The law of unintended consequences murders living history

It is impossible to fathom the depths of stupidity that reactionary politicians, especially Leftist politicians, can plumb.

Legal expert says groups are right to cancel historical reenactments over NY gun laws

A historical reenactment has been canceled over New York State’s new gun laws. Governor Hochul’s Office is responding saying these events can go on as planned, but a legal expert says not so fast.

A notice from a Montgomery County group called Fort Klock Historic Restoration says its ‘Raid on the Harvest’ event in St. Johnsville, NY is being canceled for the weekend of October 1, 2022 because of “New York State legislator gun laws which makes anyone who does not adhere to their rules a felon.”

The new gun laws were signed by Governor Kathy Hochul quickly after the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a New York State law that restricted concealed carry permits .The new state laws passed in response make it so that guns are not allowed in “sensitive locations” like public parks, in another effort by state leaders to limit where guns can be carried.

CBS 6’s Anne McCloy spoke to Albany Attorney Paul DerOhannesian who says that also applies to muskets that would be used in reenactments, even if real ammunition isn’t being used.

After the Bruen decision, the New York legislator and Governor Hochul decided that if the Supreme Court said New York had to issue gun permits, they were going to make the process as onerous and restrictive as possible, and make as much of New York a gun free zone as it could.

New York also considers antique muzzle loading black powder guns as firearms.

Consequently, a reenactment group with flintlocks in a state park is prohibited by this new law.

It does nothing to reduce crime but does stop children from learning about history and stops families from enjoying a fun and educational weekend.

(I love reenactments)

Of course this makes sense in a state that closed public schools, masked children, hunted down kids in private parochial schools, and shut down education for over a year due to COVID and then let criminals out of prison and encouraged riots.

New York has no desire to educate people or stop crime.  Shutting down reenactments is the sort of petty bullshit that Leftist revel in throwing their weight around.

My only hope is that this law is recognized to be so restrictive because of Bruen that the Supreme Court revisits the issue and strikes down a whole shitload of gun restrictions.  Generally the Supreme Court isn’t a fan of when politicians try to skirt around their decisions in such a way as to effectively nullify the decision.


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I’m not very good at this…

The amount of effort and work that Miguel and J.Kb put into this blog and continue to put into it is just amazing. I’ve tried blogging in the past, it lasted a week or so. Having to find something to write about is an effort. People that do multiple posts per day really are putting in a huge effort.

There are a few blogs that I attempt to read Daily. OldNFO has one. He posts once a day in general. It is always medium to long and worth a read. I read DiveMedics blog multiple times per day. He posts from 0 to 6 posts in a day. I like what he has to say and he does a good job of it. If there is a disagreement it is normally because I got it wrong.

He recently wrote about 13 do 50 which I’m told is “racist!!!” It seems he got called out in the comments so he came back with all the numbers. There went an entire post I was going to write. His is better. He pulled real numbers from real sources.

I also read McThag’s blog. I really wish I could have a collection like he has. He does some really good work.

Of course I read 90 Miles From Tyranny. Most of his postings are “culled from the headlines” but still nice to follow. Joe Huffman has The View From North Central Idaho. He only posts once a day most of the time. Still good read.

I’m also following “Guns and Gadgets” on YouTube as he puts out multiple videos per day about 2A happenings.

In addition to the blogs, I go through my news feeds three or four times a day looking for articles that spark something. Then I take a note and come back to it later to write something.

I write at least one post per day. That post goes out at 0630 Eastern Time. I’ve missed one or two but only because of a software glitch or pushing the wrong buttons. I’d like to be doing two or three in a day.

Here is part of my backlog of links that I marked as “interesting” but might not be any longer:
Newsweek: Lauren Boebert Reportedly Booed by Crowd, Clashes With Debate Moderator
The Boston Globe: At an old mill in Littleton, gun dealers openly defy Maura Healey’s assault weapon decrees
The Hill: Militia records and FOIA obfuscation: FBI edition
Fox News: Migrants bussed to sanctuary city Chicago are promptly shipped off to suburbs
Fox News: DC Mayor Muriel Bowser declares emergency over migrant buses from Texas, Arizona
WEAR: Rebekah Jones to stand trial on cyber security charges in January
CNET: Please Stop Calling It the ‘Doomsday Glacier’

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A lot of people need some kinetic impact dentistry

Every single God damn motherfucking son-of-a-bitch that has the motherfucking audacity to compare the DeSantis relocation of illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard to the relocation of Jews during the Holocaust and/or compared DeSantis to Hitler needs to have their fucking teeth kicked in.

I’m tired of the one sided political violence from the Left while the Left slander us by aligning us with the worst people in modern history.

There is no parallel between moving illegal immigrants to one of the wealthiest zip codes in the country and dragging families out of their homes in the middle of the night to march them into the woods to shoot them in the back and leave their bodies in unmarked mass graves.

Anyone who tries to make that parallel for political taking points should fear for the safety of their teeth from all good and decent people forever.

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One thing to remember on the shipping of migrants to Martha’s Vineyard

In the last 24 hours, the Right has been going all “YASSSS QUEEN” over Governor DeSantis sending a planeload of illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard.

For us on the Right, it makes perfect sense.

Republican border states are inundated with illegal immigrants who are causing crime, draining social services, and causing all sorts of problems that happen when you have hundreds of thousands and millions of people who do not have money, job skills, or even the ability to speak the common language, and cannot support themselves arrive in an area.

The Left loved to virtue signal about supporting migrants, how “no person is illegal,” and by declaring their cities sanctuary cities.”

They were excited to have the border open when the problem of the border being open was in Red border states where they didn’t live.

Then DeSantis started to ship illegals to Washington DC, New York City, and Chicago.  Then the mayors of those cities pushed back saying they didn’t have the resources to deal with these people.

Yesterday, DeSantis really dropped the big one by dropping illegal immigrants into the heart of wealthy, out-of-touch, Leftist stronghold territory in Martha’s Vineyard.

That seems like a great idea.



He forgot the most important factor in this equation.  One that a lot of people on the Right forget.

Leftists do not suffer from cognitive dissonance or guilt over hypocrisy.

Remember what cognitive dissonance is:

Cognitive dissonance is a term for the state of discomfort felt when two or more modes of thought contradict each other. The clashing cognitions may include ideas, beliefs, or the knowledge that one has behaved in a certain way.

Leftists do not get this state of discomfort.


When a “family values” Republican gets caught getting a blowjob from a rentboy at a gay bathhouse he retires in shame and goes and hides under a rock somewhere.

Our moral principles are such that we feel bad when we violate our moral principles.

Read Animal Farm.  That is a perfect insight into the mind of a Leftist.

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.

Leftists feel no cognitive dissonance or hypocrisy declaring themselves more equal than others when championing equality.

Bernie, Elizabeth Warren, AOC, and Obama are all for “making the rich pay their fair share” while being worth millions themselves.  They will exempt themselves at every turn.

Anti-gun politicians surround themselves with high walls and armed guards.

Politicians who called for defunding the police paid for increased police protection for themselves.

They literally came up with a new definition of “racism” to be “prejudice plus power” so they can say the most racist shit at white people and not claim to be racist.

This is how some minority Ivy League-educated, tenured professor, with a six-figure salary, a six-figure book deal, and a paid position as a contributor on MSNBC can pretend to be the victim of oppression while shitting on poor white people from middle America and claim they are “punching up” against powerful white supremacy.

Then they decided that Jews, the most oppressed minority in history, are powerful so it’s not racism to attack them while defending 1.3 billion Muslims in 57 nations with Islam as the state religion as poor oppressed minorities.

The Democrats hold the Presidency and both houses of Congress, the majority of the media, and all of social media and the entertainment industry, and believe that they are the scrappy underdogs.

The Left has artfully crafted a worldview that allows them to live in a world of contradicting facts and not for one moment feel like hypocrites or have the discomfort of cognitive dissonance

This stunt will not make them feel bad about themselves in any way.  It will only secure their knowledge that Republicans are doing this to be cruel to the illegals, cruel to the few working-class year-round residents of Martha’s Vineyard, and most of all, cruel to the poor Leftists who have empty summer homes on the island.

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Aleatory Ruminations for 9/19/2022

Martha’s Vineyard Migrants: Chamber of Commerce Declares ‘Humanitarian Crisis’ over Arrival of 50 Migrants | National Review

Since the cream of American Leadership and ultra rich lives or vacations there, it explains why this country is in effing debt.





I need to learn more about refillable credit cards. It seems we will have to used them for a while.


Just when you thought weirs shit only happened in Florida.



What is it with skunks and moving vehicles? I swear I have seen (and smelled) more dead skunks that all other animals combined. Is it that they are used to have bigger animals flee in terror they simply believe themselves invincible till they get splatted by the incoming metal beast?



Not a Glock hater, but this is funny and probably somewhat accurate.


OK, I am outta here. Gonna throw some freedom seeds downrage.

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Friday Feedback

And once again we are at the end of the week. We hope you have had a great week.

There are a couple of new belts that are on the list to try. Mine bites me under the dunlop which makes it uncomfortable for long term.

We saw the death of the queen this week. What narratives did you pick up from the US media? Was it different from the media outside of the US?

Having been declared a semi-fascist what symbols do you fly proudly to say “Fuck yes!”

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