you a visit at Oh-Dark-Hundred to stopping Armored Trucks full of jihadists with one shot. Some mags have one or two authors that are an absolute joy to read and are about the only reason I shed any money in their publisher’s direction. The rest are more of the “Weee! Looky Shinny 1911! More Artsy Pics for you!” Pass. We need more Civilian Shooter Magazines. I am still, subscribed to one that is now more dedicated to Tactical Tommies and Police but it is getting to the point that I feel the need to either wear blue or don a shemagh and a pair of Oakley sunglasses before sitting and reading it. The other magazine is dedicated to the regular civilian and I hope they stay that way forever. You can find it by click it the obvious pic at the main page of this blog.

-Change or Die. That goes for firearms instructors that are still fixated in teaching military techniques watered down to pass muster in civilian life. Civilian life has its own set of ROEs and problems, study them & adapt. And for the love of God, stop using the darn V-Tac Barricade!

If you have lay down to shoot hyper aggressive mice in your house, maybe it is time to move out.

– I believe that handgun, shotgun and rifle are valid tools for Home Defense but only if properly applied. If you have to move & corner around, the handgun is best. The shotgun is supreme loaded with buck from fixed position and to cover any area in the intermediate 15 to 20 yards. Rifle is to engage attacking idiots at long distances and not allowing them to get close to your house, that is the best home defense possible as proven after many hurricanes down here.

– Next “should be” acquisitions will be in the long gun category (Kahr CW9 aside.) I am thinking a Lever Action carbine in .357 Magnum and a Bolt Action in either .223 or .270 for general duties. The Lever Action would be suitable modified to fit the Missus short frame and make it her Home Defense Long Gun.

-Home Repairs and home improvement are a pain in the back. Literally. Another weekend I won’t be partaking in IDPA shooting because of back pain. I calculate 3 more weeks of odd projects before I am finished and then I am not doing squat till the weather cools off again.

And to close, why does it look like the Devil is paying a visit every time we have a storm in South Florida?

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Your Son is Dead. Happy Mother’s Day!

No, seriously. This is what the Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence just posted in Twitter.

One more piece of evidence showing that Ladd and Company really do not give a crap about people, just their cause.

PS: Yes, three idiots retweeted.

UPDATE: My reply to them in Twitter caught their attention…albeit the wrong way.

You point out the egregious mistake and it is you who is mocking. But I guess somebody called the Intern and told him/her to change the idiotic Tweet. This is the newly re-released version:
I do hope CSGV does not involve itself with Jewish Culture. I would hate to see them tweeting in Holocaust Remembrance Day “Today is Holocaust Remembrance Day. Mazel Tov!”

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BREAKING NEWS: Google Threatens Lives of Gun Control Activists!

This blog has just made a chilling discovery: Search engine giant Google is apparently threatening the big names in Gun Control within its Image Search. We in this blog (OK, just me) find particularly abhorrent that pictures of these heroes for peace have guns aimed at them when the search results come back from a query.

Here we can see Sarah Brady being threatened with a gun aimed directly to her head….disgusting!

And here, Josh Sugarmann looks like he is about to be mowed down by Gun Rights Extremists.

Joan Peterson, also known as Japete has a deringer like the one that killed President Lincoln aimed straight to her heart.

And Ladd Everitt is about to get a lead enema from no other than a zombie Annie Oakley, brought back to life to commit an unspeakable murder.
We (I) at GFZ find these graphic combinations disgusting and more than veiled threats against peace loving people. An investigation for possible Civil Rights violations should be initiated by the Department of Justice immediately.

GSGV, does that sound stupid? Well, how do you think your latest campaign sounds?
Yup, equally stupid.

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Reasoned Discourse Fail.

Yesterday I got involved in an argument about Stand Your ground laws in the Twitter Lands. A woman by the handle Fortitude was sure that Zimmerman was guilty because his head wounds were light. I made the comment that no visible injury (bleeding, exposed brain matter, etc) was not an indicator.

OK, I don’t know how she knows that, but I do recall that Zimmerman was indeed taken to the hospital. Never mind because that is not the point I wanted to make. I think I missed a capture, but it gets good from here on. (ignore the times on the top right, that only shows how far I was when I did the capture and not in the order that happened.)

She refused to acknowledge that yes, you can suffer death or grave injury to the head without showing marks. In fact, the tiff between the NFL and the Players is heated in regard severely debilitating concussions and they wear helmets. Formula One pilot Ayrton Senna crashed his car against a wall and one of the front tires hit him with such force, the brain separated from the spinal chord producing instant death, yet there were no obviously outward signs (other than tire tracks on the helmet).

My guess is that when she felt cornered, she used the coward’s way out and pulled into play the Race Card in the hopes I would back off. Problem is, I am not a Vampire, the race Card is not a crucifix and never play the damn thing against a Conservative Minority member because we really don’t give a crap and know it is a instant cop out. When I called her out, she applied the Japete Strategy: Block.

And that brings to an end another episode of Reasoned Discourse. No wonder we are winning and they are whining.


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Hard to complain about being PC when you are PC.

Straight form England Police accused of failing to investigate paedophile gang for fear of appearing racist.

The Telegraph gets all mighty against police but they are as full of the PC virus as anyone else. Quoting from the story:

Police and social workers were last night accused of failing to investigate an Asian paedophile gang for fear of being perceived as racist, allowing them to prey on up to 50 young white girls

.The name of some of the Asian accusers? Kabeer Hassan, Abdul Aziz, Abdul Rauf, Mohammed Sajid, Adil Khan, Abdul Qayyum, Mohammed Amin, Hamid Safi and a 59-year-old man.

What, were you expecting names like Chin, Ho, Sato, Akita or Lee? Nooooo! That would be racist and The Telegraph cannot be seen as that.


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