A collection of comments from the peace loving Left regarding the 2010 elections.

Ugh. Get the Kool Aid ready. 🙁 “

“were a freakin tea state now!!”

Well, America has embraced racism, extremism and anti-intellectualism. What a proud day.”

“This Tea Party rash itches pretty bad and that nasty Palin sore on our Alaska seems to be spreading to our DC.”


“Haven’t you heard? America has spoken. The free market deems that only those who are quick enough, competitive enough and/or of low scruples will become rich and successful.”

“just when i convince myself that my fellow citizens aren’t slack-jawed morons, we have an election.”

“FUCK YOU WISCONSIN! Progressive hero Russ Feingold loses Senate re-election bid to climate change-denying Tea Party millionaire”

“You will all be better off when America’s role in the world is diminished.

“No nation of individuals that are so easily swayed by lies, fear, and superstition should have so much influence.”

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Conceited in defeat.

In the Biblio Facial Social Network, the cries of desperation over the November Massacre were at full swing. A selected/anointed Floridians were condemning The People for attending voting and doing it not for those that they should have according to them. The ever-present tea-bagger pejorative was quickly thrown into the mix with the inevitable “I am moving out of here” for good measure (And they never move, damn it!) One particular lady wrote:

Well, America has embraced racism, extremism and anti-intellectualism. What a proud day.

Till this post, I had chose to remain silent, but it ticked me off so I riposted:

Yep.. Marco Rubio is the Grand Dragon for the Hialeah Klavern. I seen him wearing the bedsheets and everything. They were a floral pattern that didn’t quite had the same frightening effect, but it did the job. And i swear I saw him setting crosses on fire with that Neo nazi Allen West.

And that is why you lost, ladies and gentlemen. The racism is on your side. Pretty much who I see complaining are a bunch of white Anglos accusing everybody who does not fit their narrative of being racist, extremist and anti intellectuals. There was no room for healthy debate with your side because you do not believe in debate. People got tired and voted your side out.
The bedsheets are hanging on your backyard after all.

They never got it and still don’t. The People spoke loud and said no to what this Democratic Leadership was doing. They hate the fact that we had the ability to frustrate their “best intentions” for us and their madness is such that they see black people or brown people that do not bow to their “intellect” as white Klukers. Voluntary political blindness is so pitiful

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Anti Government? And you say that like it is a bad thing.

One of our local TV stations ran one of the hard hitting  “ZOMG! We are all gonna die!” pieces on the alleged resurgence of Anti Government forces, also known as Militias. Of course they had already dedicated part of their broadcast to the possible butt flaying that the Democrats will more than likely going to get in Congress by the end of business today.

I could not help but laugh at the fact that We The People are voting Anti Government today and these Media Morons have not figured it out yet.

BREAKING NEWS: The Militia is out in full force! They are using the Ballot Box to advance their Anti Government Agendas! Run For Your Lives!

Maybe we should pass a law against voting seeing that it could be used to “destroy” the Government. “If it only saves one lazy ass bastard, over spender, tax raising incumbent’s job, it will be worth it!”

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New Blog: Suburban Sheepdog.

A shooting friend of mine is taking steps into the Blogosphere. I am sure the Suburban Sheepdog will become a great blog to read. I known Robert for over a decade now and I still remember my first impression: I saw this portly white man in a white hat, reddish beard speaking a damn good shade Spanish for a Gringo so I named him the Cuban Quaker. Fortunately for him, the moniker did not take.

I am sure his posts will be great to read and thought provocative. We had our discussions, sometimes heated but you can count he will be honest and he will speak out his mind.

Welcome to the interwebs Robert.

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