They want you dead. Doubt it at your own risk.

FOSTER CO., N.D. (KVRR) — The man charged with criminal vehicular homicide after a street dance Saturday in McHenry, North Dakota claims the victim was threatening him after a political dispute.

Court documents show 41-year-old Shannon Brandt told State Radio that he hit a pedestrian who he claimed was part of a Republican extremist group.

Brandt is accused of hitting 18-year-old Cayler Ellingson, of Grace City, with his SUV in an alley just before three a.m.

He claims Ellingson had called some people and was afraid they were coming to get him.

Brandt’s family along with Ellingson’s family showed up a short time after a first responder arrived on scene.

Ellingson was later pronounced dead at the hospital in Carrington.

Brandt had fled the scene and was arrested at home in Glenfield.

He was booked for DUI after testing above the legal limit to drive and has since been charged with two felony counts of criminal vehicular homicide and duty in accident involving death.

He is set to appear in court on October 11.

Suspect Claims Teen He Hit With His Vehicle Was After Him After A Political Dispute – KVRR Local News

More “Republican extremist” bodies to follow. Mark my words.

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Tuesday Tunes

There is a skill that everybody that carries and even those that don’t need to acquire.

Situational Awareness

My wife doesn’t have it at all. She has no ability to anticipate, to notice, to plan for what will happen.

On the other side there are the people that look at every trip into the city as a threat to their lives (I’m looking in a mirror) and plan for any possible event.

Situational awareness is more than pre planning. It is the ability to notice things and put together a gestalt that tells you “Here Be Dragons”.

Did you notice that little man sitting with his back to the wall sipping a drink? Did you notice that guy that is obviously right handed but never carries anything in his right hand? Did you notice that couple getting noisy in the back corner?

How about the two dudes that might not be friends with stiff bodies?

Did you notice the car that shouldn’t be on the street? Did you notice the van with the wrong public utilities symbol on it? Did you notice that the girl you are dancing with is to hot to be single?

Is she crazy? Is she trouble on two legs?

Or is she taken?

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The worst infrastructure spending decision imaginable

It is no secret to readers of this blog that I harbor an intense, burning hatred of Pete Buttigieg.

This whole administration is a fucking dumpster fire train wreck clown show of ineptitude, corruption, and virtue signaling.

This latest example is a travesty of Titanic proportion.

Biden administration announces first major step to fight America’s racist roads
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg announced a large grant that’ll be used to dismantle a highway built to destroy a Black community. And there’s more.

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg confirmed to The Associated Press on Thursday that $104.6 million in federal funds coming from last year’s bipartisan infrastructure bill will go toward a plan to dismantle Interstate 375, a highway built to bisect Detroit’s Black Bottom neighborhood and its epicenter of Black business, Paradise Valley.

The funds are being allocated to Detroit as part of a $1.5 billion grant program called Infrastructure for Rebuilding America, or INFRA, for states to move critical projects forward.

“This stretch of I-375 cuts like a gash through the neighborhood, one of many examples I have seen in communities across the country where a piece of infrastructure has become a barrier,” Buttigieg told the AP about the Detroit highway.

“With these funds, we’re now partnering with the state and the community to transform it into a road that will connect rather than divide,” he added.

A Bloomberg report on neighborhoods destroyed by racist highway construction noted the impact I-375 had on once-bustling Black Bottom, noting that “few traces of the neighborhood remain aside from historical markers.”

A feature on the neighborhood published in Grist noted that “the destruction of the epicenters of Detroit’s Black life started with the condemnation of housing through the National Housing Act of 1949,” which trapped Black people in cramped, low-quality housing. And Grist said the problem continued “when the city received even more funds through the National Highway Act in 1956.”

The very first expenditure of the much touted Biden infrastructure bill is to spend $104 million to eliminate a one-mile long spur of interstate in a dead section of a dying city.

A city in which one of the major employers, Ford, just cut 3,000 jobs making gas powered cars, because the Biden Administration is going balls deep into electric cars with batteries from China.


I bet the working class people of Detroit could find better ways to spend $104 million, but that wouldn’t allow Buttigieg to be a White Knight and fight racist roads.

It’s legitimately hard to figure out a more useless way of spending that money.

The one thing I do know is that at some point we will find out that the contractor that gets the job or the investors that own the surrounding land, or both, are big Hunter Biden art dealers or donors to Buttigieg’s husband’s charity, or some other corrupt as fuck shit.  I guarantee that.

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Add pepper spray to your EDC

I’m going to, once again, quote the great Robert A. Heinlein:

If you wanted to teach a baby a lesson, would you cuts its head off?’

Why . . . no, sir!’

Of course not. You’d paddle it. There can be circumstances when it’s just as foolish to hit an enemy with an H-Bomb as it would be to spank a baby with an ax. War is not violence and killing, pure and simple; war is controlled violence, for a purpose. The purpose of war is to support your government’s decisions by force. The purpose is never to kill the enemy just to be killing him . . . but to make him do what you want him to do. Not killing . . . but controlled and purposeful violence.

Self defense is force.  It is controlled violence.

The purpose of self defense is not political control, but to deter or prevent a criminal from using force against you.

Force comes in degrees.

We spend a lot of time talking about gun rights because guns are the ultimate form of force.  They dispense lethal force in a very abrupt way.

They are the ultimate in “stop doing that right the fuck right now” force.

But sometimes that is, pardon the pun, overkill.

Let us turn to a real world example.


This adult toddler is being annoying.

Then she escalates to violence.  Attempting to open the car door, attempting to rip off the side mirror.

It’s not necessary to shoot this person, nor would it be legal.

But clearly this person needs to have their behavior altered with controlled violence.

To me, this looks like a job for pepper spray.

A bit of temporary violence directed at this person’s olfactory glands should be sufficient to deter them from doing damage to the vehicle and dissuade them from continuing their tantrum.

Force comes in varying degrees and you should be equipped to dispense the necessary degree of force at the time.


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There is the saying that shows up over and over again “Not In My Back Yard”. This is the call of everybody that has to deal with something they don’t like showing up in their neighborhood. Be it a new gun store or a new Whole Foods store, somebody doesn’t want it there.

One of the greatest contribution to clean energy has been pipelines. The ability to move vast amounts of liquid long distances safely is wonderful. And ever pipeline built in my lifetime has had some large group of people screaming NIMBY!!!

The first time I heard and understood was with the Alaska Pipeline. Environmentalists were very concerned over the pipeline. It was going to destroy the tundra. It was going to damage the pristine Alaskan great outdoors. It was going to cause massive kills of the migratory herd animals.

It was Bad with a capital B!

The first thing that we found when we started using it is that the animals love it. There has been no negative outcomes from the pipeline amongst the herd animals nor in the hunters. They put in some underpasses along the way and the animals found and use them. Easy.

There was a huge concern about “what if there is a leak?” Well the pipeline is inspected constantly. If there are any signs of leakage it is dealt with as soon as it is spotted. The control systems can tell when the pipe starts to leak, even before any signs are noticed.

And here is the big one, IF there is a leak, it will be contained. We know where the pipeline is and it was built to contain spills. And if there is a spill, it is still much more likely to be small in comparison to other spills.

If you want to think about scary spills, just take a look at a freight train pulling 100+ tanker cars.

Each one of those tankers can hold up 31,000 gallons, or more. Derailments are much more common than pipeline leaks. Tankers hauled by trucks contain less but are even more likely to be in accidents.

The people yelling NIMBY don’t care. They run by emotion. One of my friends was talking about how horrible it was that the new county jail was built where it was. It was an eyesore. It was bringing down the value of homes around the jail.

Talking to her a few years later she was telling me how they couldn’t even tell the jail was there. It took about 5 years for the trees and shrubs to grow in. You can no longer see the jail from the road and you can only tell it is there if you know to look for the sign out by the road.

Some locals were protesting a pipeline carrying natural gas that could have come through our town. THey were very upset. Lots and lots of NIMBYs yelling. I was asked what I would do if that pipeline came through our yard? If it comes through our yard I don’t care. I’ll get paid for the damage done to the yard. It will grow back and I’ll get some small amount of income for a while. Not a big deal.

If it happened to come through my house I would be surprised. The people that build these things don’t want to have to pay thousands of dollars for a house they are going to destroy when they can just go past a few yards away.

Part of the problem NIMBYs have is that they have seen local government not care. If the plans call for that sewer line to go right through your new screened in three season porch they just do it. And you don’t get your money’s worth and what the pay for it. They normally aren’t willing to move that sewer line 5 foot that away to avoid your porch. And they will bluntly tell you that they had an easement that allows them to do so.

There is another type of NIMBY though. These are the people that are perfectly willing to tell you that you must accept “IT” in your backyard and showing how righteous they are because they would be perfectly willing to accept “IT” in their back yard. You are a horrible person for not wanting “IT” in your town. If you only had the good hearts they have you would just do it.

They can say these things because they never have to even think of “IT” showing up in their backyard. You saw this in the 70’s when the people that lived in DC set the federal speed limit at 55MPH. It really doesn’t make all that much difference in rush hour traffic if the speed limit is 55 or 75, it is still going to take them about the same amount of time to get to and from work.

They don’t care that when somebody is driving through the bad lands of the southwest that 20 MPH difference is the difference between a day trip and an overnight.

When the good people along our southern border complain about the hordes of illegal aliens coming across they are told they are horrible people. Ranchers talk about having to repair fences constantly, because the illegals are cutting them on a near nightly basis. They tell of having anything that isn’t nailed down stolen.

They only thing they hear from DC is “RACIST!!!” How hateful you must be to not be opening your homes to these tired and down trodden.

The Governors of Florida and Texas started sending illegals to sanctuary cities on the east coast and midwest. And the cries of NIMBY reached to the heavens.

For months people had been tracking government flights that were taking illegals to different parts of the country and pushing them into the local communities. Exposing these flights was “RACIST” and made those doing the exposing horrible people.

But a few busses into DC, NYC, Chicago and now Martha’s Vineyard and suddenly it is the bussing and flying that is horrible. Not the releasing those illegals into a community. It was just to much of a strain on the local communities. Chicago shipped theirs out to the ‘burbs. The people of Martha’s Vineyard had the governor call out the national guard to move the illegals off the island. Some 125 NG troops were used to remove 50 illegals.

There are a few of these sanctuary cities and towns around here. I don’t want illegals flooding the area, but it would be nice to see just one bus load show up at one of these enclave of elitist leftists…

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The long collective memory of Miami. Lessons learned.

Some days ago, the missus and I watched A Refuge of Last Resort (2019) about surviving the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans which was recommended by somebody online. In the documentary, some people talk about Hurricane Betsy (1965) and those who remembered what had happened were either prepared or left the town altogether. What was clear was that neither the majority of people nor the governments till Katrina did squat to prepare for another catastrophic cyclone.

On the other hand, South Florida learned the terrible lesson from Hurricane Andrew: building codes changed and there is a religious-like preparation mindset when it comes to hurricane season. Hell, you read plenty about it here in this blog. We had more strikes, none as bad as Andrew but still causing damage that was minimized by there preparations and thankfully we were back to normal as soon as we could.

But back to collective memory. I think I posted about an idiot a couple of years or more ago, trying to get access to our backyard pretending to be working for Florida Power and Light. He got all puffy when I denied access because he had raised several alarms with the way he was dressed, lack of ID and the vehicle not having the proper decals and paint scheme. I called the cops of his ass and to my amazement, the got there pretty fast which I attributed to being in the area close by. Long-short, it turned out to be a kid working for the cable company trying to access a distribution box which was not even in our property. Supervisor arrived, things got cleared and he was not arrested but given a very stringent warning about pulling stunts like that pretending to be working for FPL which the company frowns upon very much so and go out of the way to warn people with ads.

And I just may have found out why (July 28, 1977):

This was the first recorded Mass Murder in Miami Dade county’s history. And yes, there are still criminals everywhere trying to access homes pretending to be working for utilities and assorted government agencies, but the LEO response I saw that day may be explained by this sad event.

Anyway. just a bit of history that serves to remind us not to break the home perimeter unless is safe to do so.

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