Why Bruen is so important for NYC: Rapist plea deals

Sex fiend gets ‘sweet’ deal from Manhattan DA Bragg on teen rape charge — then attacks 5 others: sources

A man accused of raping his teenage relative secured a sweetheart plea deal from Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg — and then went on to allegedly sexually terrorize five people in the Bronx just a month later, The Post has learned.

Justin Washington, 25, was promised a plum 30-day jail sentence, along with five years of probation, after he agreed in August to plead down to a charge of coercion in his Manhattan rape case.

But just a week before he was set to be sentenced Wednesday, Washington allegedly went on a sex-crime spree, attacking four women and a man near the homeless shelter where he was living in the Bronx.

After finding out about the Sept. 15 arrest, prosecutors with the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office said they were reconsidering the sentence recommended with the plea deal — which some cops said should never have been offered in the first place.

So he rapes a family member.

He’s arrested, charged, and pleas to 30 days.

Then before he’s sentenced he goes on another sex assault and rape spree.

And the prosecutor only considers changing the original plea deal.

Washington allegedly burst into a 49-year-old woman’s apartment in the same building and attempted to rape her, court records say.

He pushed the woman down on her bed, pulled up her nightgown, climbed on top of her and masturbated as he asked, “Can I get a dollar?,” prosecutors alleged.

As the sicko pushed the woman’s legs apart and smelled them, she bit his hand, scratched him and then whacked him in the head with a hammer, court records say.

A gun is more effective than a hammer.

She should have had and used a gun.

Washington allegedly crept up the fire escape of a building on Davidson Avenue and began banging on the apartment window of a 26-year-old woman, who was at home with her 9-month-old son at the time, according to prosecutors and sources.

When the woman opened her curtains, she saw Washington masturbating on her fire escape, prosecutors alleged.

The 26-year-old woman who caught Washington allegedly masturbating on her fire escape said Thursday the incident left her “shaken up” but Bragg’s decision to give him a plea deal before it happened is just part Big Apple life these days.

“I’m not surprised that he was out on the streets,” she told The Post.

“Isn’t that what they do?”


Read that last part again.

People in NYC just accept that rapists are let out and go on to commit more sex crimes because the prosecutor doesn’t do shit.

That’s not how it should work.

That is an urban hellscape.

New Yorkers need guns because the city doesn’t protect them from rapists.  They need the ability to protect themselves.

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It’s not Space Force but Space Farce

US Space Force releases official song — and is swiftly mocked

The US Space Force released an official song that critics say is light-years from being a hit — with illogical lyrics and a corny tone that rips off “Star Wars.”

The military branch, created in 2019 to protect the US in the great beyond, unveiled the jaunty anthem titled “Semper Supra” — meaning “Always Above” in Latin — Tuesday.

“It’s not a banger,” the website military.com deadpanned.

The song’s lyrics proclaim, “We’re the mighty watchful eye / Guardians beyond the blue / The invisible front line / Warfighters brave and true.”

“Boldly reaching into space / there’s no limit to our sky / Standing guard both night and day / We’re the Space Force from on high,” it triumphantly continues.

But listeners quickly poked fun at the song for its confusing lyrics and overly bubbly tune, calling it a cosmically uncool “Star Wars” ripoff.

Of course it’s stupid.

They got shit on previously because their rank insignia was stupid and looked it it ripped off Star Trek.

Let the record show that I was a big supporter of the creation of Space Force.

I said that space will be the next frontier of war.

Any enemy that can take out our GPS satellites will totally paralyze our military with command and control issues related to troop and ship movements.  We can’t navigate on land, sea, or in air without GPS.

That would also remove all of our GPS guided missiles and ordnance from use as well as limit aircraft operations.

Defending our GPS and communications satellites should be a high priority.

The problem is that the upper echelon of our military is garbage.  Too much time sucking off politicians and preparing for big money jobs in the military industrial complex, they don’t know how to build a military branch from scratch.

I’ve documented the slow decline of the Army, Navy, and Marine Corpse at the hands of these commissioned bureaucrats.  Now those same people are trying to make a branch.

Everything they do is runny dog shit.

By the time this is over, the Netflix show Space Force will be more of a documentary than a parody.

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Aleatory Ruminations for 9/23/2022

Damn! Cool weather has arrived. 50 degrees when I got out a while ago. This is one of the reasons we moved up here.

I know, in 3 months I’ll be bitching about the cold, but not today.

If there is any indication how low the trust for the COVID boosters has dropped, a friend of mine who works at a senior assisted facility commented that those who are not fully vaccinated (Original plus boosters) are required to test for chink flu twice a week. In his estimation by the pile of tests being run during those days, more than 85% of the personnel (mostly medical like nurses, assistants and therapists) are not “fully vaccinated” either.


I hate tight tolerances in defensive firearms. I bought an aftermarket barrel from a well-known company for my frankengun and it will not fully seat my 9mm reloads and some commercial plinking ammo. My other guns run fine with any 9mm I feed them (except the PT92 which for some reason goes Jam-O-Matic with S&B 115 grains). Now I have to buy a regular barrel for the gun or change my dies’ settings to create a perfect batch for that barrel.




Hear me out: I was loaned a bolt action in 22LR. It is fun and good practice for the big calibers. Plus, they run subsonic ammo without any issues, and it sounds like a cap gun.



A Double Justice Standard will not allow the nation to survive.



And truthfully, Amazon ain’t that far behind.



And in closing, be careful what you wish for.

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Friday Feedback

Another week, another slate of bad laws and good events.

You, of course, know the drill. Leave the comments.

Had a bit of fun yesterday, was able to talk to a young lady from Brazil. She went shooting for the first time now that she lives in the US.

Quote: It was very scary.

She’s been invited to go shooting and she got to see some video of my kid shooting. She’s looking forward to a day at the range if she ever makes it over here.

When was the last time you were able to take a new shooter to the range?
What was the best response you’ve ever had from a new shooter?
What was the scariest at the range incident you’ve encountered?

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Someone shot a teenager in self defense and got away with it (for now)

This is a topic I’ve been thinking about for a while.

What happens is you have to defend yourself against a teenager who poses a lethal threat.

We now have a real world example.

Teen arrested, charged with aggravated assault for shooting at Northpark Mall placed on bond

A teen was arrested and charged with aggravated assault with a weapon after a shooting incident inside Northpark Mall in Ridgeland.

Ridgeland Police Department says Za’Lill D’Chelle Patterson, 16, tried to steal from a popcorn store inside the mall around 5:20 p.m. on Saturday.

According to authorities, Patterson pulled a gun on the store owner. However, Police Chief Brian Myers says the owner shot first, striking Patterson in the leg. She was then transported to UMMC to be treated for her injury.

RPD says the store owner has been interviewed and has fully cooperated with the investigation. No charges have been made at this time.

She pulled a gun in a robbery and won a stupid prize to the leg for it.

The police declared it a good shoot and the guy hasn’t been charged.

So far I have not seen any social uprising over this.

A bullet fired by a teenager is no less lethal than one fired by an adult.  Self defense is a fundamental right.  It’s good to see the police understand that and act accordingly.

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Study confirms what we all know about gender affirmation in children

It’s horrific poison and mutilation done to children that ruins their bodies for life.

Puberty blockers revealed to be dangerous for minors: study

An article recently published in the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy charts the history of puberty blockers and shows how their use is based upon the scant evidence and how claims they are reversible and safe are “implausible.”

Dr Michael Biggs, author of the article titled “The Dutch Protocol for Juvenile Transsexuals: Origins and Evidence”, tells of how pediatric endocrinologists ignored concerns about the drugs’ impact on bone density, cognitive function, and the fact that almost all of the young people receiving treatment were homosexual and instead rushed ahead in prescribing the drugs.

In the US, adoption of the drugs’ usage was led by Norman Spack, who co-founded the first pediatric gender clinic in the US at Boston Children’s Hospital and who apparently “more than once recalled salivating at the prospect of treating patients” with the drugs, writes Biggs.

“On the side effects of puberty suppression, there is most evidence on bone density [which] was initially dismissed ‘of no great concern,'” Biggs explains. “The effects of puberty suppression on emotional and cognitive development are more difficult to ascertain, but more consequential as they could potentially affect the capacity to consent to cross-sex hormones and surgery.” He cites several studies in which IQ appears to drop after taking GnRHa drugs.

This is important given that every study to date shows that almost 100 percent of children who are put on blockers go on to consent to take cross-sex hormones.

“Even less is known about the effects of puberty suppression on sexual functioning. [Jazz] Jennings, who started on GnRHa at the age of 11, has no libido and cannot orgasm,” continues Biggs. “Jennings’ surgeon, Marci Bowers, who has performed over 2,000 vaginoplasties, acknowledges that ‘every single child … who was truly blocked at Tanner stage 2, has never experienced an orgasm.'”

Another issue observed with blocking puberty in male children was that “stopping sexual development meant the penis did not grow … [which] made it more likely that the orifice would need to be lined with a portion of the patient’s intestines rather than the inverted penis,” explains Biggs. In one cited study, out of 49 patients undergoing vaginoplasty after pubertal suppression, “71% required intestinal vaginoplasty,” a procedure which Biggs describes as “more invasive, requiring a second surgical site, and [entailing] greater risk of complications such as rectal fistula.”

So, the actual science shows that children given puberty blockers have bone density issues, a loss in IQ and cognitive function, fail to have any normal sexual development, and go on to have more invasive, dangerous, and risky surgeries.

And this is the big push in “trans medicine” to put kids on puberty blockers as young and as quickly as possible.

This is like a witch’s brew of the worst politically and ideologically motivated pseudo science of 20th Century Leftism, Lysenkoism, the mutilations by Josef Mengele, and ice pick lobotomies, all mixed together.

This is evil being done to children and the President of the United States wants to make sure it’s guaranteed to children.

This will not stop until we stop it.

It must be the law that any sort of chemical or surgical gender affirming treatment is a crime.

Ideally punishable with death, but at a very minimum life in prison.

I don’t give a shit about norms.

I want a politician to stand up and say “if you inject puberty blockers into a child we will inject sodium thiopental, pancuronium bromide, and potassium chloride into you.”

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I have a confession to make

I fucking hate Johnny Joey Jones.


I can’t imagine the trauma that comes from surfing an injury that causes both legs to be amputated.

But that motherfucker has turned it into his own personal seven figure brand.

It’s like watching Cotton Hill from King of the Hill.  But in real life.

“They took my legs.”

He has a book, a coloring book, a podcast, a speaking tour, and a job on Fox News as a commentator and all of it is about how he got his legs blown off for this county.

It doesn’t matter what the topic is, somehow he ties if back to getting his legs blown off.

He’s gotten ridiculous milage off the legs he doesn’t have anymore.

He’s like David Hogg, everything gets tied back to Parkland.

He’s the fucking David Hogg of IEDs.

He’s the final boss of wounded vet bro culture.

Thank you for your service, here’s your disability check, now please. for the love of God, have something else to say.

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